View Full Version : Abscess down below. Anyone else?

17-10-19, 22:53

im freaking out a bit and can’t find much online. I’ve searched and I’ve found (I hate health anxiety) what feels like a tiny bump next to my clitirous. It’s not under the skin but on top right next to it by one of the folds. Nothing else like it in my genitals and not on the other side. It looks white and feels hard but it’s tiny. Probably the width of a pen tip. If I run my nail over it gently it catches on my nail. Feels also similar to a small skin tag or a tiny spot. It’s not a bartholin cyst as it’s too high up and not near the vaginal opening. It doesn’t hurt or itch. Anyone else has something similar?

Ive had lumps the size of peas come up before but always been sore and go down in a few days. This is different. I feel so worried again! X

17-10-19, 23:04
It’s flesh coloured with a tiny red dot on the top.

17-10-19, 23:07
Probably just a spot - see how it goes to be honest.

18-10-19, 00:53
It’s flesh coloured with a tiny red dot on the top.

I had a hard lump in the outer labia years ago, it got bigger, came to the surface and was a simple pimple!

18-10-19, 04:46
I used to get these a couple of times a year, they can be a bit sore but they're harmless.

18-10-19, 08:10
Mine is on the pink but further away from the hair. Sorry I’m not trying to be crude but it’s kind of underneath folds around the clitirous. I have to pull it all taught to find it as just looking you can’t see it, it’s bidden. I guess it could be a sweat gland or something blocked?

Im having counselling but I’m struggling not to sit there thinking about having half of my genitals removed. I know that sounds drmamtic but that’s health anxiety isn’t it. I wish I could post a pic even though I know that’s not a nice thought at all. X

18-10-19, 08:41
No offence, but making a photo of your privates publicly available on the web would be a very bad idea.

18-10-19, 09:08
Blueiris I completely agree and won’t be doing it don’t worry lol. I’m going to try and just put it to the back of my mind. I’m going away next week and I have to try and not let this ruin it. If it’s still there when I get home I’m going to make myself make a Drs appointment to get it checked. I’m really hoping she says it’s just a blocked gland or something non sinister. Who knows how long it’s been there as o really don’t tend to feel around in that area. I don’t use tampons and always use a flannel to wash so I wouldn’t feel it with out using my finger tips. X

20-10-19, 20:15
I’m really struggling tonight. My anxiety is really high.

Logic says its so tiny, maybe a two mm or so, it’s in a fold so likely a blocked gland (it is a sweaty moist area after all) . It’s not hurting or itchy. Vulva cancer is extremely rare in your thirties. It’s probabky a tiny cyst.

Anxiety says you've had lumps down there before but always big and painful, this isn’t. Cancer is normally hard and not painful, this pimple or whatever it is is hard and not painful. It’s in an area that vulva cancner is normally diagnosed in in most cases. 1 in 2 will get cancer, this is your cancer. You’re going to have your genitals chopped up. You can’t find any pictures or forum posts that are similar to yours. It’s not a hair follicle as no hair where the bump is.

The anxiety is winning. I’m trying so hard to be normal and logical. I really am. Why do I instantly think everything will end in cancer. I’ve been wrong every time so far. I hate feeling this way. I’m sorry I know it’s annoying listening to this over and over. I’m annoying myself but I feel so low again.

20-10-19, 20:38
Could it be a Fordyce Spot? If so, they are quite normal. I've had many which started in puberty and increased in number over the years.

20-10-19, 20:44
Could it be a Fordyce Spot? If so, they are quite normal. I've had many which started in puberty and increased in number over the years.

I have heard of them being down below and I have them around my lip edges and one or two will fill with puss regularly. I’ve just never had anything that feels like this down below before. On the picture I took of it enlarged it’s definitely growing out of the skin and not under the surface. It’s kind of skin/beige coloured. I wish I had just got a Drs appointment on Friday to have it looked at. Instead I tried to distract myself and ignore it. Now I’m away from home for a week. X

21-10-19, 21:19
Oh unicorn, take a deep breath! This tiny little dot is not a tumour!
A tumour would be hard like coral, discoloured, uneven and jagged in texture. And it would bleed very easily!

And IF (and that’s a big IF) it were the C word (which its not btw), being only 2mm, it would be in such an early stage that it’s ptobsbly even stage 0 (insitu) and 100% curable!

What you have deffo sounds like a fordyce spot. I get them too. They can be as small as 1mm and can be flesh coloured or red/purple/blue.
I get it though...I freaked out the first time I found one on my labia. I obsessed over it for days, constantly looking at it. Then I told myself to check it once a month, and if it changed in size AT ALL, I’d get it checked. It’s been 3 months now with no change! So I’m finally accepting it for what it is!
I hope you can find the same peace too!

