View Full Version : Songs permanently stuck in my head

11-11-19, 15:39

Been having a tough year for HA in 2019. All started in April with dizziness and some other weird symptoms leading me to believe I had a brain tumour. It got so bad I ended up in the local hospitals mental health assessment unit for 48hrs, a hellish experience that I do not recommend.

Anyway long story short, I ended up getting a CT scan at the end of June and was told my brain looked brilliant and to stop wishing bad luck on myself...?! Ive since been referred for CBT which I am 4 sessions into and been given mirtazipine to help.

Since that last scare I've had a few stumbles plus a major bowel cancer HA scare that has only recently dissapated. My worry now is I have constant songs stuck in my head permanently from the moment I wake till the moment I sleep. If im distracted it isnt there but the moment I stop doing whatever it is I was doing then its back with a vengeance. Its the same 4-5 songs permanently but also I get the last song I hear stuck for a bit too then it reverts back to the original 4-5. Ive got young kids so currently its Bitz and Bobz from Cbeebies pounding round my skull. Its been a week now of constant song snippets pounding in my head and driving me to despair and im coming full circle back to the brain tumour fear or a metastatic cancer thats spread to my brain from my bowels.

Is this normal or is this something to be worried about? Is it ever going to get better...!!!? Sigh, im so fed up. Just want my life back.


11-11-19, 15:56
I promise you, this is completely and utterly normal. I have it constantly, and I believe my husband is in the same position.

When it's a particularly annoying song, we quote it to one another to share the misery ;)

11-11-19, 16:20
Thanks blue, that makes me feel a bit better. I guess I've always had earworms but they have never ever been this persistent. Im trying to put it down to it being anxiety this time and thats why it wont go but my mind has a habit of wandering to the more sinister reasons despite having no other symptoms.

I'm just in a real HA rut and want just a day of feeling normal! Just one day.

11-11-19, 16:23
It takes work. Earworms aren't the hill to die on, though. I've sometimes had the same snatch of song stuck in my head for up to a couple of months.

Are you getting help with your anxiety right now?

11-11-19, 16:26
No you are right, they really aren't. I'm just at a low again so they have become all consuming and that monster in my head is creating another brain tumour storm.

Yeah, ive got my 5th session of CBT on Thursday and my GP upped my mirtazipine today. Its not a particuarly nice drug to take but shes adamant I need to persevere with it as I crumbled when we tried to to wean me off a few weeks ago when I thought, god forbid, I was doing better.

I'm a work in progress I guess but man is it tough!

11-11-19, 16:58
It's incredibly tough, yes. It's also not your fault, so don't beat yourself up over it.

You'll get back to yourself eventually, I promise.

11-11-19, 17:41
Perfectly normal, I think.

I've had Waffle the Wonder Dog (CBeebies) theme song going round in my noggin for weeks.

11-11-19, 18:27
Funny... this post came up the same day that news story about a 63yo British woman who's had "How much is that doggy in the window?" playing in her head for the last three years. From what I read, it's a psychological phenomenon associated with her reaction to developing tinnitus, commonly known as "musical hallucinations" or "earworm". Must be a BIG worm! ;)

Positive thoughts

14-11-19, 18:59
I've got two under fives and am always having this problem lol

14-11-19, 21:20
I suggest you start singing them out loud, it will brighten you life and the lives around you. Music is a great mood lifter.

The song in my head today is Pink's, Please don't leave me, while not a happy song, it made my coworkers smile what I sang that to them which made us all smile.

Seriously, get out of your head

17-11-19, 20:55
I have this same issue! Wake up with a song in my head every day! Then during the day the songs change its so annoying.

18-11-19, 01:59
I have this same issue! Wake up with a song in my head every day! Then during the day the songs change its so annoying.

Maybe it's a blessing.. sing out loud

18-11-19, 09:24
I have been trying to sing :roflmao:My daughter keeps playing that song Dance Monkey,it’s stuck in my head.:D

18-11-19, 14:13
Thanks for everyones replies, its clearly an anxiety thing as I've now moved back to worrying about bowel cancer (my doc giving me a FIT test to do hasn't helped) and unsurprisingly the songs are under much more control while I waste my time worrying about why I have a FIT test to do despite my doctor saying she isn't concerned. Sigh.

18-11-19, 15:27
Sadly, anxiety is like that... jumps from one thing to another to get the response it's looking for.

My mother called it ... a devil