View Full Version : Hi Everyone

22-01-05, 17:35
I am a newbie here.
I am Sara and live in the UK. I hope to get to know you all soon.
I have OCD, and struggle with Agoraphobia and anxiety, as well as depression. I have agoraphobia as I have had previous issues with sudden migraines which means I am afraid to be away from home incase it happens.


22-01-05, 17:37
Hi Sara,

Welcome to the site. Hope we can help you .

How are your migraines controlled now ?

What treatment have you had for your anxiety which led to agoraphobia ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-01-05, 17:43
Hi Meg and Thank you for the welcome.

I am currently not on any medications - although I am supposed to be starting a med for a different health condition.

I was seeing a mental Health Nurse but was discharged from her. She dis not know much about OCD so was struggling to help me. I am currently awaiting an appointment to see a hospital specialist for the OCD. I haven't tried anything for migraine in a long time. I get very anxious taking new medications so struggle with them. I used to take Sertraline.


22-01-05, 17:54
So the migarines are infrequent enough for you to start tackling the agoraphobia.

How does your OCD present ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-01-05, 17:54
Hi Sara

Welcome to the site.

I hope we can give you good advice and support on here and help you get back on track.

Have you seen the website for OCD-UK - it is really good - http://www.ocduk.org/

Do you manage to get out atall?


22-01-05, 18:07
Hi Sara

Welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-01-05, 18:14
Hi Sara

Welcome to the site

There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.



22-01-05, 18:24
hi Sara,

Just wanted to say 'Welcome aboard'!!

Sarah :D

22-01-05, 18:37
Hi all and Thank you for youe welcomes.

The migraine is fairly infrequent - it is it's suddeness with viaulal disturbances that cause me to get afraid to go out or too far from home. I have to go out most days as I solo-parent and so I have to do school runs. It is a daily struggle.

The OCD shows itself in lots of forms. I mostly have scrupulosity but it also shows in ways of preparing food and other things. I have had it since I was 15.


22-01-05, 19:33

It is a shame that the migraines stop you going out. If they are so bad then maybe you should get some medication for them.

Have you even considered any help for the OCD atall - CBT for example. It may help.


22-01-05, 19:52

I used to get migraines and I took magnesium for them and they seemed to stop after a few months on it.

Could be worth a try.

Are they hormonal mine were, they are bloody awful though. Mine were triggered off by not getting enough sleep and being hungry. Do yours have a trigger.

22-01-05, 19:53
Welcome to the site sarah, hope u find plenty of help here take care. Vernon

22-01-05, 20:52
hi welcome im sure you will find the site really helpful

fan x

22-01-05, 22:15
Hi Sara

Welcome to the site hon.

Sorry to hear about the migranes, that can be hard alone let alone with other problems.

How does the ocd effect you?

Sounds like you have suffered quite a bit and i hope finding this site will give you all the support you need.

Take care.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

23-01-05, 14:22
Hi Sara

Welcome to the gang!

You'll find lots of help and support here

Take care

Elaine x

23-01-05, 14:55
Hi Sara

Welcome to the site
