View Full Version : SOS: low blood sugar or anxiety?

10-11-19, 02:30
Hello all!
Background: 23yr old female, I have a 10 month old son and fiancé who is pretty understanding of my mental disorder, busy hospital job and we just moved into our first home (tons of stress currently)
I have had health anxiety my entire life. I can remember being in grade school, crying to my mother that I had lymphoma because my lymph nodes were swollen. I have dealt with mental illness my entire life, and have been able to shake and deal with a lot of it. But, the one part of it I have never gotten over is salty anxiety. If it wasn’t lymphoma then it was a rain tumor, or MS, or a rare disorder. I always think the absolute worst when I have any kind of symptom. I have OCD as well, so I compulsively think about it. Sometimes work is hard to put on a face when I’m freaking out inside. I have bruises on my chest from rubbing it out of anxiety, I also pick at my nails ect. I am not currently on medication and cannot see my doctor until next month.
I have been dealing with some scary symptoms. They are even scarier for me because I work in the health setting so I understand a lot about the body. I have been having, what I think, are low blood sugars. During the day I will get faint or sweaty and freak out so I drink something sugary or eat and I feel better. These spells almost always leave me with a panic attack. Well, yesterday I woke up and almost passed out so I ate, I went to work and had to leave. We don’t have a sugar tester so I couldn’t check mine. I went to urgent care and my sugar was 78 ( pretty low after a sugary drink). It rose to 81 before I left, they did an orthodontic hypertension test on me which was positive. My blood values were examined from 6 months ago and my thyroid antibodies were double what they should be. Curse my doctor for never telling me!!! So, they advised me to go to the local ER to be examined and have blood taken ASAP.
Upon arrival, my sugar was 91. I had a bunch of blood taken, an EKG and they did a head CT (because I stated I was having dizzy spells). Well everything came back perfect they said, great numbers for my age. They couldn’t prove I had low blood sugar because I couldn’t actually test it but I know it was!! Because it improves by eating. My diagnosis? Anxiety. I left with a vistaril prescription and I was sleeping for the rest of the day because the meds knocked me out.
Anyone? Any advice? Anyone with low blood sugar?

10-11-19, 04:18
Anxiety and low blood don't got any connection

stay cool ma'am