View Full Version : Cancer worry. Pain behind ear, groin, forearm and armpit. All left side.

10-11-19, 22:38
Totally freaking out now. 2 months of pain in those places, i cant tell if any of my nodes are swollen or a lump. Had 3 blood tests (including 3 seperate inflammation tests), two chest xrays, echocardiogram and all came back clear. Feels like a pulling pain comes and goes. Also have been feeling ill, and now have a chest infection and ear pain. Any ideas? Doc isnt concerned. But I am. I do have a referral to surgery as my doc said "im not familiar enough to know if your nodes are swollen".

10-11-19, 23:19
I don’t have any advice as to what may be wrong. But I hope you get some answers and relief soon! I am too suffering with cancer fears and I don’t wish it on anyone. It is truly deliberating. The fact that your doctor is not concerned is a good thing!

10-11-19, 23:20
Im honestly not sure. I cant tell, neither could my general doctor. :(

10-11-19, 23:23
And I agree, its truly ruining my life.

10-11-19, 23:25
[QUOTE=BetterDaysAhead;1906195]Im honestly not sure. I cant tell, neither could my general doctor. :([/QUOTE

My worries started with my lymph nodes, I have 2 on the right side. They’ve been up for 2 months now that I know of, I even had an ultrasound done on them which concluded they were but my worry some health anxiety mind can’t accept that especially since I had a nose sore that’s lingering.

Do you have appointment set up from the referral?

10-11-19, 23:27
And I agree, its truly ruining my life.

I have some huge life issues going on right now (not health related) and I should be worried about those things over this but the HA has taken over that I literally don’t even care about my other problems.

10-11-19, 23:34
also you had all those tests and they were clear so that’s a great sign!

10-11-19, 23:56
Im setting up appt for next week. I feel for you, crazy that there are people suffering like me. I really hope things change for us. I had some really big positive changes in my life, that were compmetely overshadowed by this stuff. Others have noticed.

Yes the tests were clear, but the tests didnt clear me of the more sinister possibilities. But I am trying to see the positive.

So your nodes were raised? What did they conclude about that?

11-11-19, 01:13
Im setting up appt for next week. I feel for you, crazy that there are people suffering like me. I really hope things change for us. I had some really big positive changes in my life, that were compmetely overshadowed by this stuff. Others have noticed.

Yes the tests were clear, but the tests didnt clear me of the more sinister possibilities. But I am trying to see the positive.

So your nodes were raised? What did they conclude about that?

They’re still raised, they haven’t changed in the 2 months since I noticed, I can’t stop touching them at this point so I don’t think they’re leaving. I broke down and went to the ER where i basically begged for the ultrasound. They didn’t even go over the results just said they’re normal swollen lymph nodes which left me uneasy. Then I remember I’ve had this nose sore that was bigger than now so it’s defiantly healed some but hasn’t gone away so I keep thinking everything is adding up. I have an ENT appt on the 25th to check the nodes. However I’m probably going to urgent care this week over the nose sore. I’ve been having a ton of sinus issues too. It’s such a viscous cycle.

11-11-19, 02:50
They’re still raised, they haven’t changed in the 2 months since I noticed, I can’t stop touching them at this point so I don’t think they’re leaving. I broke down and went to the ER where i basically begged for the ultrasound. They didn’t even go over the results just said they’re normal swollen lymph nodes which left me uneasy. Then I remember I’ve had this nose sore that was bigger than now so it’s defiantly healed some but hasn’t gone away so I keep thinking everything is adding up. I have an ENT appt on the 25th to check the nodes. However I’m probably going to urgent care this week over the nose sore. I’ve been having a ton of sinus issues too. It’s such a viscous cycle.

I wish you the very best. You had an ultrasound of the nodes so thats a great sign! I have a lot of sinus infections, maybe because of my deviated septum. Horrible cycle for you, Im sorry to hear that. Soon you will be relieved, it shall pass.

I feel like so much less of a person to have such an anxiety. Its embarrassing to me. Im strong and confident on the outside, people would be shocked to know I am this way.

11-11-19, 03:25
I wish you the very best. You had an ultrasound of the nodes so thats a great sign! I have a lot of sinus infections, maybe because of my deviated septum. Horrible cycle for you, Im sorry to hear that. Soon you will be relieved, it shall pass.

I feel like so much less of a person to have such an anxiety. Its embarrassing to me. Im strong and confident on the outside, people would be shocked to know I am this way.

Thank you! And yes I agree it’s embarrassing, also “normal” people simply don’t understand and think we’re being ridiculous or over thinking but to us it’s very real. My family tries to help but gets overwhelmed. I was worried about MS years ago, thinking now I’d much rather worry about that than cancer!

11-11-19, 15:59
Thank you! And yes I agree it’s embarrassing, also “normal” people simply don’t understand and think we’re being ridiculous or over thinking but to us it’s very real. My family tries to help but gets overwhelmed. I was worried about MS years ago, thinking now I’d much rather worry about that than cancer!

Yeah my family has always been great, but I now keep this hidden. Its too much to put on anyone else. I cant believe how this has taken over me. I literally got a new dream job recently (a 40k pay raise) and I didnt even smile or celebrate. I just focus on the fact that I have symptoms and no diagnosis. Im not even me anymore. Its like Im already dead.

12-11-19, 01:27
Yeah my family has always been great, but I now keep this hidden. Its too much to put on anyone else. I cant believe how this has taken over me. I literally got a new dream job recently (a 40k pay raise) and I didnt even smile or celebrate. I just focus on the fact that I have symptoms and no diagnosis. Im not even me anymore. Its like Im already dead.

That is awesome about your new job and pay raise! It’s so sad we can’t enjoy things! I’ve had bouts of HA over the years but this has been the worse one yet and I haven’t felt myself in over 2 months. One thing for me, I get so jealous of people in public. like I look at other people and envy them because they probably don’t feel this way. Even though I know everything has their own battles but you get what I’m saying.

13-11-19, 22:54
Take that money, find the best therapist in your area and schedule an appointment.