View Full Version : Can ADs make you feel physically unwell or is it just the stress?

11-11-19, 02:51
hi Is it normal to feel physically off colour as well as mentally unwell in the early stages of taking citalopram? I am 6 weeks in, 4 weeks on 20mg and my anxiety has slightly eased but I just don’t feel well - headachy, achy, really fatigued, bit breathless and generally off colour. Has anyone else felt like this? Worried it might be something else going on.

11-11-19, 04:46
The fatigue is the only side effect I've had with citalopram that hasn't really shifted completely. In the early days I definitely had nausea issues, though, plus I spent a couple of days after starting/increasing my dose feeling completely stoned.

11-11-19, 04:51
Yes I remember the fatigue from last time. It did go away eventually. Also found an email that I wrote last time that said I had all these symptoms then too. In the early months did you get a few hours/days when you felt a bit better and then the anxiety came right back for a bit? Felt a bit better over the weekend but had a crash this afternoon with the waves of anxiety back again - even though I wasn’t thinking any anxious thoughts at the time

11-11-19, 07:01
Yes, definitely. Crashes still happen, but that's why it's important to use the strategies you learn at therapy. I'm having a few low days myself right now, and this is where the meditation and the thought exercises come in.

11-11-19, 07:55
Yes I remember the fatigue from last time. It did go away eventually. Also found an email that I wrote last time that said I had all these symptoms then too. In the early months did you get a few hours/days when you felt a bit better and then the anxiety came right back for a bit? Felt a bit better over the weekend but had a crash this afternoon with the waves of anxiety back again - even though I wasn’t thinking any anxious thoughts at the time

Yes, that happened to me frequently in the early days - I'd have a few OK days then I would go back to feeling awful again.

11-11-19, 08:56
Hi Windywel
i m on day 7 10 mg and feel constantly tired, I had bad insomnia first 3 nights but that is slowly getting better. But feel really groggy through the day. My stomach is still off too.