View Full Version : Has anyone else had this its so annoying

26-09-07, 09:15
Hi i have been having a weird feeling in my jaw and tongue for the past 2 weeks and it wont go away my jaw feels tight and so does my tongue.

It is worrying me a little and i used to have panic attacks do you think this is me just being anxious and because im dwelling on it i feel it more?

My hubby started a new job 2 weeks ago and now he is working away from home 4 nights a week, do you think its has something to do with this? Please someone help as this feeling is awful its like im being strangled sometimes:weep: . Thanks love Julie xxxxx

26-09-07, 09:23
Hi There

I would say it's your anxiety. Changes make us more anxious and then when we get something wrong with us or feel anything different we tend to blow it up out of proportion.

I can understand your worry though and if it keeps on it wouldn't hurt to get it checked out even just to put your mind at rest.
But i'm sure you have nothing to worry about:hugs: :hugs:

26-09-07, 09:25
I get EXACTLY the same thing. Read my thread "TMJ problem (I hope)"
Basically this can happen if you've subconsciously been clenching your teeth out of anxiety or else, or gritting your teeth at night. Or even if you bite the inside of your cheeks.
Believe me I've read a lot about that recently. That's exactly what I'm getting at the moment (although I'm worried about something else)
You've probably been anxious about your hubby working away. Make sure you check to see if you clench your teeth, I caught myself doing it many times yesterday and I had never noticed I did it. I've tried to stop now to see if the symptoms lessen in a few days.

26-09-07, 09:27
Read this as well www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=23252 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=23252)

26-09-07, 09:31
And this http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=23263

26-09-07, 10:32
Thankyou for getting back to me, i do clench my teeth without thinking about it plus the more i dwell on the problem i feel it more and when im busy i dont feel it then i think to myself ive not felt it then it comes again if you know what i mean and true when i have a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend it goes away so i think i will have to stop thinking the worst eh lol thankyou again you 2 have helped a lot today thanks :hugs: :hugs: :D :flowers: :flowers: xxxxxxxxxx

26-09-07, 12:06
Ho my god it's the same for me, when I forget about it it seems to disappear. I'm glad you feel a bit more reassured.