View Full Version : Cancer fears + symptoms

10-11-19, 23:57
Hi! First time poster here. Needing some happy thoughts...

Let me just start by saying, I know that everyone is different and that reassurance can’t really be given because not all of us are in the medical field. However I was hoping to put all my symptoms down in the hopes that maybe someone had a similar experience or some additional insight/opinions. Sorry in advance, this is long winded.

A little background. I’m a 33yr old female, mom of two (3 and 1). Since becoming a mom, my anxiety has gone through the roof and usually presents as health anxieties. After my first child, I was certain I had colon cancer due to symptoms ended up having a sigmoidoscopy. All was fine and biopsies were clear. Doctors said it was anxiety/IBS.

Fast forward two years...

In August, I noticed a faint ache in my lower left abdominal. It was never extremely painful but more just annoying. It never hindered my day to day. I chalked it up to the IBS knowing that anxiety had been worse lately.

In September, the ache was still there and I started to notice this dull gnawing sensation in my upper left abdominal (near my ribs). I noticed when I pushed on it, it would ache and then I’d burp so I assumed trapped gas and then it was gone. I also started to notice some lower back ache, left side under ribs near flank.

In October, all the symptoms had gone on long enough (never becoming severe but just slightly uncomfortable) that I decided to finally make a Dr. appt. I didn’t want to unnecessarily make one prior in the hope that what I thought was the IBS would clear up on its own.

The doctor suspected IBS or maybe a small ulcer but ordered blood work to check organ functions. She also encouraged to start using Prozac for the anxiety which I had been putting off for as long as I could.

Bloodwork came back mostly normal except for my lipase coming in just above the upper limit. My doctor asked to retest and yet again both can in slightly elevated. (Lipase upper limit was 51, test 1- was 54, test 2 - was 82).

This is when my anxiety really started to kick in. All the sudden I’m so anxious that I have pancreatic cancer. She’s ordered a CT scan which happens this Wednesday and then an upper endoscopy. She has reiterated that she’s not worried.

However since the initial appt, I began Prozac and feel like it’s exacerbated my symptoms. I now have the abdominal and back ache, some indigestion, sometimes yellow stools, etc. I can’t decipher what are side effects from
the meds vs what are actual pain symptoms. Im still waiting for the positive side effects from the Prozac and hopefully will feel some soon.

Has anyone ever experienced a similar situation?

Thanks in advance!

11-11-19, 00:03
I forgot to mention that I do not smoke, occasionally have a drink (a couple times a month, maybe), but am considered “overweight” for my height.

11-11-19, 02:22
Hi , I'm older but also have (or had an elevated lipase 71) our levels in NZ are (16-67) and also a slighty elevated ALT liver level and B12. My Dr ordered an ultrasound scan and all the organs were fine.

I do have some autoimmune issues, which are likely responsible for this. I had stomach issues and IBS but since eating gluten free, my stomach and bowel issues have been much better and my bowel motions are darker.

I've read that being Celiac can cause raised levels of lipase and ALT liver levels so this would be worth looking into.

When I get stomach trouble my bowel motions can be lighter (tan/yellow and even float) due to the speed they travel through my system ie it makes me go a lot.

Your Lipase levels are only slightly raised so it's very unlikely you have anything serious going on. It's possible you may have a grumbling pancreatitis but this is a benign condition. Gall bladder issues can also cause raised lipase levels.

Let us know how your scan goes.

11-11-19, 13:49
Thank you so much WiseMonkey! I actually read your post about your Lipase levels/scan and it provided some comfort. I’m thankful that everything turned out to be just fine for you. I’m hoping for the same out come.

Gallbladder & gallstones have been a idea that’s been tossed around, and I’d happily have my gallbladder out if it fixes the issue. I’m hoping it’s all referred pain on the left side and it could be the root cause of the ache. Fingers crossed! I’ll keep you posted.

16-11-19, 22:48
Thank you so much WiseMonkey! I actually read your post about your Lipase levels/scan and it provided some comfort. I’m thankful that everything turned out to be just fine for you. I’m hoping for the same out come.

Gallbladder & gallstones have been a idea that’s been tossed around, and I’d happily have my gallbladder out if it fixes the issue. I’m hoping it’s all referred pain on the left side and it could be the root cause of the ache. Fingers crossed! I’ll keep you posted.

Let us know when you have had your CT scan. My repeat Lipase has risen a bit from 71 to 76. My Dr suggested that I could have a referral to see a gastro (considering my autoimmune issues), so that's what I'll do.