22-10-19, 00:39
Do u take baths instead of showers? Mine was a blocked gland that the doctor said was common in people who bathe more often than shower or have a history of bathing more often. It sounds alot like what I have and I now know it’s nothing

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22-10-19, 08:49
Thank you both so much. My anxiety just makes me spiral. It is very small and like I say I can sort of flick it with my nail. Doesn’t hurt unless I scrape it etc. I do take baths a every day, I don’t like showers. Hopefully that’s the cause. I can see several little Fordyce Spots under the surface but this is the only one that’s grown out of the skin like a tiny lesion so much be clogged with oil then? I’ll try and calm myself down and just keep an eye that it doesn’t grow x

05-11-19, 14:34
I think I neee to get this checked out by the dr. I just can’t stop panicking it’s cancer. I think if it was under the skin i would think it was a cyst but it’s on top of the skin growing out of it. It’s not changed size since I found it and I have no idea how long it’s been. Can’t find anything that looks like it online which is making me panic more. I convinced myself it was a skin tag as it feels similar (although a tiny bit bigger) to the one in my armpit but when upi type in labia skin tag it seems to suggest they grow on the bit of the labia where hair grows. I can’t find anything which states they grow of the pink hairless part of the labia. I’m really scared.

05-11-19, 14:36
For what it's worth, I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about.

05-11-19, 14:39
Blueiris I know you said you’ve had these, did yours grow out of the skin? It’s the pretty much the same colour as the rest of the skin I just don’t get why it’s growing out of the skin. It’s so odd :weep: I’ve really tried to forget about as it doesn’t hurt at all but my anxiety over it keeps growing. My husband said it looks like a skin tag but I don’t know. I’ve also started to feel a bit sore and itchy on the opposite side of my labia but don’t know if it’s the anxiety causing that.

05-11-19, 14:44
Mine were definitely zits, sorry, but I do have a skin tag there. It worried me for a bit, but I've had it for well over fifteen years and nothing's ever come of it.

05-11-19, 14:48
Ok that’s reassuring to know as like I said google just seems to refer to them on bit of the labia with hair. Not the pink bit with no hair. It feels soft actually (I thought it was hard at first) it’s only a few mms and I have to pull the labia high up and to the side to feel it as it sits behind the small labia. So it is buried in folds of skin. I keep trying to be logical but my anxiety keeps saying it’s the start of vulva cancer as it’s more like a lesion than a cyst under the skin

05-11-19, 14:54
That's where mine is. It's sat there peaceably for well over a decade, and I've never felt the need to have a GP look at it.

05-11-19, 16:29
I’m new to the skin tag thing, the one in my armpit only developed over this past year. I do remember my dad had one about 1cm in length on his chest, it looked like a long balloon that had deflated. Almost tear dropped shaped. This seems same sort of thickness all along but round at the end. Problem is I’ve taken photos and magnified them so I guess I’m not seeing them like your normally would which has led me to over analyse it at length.

Thanks for responding and you've made me feel a bit better so thank you. I need to calm myself down x

05-11-19, 21:02
I have a couple of these tiny dots at any one time on my labia, they're milia and eventually pop out and a tiny white seedlike thing comes out then it's gone. I also have a skintag on my labia, looked at and diagnosed as harmless by a medical professional. It isn't like a face or neck skintag, it is flat rather than hanging and I would never have recognised it as a skintag myself but that's what it is.

It'a normal to get lumps and bumps in that part of the body, after all there are loads of sweat glands and hair folicles. Keep and eye on anything and don't feel embarrassed about getting them checked out but it's likely nothing. You wouldn't worry about a spot on your arm, would you?

05-11-19, 21:14
Thanks Sarah. Mine isn’t like a big wrinkly balloon like the images you see on google. It looks like a tiny few mm long flappy bit of skin but if I take a photo and zoom in it does look like a tiny balloon that’s not fully blown up. I don’t know but it’s stressing me out. I think it wouldn’t hurt to get it confirmed as a skin tag if that’s what it is. It is skin coloured and doesn’t hurt or itch. I just always think it’s cancer when I find something. I try so hard to be rational and I will be for a few days and then my brain says “what if it’s the start of cancer...”

05-11-19, 21:32
I’ve just for my husband to look again. First time he was admanant it looked like a skin tag and looked just like the one under my armpit. Now he’s saying it doesn’t look like a skin tag and it looks like “a nodule” whatever that means. Safe to say I’m really stressing out and feel close to tears. I’m just going to have to go to the drs and get it looked at.

