View Full Version : petition for mental health

11-11-19, 19:46
this came up on my email, thought people might like to support it.

12-11-19, 19:04
Thanks for the heads up :)
I signed it, I definitely think more attention needs to be paid to mental health by the NHS. There are probably better ways to do it that that but its still an important step forward.

12-11-19, 19:36
It seems that this will be part of the manifesto of all the main parties however we have seen very little of the money that was promised recently making any in roads into the lack of parity between physical and mental health.

12-11-19, 20:47
Yes, I think from my experience it got actually worse, these days it’s so difficult just to get an appointment to see my GP all I get is text message, I find it so frustrating because nobody has the time to talk to you about meds or anything. I know they understaffed and underpaid , but still...

13-11-19, 05:07
Signed. Some of these petitions are helpful in adding pressure on the government so it's always worth trying. This one is obviously more of an overhaul but they have trialled nurses with police in some areas and found it freed up services so why not? That's money saved in another area. And one I remember signing sometime ago was asking for a dedicated minister for suicide prevention which the government, Theresa May at the time, quickly responded to in adding the role.

13-11-19, 16:38
Can't well all bang our heads together and produce a manifesto for change? I'm sure with all the experiences we've all had over the years with the NHS we can put together a strong campaign for change. I'll happily develop and design the web page.


It has a ring to it. The domain is available too.

Petitions are a waste of time. It needs to be in black and white, in an easy to digest format, that clearly points out the failings, and proposals for change. And of course a link back to NMP - "If you suffer with mental health problems and would like some friendly support and advice come join us at NoMorePanic.co.uk" :D

13-11-19, 16:51
I had a great idea I called RESPITE ...

The idea is to have safe places for people with mental health problems to voluntarily admit themselves for a short period of respite. To escape the hell of life during periods of distress.

The safe place would be a large home. Ideally one in every city, but more would be needed due to the high levels mental health in society. The home would focus on supporting people through periods of mental health using group activities, talking therapy, team work, and other exercises and activities that help people escape the dark mindset, share their experience, and lift a weight off their shoulders.

Stays would be short, but focused. It's not a mental health hospital. It's a place to release tension, relax, and work together with others who are struggling but want to get well again. Ideally there would be volunteers who have some experience working in mental health, or at least be able to attend training courses to help volunteers get involved.

The problem is funding.

13-11-19, 19:12
Well that sounds like awesome idea, but like you say , where would the funding come from. I think it would have to have some big exposure in media to maybe find sponsors. I think it would be a huge task to undertake .

13-11-19, 20:15
Well that sounds like awesome idea, but like you say , where would the funding come from. I think it would have to have some big exposure in media to maybe find sponsors. I think it would be a huge task to undertake .

It would be a mammoth task and not something that could be prepared alone. But, I believe change can happen ... with some hard work.