View Full Version : Groin pain.

09-11-19, 11:04
Hi I’m wondering if anyone can give my any ideas. I’m not panicking I’m just getting mildly worried. For three months I have had a pain in my groin spreading out to top of leg. I am having physio which is doing nothing. But physio and dr say it’s muscular. It only hurts when I lift my leg to get into a car. Getting dressed. Going up stairs. If someone lifts my leg for me it doesn’t hurt only when I have to bear the weight myself. I’m not particularly active. But I do a lot of driving. It’s not going away and I’m starting to get concerned. Should I ask for a scan/mri? Mum died 3 months ago from a mis diagnosed cancer so you can see where my brain is starting to go. She had a bad back. And was told “just muscular” I won’t go into details as I don’t want to frighten anyone. Any ideas would greatly help. Thank you

18-01-20, 00:14
I am feeling the same thing right now. I move my left leg to right, to the left, out to the front and back. Lifting my leg to get in the car it really hurts. Its been about 3 weeks, and I see my doc in 4 weeks, as long as it doesnt get any worse, I guess I will wait for my appointment. I dont feel any bumps or lumps. It really does feel like a pulled muscle. Just wanted you to know your not alone.

19-01-20, 17:22
Groin strain. Can take ages to clear up. 3 weeks is nothing.

Why on earth would you ask for an MRI? Dr and physio have diagnosed it. Treat it and don't try and make something out of nothing