06-11-19, 02:10
I have a couple of these tiny dots at any one time on my labia, they're milia and eventually pop out and a tiny white seedlike thing comes out then it's gone. I also have a skintag on my labia, looked at and diagnosed as harmless by a medical professional. It isn't like a face or neck skintag, it is flat rather than hanging and I would never have recognised it as a skintag myself but that's what it is.

It'a normal to get lumps and bumps in that part of the body, after all there are loads of sweat glands and hair folicles. Keep and eye on anything and don't feel embarrassed about getting them checked out but it's likely nothing. You wouldn't worry about a spot on your arm, would you?

I find that happens with some of my Fordyce Spots. It's the same as any spot where the stuff hardens up.

06-11-19, 02:59
Speaking as someone who has a black belt in Internet dermatology and has had a number of odd skin growths removed, I've learned some things:

1. Internet photos are of what I would call "textbook examples" of various conditions. In the real world there is a wide range of appearances of of these same things. This is why doctors go to med school, to see lots and lots of patients so they can identify more than the "classic" presentation you see in the textbook. This means that a skin tag can look like a lot of things, not just a big wrinkly balloon.

2. There is a wide range of benign skin growths and conditions that don't get any attention on Internet sites because they are harmless and boring. Only the scary stuff and the weird stuff gets Internet attention.

3. There is also a wide range of things that can happen with your skin that isn't even a condition or a growth, it's just skin doing weird things.

Have a doctor look at it, but don't fret about it. It sounds like it is something akin to a skin tag. I got something similar in the same general area and the derm said it was caused by wiping after using the bathroom - the motion was always pulling at the same area of skin. I had it removed, and it was fine.

06-11-19, 08:16
Thank you both. I’ve calmed myself down this morning, he’s now looked up skin tags on the net and is saying he thinks it ticks all the boxes. I think I just need to leave it alone for a few weeks (if I keep checking constantly I won’t actually really notice it’s grown) and see if it’s bigger in a few weeks. If not then it will more than likely be harmless.

Sparky you are right with all you say. I had a really blood shot eye just in the corner, it looked awful, when I googled it kept bringing up cancer of the eye, some looked exactly like mine. When I went to the dr she told me what it was and I never heard of that in any google search I did. It never came up. Mine was caused over Xmas by cooking lots of fatty foods in the oven and the steam hitting my eye ball when I opened the oven door and damaging it in the corner. I must try to remember this in future when the anxiety gets bad x

08-11-19, 13:19
Take a few deep breaths, Unicorn. I am absolutely terrible for spiralling just like this so I am perhaps not the best person to be doling out advice (or maybe I am)? but you will get through this, I promise you.

The skin tag on my vulva looks nothing like any skin tag you will see a photo of if you google but that's what it is, the doctor just looked at it and said right away it was
a skin tag and she also said how tiny it was (I had in my mind it was huge and hideous because had never actually seen it with me own eyes, obviously) and that I shouldn't worry. Of course anxiety being what it is, I soon moved onto something else to obsess about but at least I stopped worrying about that.

The amount of time I have wasted worrying about health stuff that has completely cleared up within a fortnight or turned out to be nothing is terrible and such a waste. I don't want to see anyone else doing that xx

10-11-19, 19:20

this is a bit gross but I’ve got an abscess at the bottom of my bum, it’s in the crack (don’t know technical name sorry lol). It’s definitely my bottom and not my vagina area. It started off pea sized, then grew and was very painful. I ran a hot bath and it popped on it’s own, went back to pea size.

I then a couple of days ago wore a pair of undies that were a little too snug. It’s come up so big (much bigger than the last time it came up) and painful now. I’m talking painful just gently touching it. No head, just a huge lump under the skin. You can feel the fluid under it and the skin feels very strechted and looks a bit shiny. I ran a really hot bath yesterday and tried to squeeze it. Nothing. I couldn’t have the water any hotter than I did. So i sterilised a needle and set up a mirror, through tears I put a hole in it, well I drained so much puss and blood I went through about half a toilet roll catching it all. It only reduced in size by about half so it’s still huge. I just couldn’t lay there any longer squeezing it, it was so incredibly painful.

