View Full Version : Blood Clot/DVT worry causing anxiety

11-11-19, 20:19
Hey everyone,

I'm 28 and on the contraceptive pill. I was completely housebound for 8 years and over the last 2 I have been slowly going out again and trying to conquer it. I deal with anxiety and panic attacks.
I decided to join uni this year and I have been quite anxious due to this new situation.
Over the last 2 and a half weeks I have had pain behind my knee and in my calf, to the point I am getting leg weakness. It feels very tight and also have had feelings of squeezing. No swelling though. It has been making me incredibly anxious at uni. My foot also has had some numbness and pins and needles a few times. I went to my GP today and just said there's no swelling so didn't think there was much to worry about but to book a D Dimer blood test so am going in a week.

This hasn't put my mind at ease at all and it's making me so anxious I am getting to anxious to go to uni this week. It doesn't help I'm getting the leg weakness too.
Due to being anxious about this I have googled stupidly and found horror stories of dvt without swelling.

I am really worrying and it's really affecting my general anxiety levels.

11-11-19, 23:08
Your symptoms really dont sound like a DVT and your dr doesn't seem to think they are either. He/she is erring on the side of caution by ordering the D-dimer which is good as once you have it done you will know either way. The D-dimer is a pretty non specific test but effective at ruling out blood clots and so if its negative this should put your mind at ease.

Oh and DON'T Google your symptoms. If you need medical advice contact your dr or call the ask a nurse line. All you will gain by looking up symptoms is needless worry.

13-11-19, 10:52
Thank you for your reply, I have just worried myself so much with it and being in a new situation at uni I'm in a rather anxious state. I just need to try not to focus on my leg pain so much I wish it'd just go as it's been about 3 weeks now.
I used to google my symptoms all the time when I was housebound but have got better with it during the time I was focusing on recovery, I think being so anxious with starting uni I have slipped back into old habits and have been googling which I know is a silly idea!
Thank you again