View Full Version : gerd/reflux and breathing issues

11-11-19, 12:58
Hi all
Does anyone here who suffers with reflux get a weird jolting feeling when laying down? Its always like a gasp for breath and like a palpitation feeling? Very hard to explain. I did wake up with a burning feeling in my throat aswell

11-11-19, 17:20
I put that jolting down to anxiety and not reflux.

Clydesdale Epona
11-11-19, 18:51
Through treatment and managing my gerd and stress i do think it is down to anxiety and not acid reflux.

I get it on very weird occasions it can happen whenever and it just thumps causing me to almost gasp for air sometimes. Scary but nothing to worry about, i would say it is more down to anxiety

bin tenn
12-11-19, 03:12
Almost like a hiccup? If so, that can indeed be triggered by GERD, because of trapped gas and such. My dad used to get it all the time (had terrible GERD) and I get it occasionally as well. The irritation caused by acid can trigger spasms of muscles from the throat all the way down to the stomach, and that spasm explains what you're asking about (if it's what I think it is).