So now its half the size but still very sore. I bathe every day and I am also washing it with a flannel and soap after any bowel movements, plus applying antiseptic cream to it. Is there any thing I can do to get rid of this? It’s really getting me down :weep: I think I’m getting these as I’m very overweight at the moment, must be the sweat and things rubbing together. I want to get back into walking again but I’m scared the sweating will make it worse. I think I probably need antibiotics but last time I had penicillin I had horrendously itchy breasts for a good week, I must of had a mild reaction. I’m also due on my period in the next few days and I’m concerned that too will make or worse. I can’t use tampons.

any advice would be greatly appreciated please x

10-11-19, 19:27
Thanks Sarah. It’s so hard not to spiral. I’m keeping myself busy and I’ve not touched it for a few days now. I know if I touch it every day and it is growing I won’t notice for a while. So I’m trying to leave it alone and check it in a week or two to see if it’s the same size. I’m really praying it’s just a skin tag, but the doubt creeps in and I start thinking it’s cancer and I’m ignoring it, I’ll end up dying because I left it too long. It’s so hard to be rational. I also keep thinking every concern so far has been benign so this probably is, but then my brain says what if this time it’s not benign. All the vulva cancer websites say to get any unexplained growths checked, that on its own freaked me out. I’m just really hoping it is a skin tag x

10-11-19, 19:28
Also I know I shouldn’t of popped it with a needle now, that was a bit silly really!

10-11-19, 19:35
It’s not a sebaceous cyst is it? I think maybe go and see GP,they might not necessarily give you antibiotics but if it is inflamed maybe for the best if they do, you can explain that you had reaction to penicillin and GP will prescribe you something else.

10-11-19, 19:50
It’s not a sebaceous cyst is it? I think maybe go and see GP,they might not necessarily give you antibiotics but if it is inflamed maybe for the best if they do, you can explain that you had reaction to penicillin and GP will prescribe you something else.

Probably, I have no idea. I had similar on my bikini line last year and that’s when I had the reaction to the antibiotics.

10-11-19, 19:51
I think you should see your GP as it probably needs medical treatment.

11-11-19, 05:12
It’s probably an ingrown hair...very common on bikini line if you wax or shave.

11-11-19, 05:20
It’s way more likely it’s a fordyce spot, skin tag or genital wart. All of which are benign and are very common. Get it checked out and put it to rest. Obsessing about it and speculation is only increasing your stress.

11-11-19, 08:23

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


11-11-19, 09:18
They are actually completely different issues entirely.

One is a skin tag like growth on my genitalia. The other is a huge painful abscess on my bottom. Hence why I made another post about the abcsess as it’s a completely different issue from the growth on my privates

14-11-19, 09:08
My abscess has shrunk significantly and it’s not really hurting, just itching a bit now. I’m putting sudacrem on it and keeping it clean and dry which seems to be helping.

Still worryinf about this growth thing on my privates though. My anxiety keeps making me worry about it and I’m trying to distract myself. I don’t think it’s got any bigger and I found it almost a month ago now x

14-11-19, 23:36
Are you gonna go get the growth checked out?

15-11-19, 08:05
Yes I am, going to go next week. It’s almost a month since I found it, I don’t believe it’s changed in size which is a good thing?? When I look at it with a mirror it’s a few mm flappy bit of skin. When I take a photo and enlarge it’s like a little balloon (long style ones) that’s only been blown up 1/4 of the way. I’m really hoping it’s just a skin tag. Still no pain or itching.

16-11-19, 05:25
I'm sure which ever of the three it is, it's benign. Let me know what happens.

16-11-19, 09:55
I'm sure which ever of the three it is, it's benign. Let me know what happens.

I really hope it’s not a wart (doesn’t really look like a wart from the pics I’ve seen of genital warts to be honest) as I’ve been with my husband for 15 years and I’ve never been unfaithful x

16-11-19, 09:56
I’ll update once I’ve been. Period has just started so will need to wait until that’s over now. Just going to try and keep busy x

16-11-19, 17:36
Even if it is a wart, they are very common and most go away on their own. They're very common because they're caused by HPV. Most adults have HPV (not the kind that causes cervical cancer).

16-11-19, 18:51
Is it still possible if we both haven’t slept with anyone else in 15 years?

16-11-19, 20:24
Well, yeah. You could've even gotten it the very first time either of you had sex. Most people have it their whole lives and never even get a wart.

16-11-19, 22:05
Just looked into this a bit more, it’s actually quite scary. I didn’t realise how long hpv can lay dormant or symptomless! I’m still not sure it’s wart like from the pics I’ve seen online and it’s softness plus the fact I can almost flick it suggests a skin tag, but then it’s also not a very common place for a skin tag. I just need to grow a pair and get it looked at once and for all. I’m terrified of going to the dr but if I don’t this will consume me for months!

17-11-19, 06:59
Yeah, I didn’t say that to scare you. Warts are harmless.

17-11-19, 07:43
Yeah, I didn’t say that to scare you. Warts are harmless.

i know you didn’t, but I didn’t realise so many strains of hpv and how long they stay in your system. Nasty viruses!

19-11-19, 09:28
I’m still on my period and still stressing about this. I have private medical insurance with the option to email a nurse directly. I’ve just sent a detailed email to them explaining about the growth thing. I know they can’t disgnose me online but I’m hoping she may be able to reassure me it’s not vulva cancer as my brain just keeps saying it is vulva cancer.

19-11-19, 12:26
The nurse has responded. She said from what I describe it’s

1. Skin tag
2. Vulval cyst
3. Genital wart

she said it’s doesn’t really fit the symptoms of vulval cancer!

Shes advised i get it looked at as soon as I can to ease my mind but I also think in case it’s a wart.

20-11-19, 02:53
If it's a wart, I think they just give you cream for it? Like they do warts on your finger.

20-11-19, 10:12
I haven’t been intimate with my husband since I found this thing. After speaking to the nurse yesterday I was a lot more relaxed so I was intimate with him. He said afterwards that he can actually feel it himself during foreplay and has felt there for a long time, anything from 2-3 years. As he never saw it as it’s hidden as such he never twigged when I showed him it, that it was what he’s been feeling for ages, but now he’s aware of it he knows it’s the same thing. I don’t know why when he felt it years ago he never said anything?! He said he first noticed it when I started gaining lots of weight, and skin tags increase the more over weight you are. So I’m going to put this to bed now. I don’t think it’s s wart, I think it’s a skin tag that’s been there for quite some time but for some reason my husband never said anything when it first came up. If it was a wart I would have more than one after a few years of being there. So I just need to move on from this now x

21-11-19, 03:21
I agree. Move on. Whichever it is, you're fine and it's harmless :)

24-11-19, 20:18
So another has come up, no idea when but it wasn’t there when I first found the other one. Looks very similar. It’s closer to the vaginal opening where the hair ends basically. I still can’t sse how they are warts if my husband is still admamnt he now realise the other has been there for years.

Ive looked st my vaginal opening and it doesn’t look normal. If I pull myself apart it looks raised on both sides of my vagina opening but much more on the other side and a darker pink than the rest of my vulva. I have those vestibular papillomatosis things in my privates anyway and it looks like on one side where it’s even more raised there are loads more thean the other side, so it looks like a gross bumpy flap of skin.

I just feel so scared!

24-11-19, 23:25
So instead of sitting around worrying about it, go get checked out by the gyno. No use putting yourself through this!

24-11-19, 23:33
I agree - go and see the doc and get it checked out

24-11-19, 23:47
I’ll phone my gp tomorrow.

Im so tired of this. Neatly 3 years of constantly panicking I’m dying of cancer. I’m having counselling and have been for about 1.5 years. It was working but since my costochondritis diagnoses (or prior with the breast pain I was getting from it) I’m just set back so much. If I’m lucky enough for this to be benign I just know I’ll find something else. It’s all I ever do!

25-11-19, 02:09
Maybe it's time to add something to your counseling. For a lot of us, counseling alone doesn't cut it. Meds, lifestyle changes like better diet and exercise, yoga, journaling, new hobbies, etc. help a lot of people with their anxiety in combination with counseling.

25-11-19, 09:04
I’ve been throwing myself into my hobbies and trying to keep busy. Been eating better too and really want to get back into the walking but I still have this boil which gets bigger every time I do something sweaty.

Ive got an appointment at 10.50 this morning, I’m really panicking and keep crying. My daughter whacked the car door into her leg this morning, she’s only 6. She wasn’t limping but it clearly upset her so I’ve had to leave her at school. I keep panicking she’s really hurt herself and I feel so bad.

Its all too much this morning :weep:

25-11-19, 13:08
Just an update. Dr said both are skin tags. First one I found I had to show her but she said it’s a skin tag and second one she said is on the vaginal line, but she said they are much more common there. She said the vaginal one may change in size as it’s a high friction area. Moving about, sex etc can make them get bigger but she said they can also shrink a little. She was able to recognise the vestibular papillomatosis which a lot of Drs mistaken for warts, so she clearly knew her stuff. Looked at my vaginal area and all over my labia and said it all looked normal and nothing of concern. Was a little saw when she was poking about my vaginal entrance but I was very tense and nervous so not going to read too much into that. I feel very drained emotionally but I’m going to put it to bed. My husband said he will keep an eye on them once a month to make sure nothing has changed size etc. She also looked at the cyst but said it doesn’t need antibiotics and to have salt baths to draw it out. Just need to put this to bed now! Thanks to everyone that has supported me. Much appreciated.

25-11-19, 19:24
Score: Vee 1, HA 0 :yesyes:

Glad you're okay :)