View Full Version : swollen lymph node

12-11-19, 06:04
i need some advice before i start googling off the deep end.

for the past couple of days i've been dealing with a sudden cold (or fever) and my symptoms have been a sore throat, general aches, dizziness, and feeling unwell. i know lymph nodes swell when you're sick, but this one is swollen REALLY big. i can feel it definitely and even see where it's swollen if i look in the mirror, and it's only on one side.

i don't want to touch and prod at it too much, but it feels uncomfortable when i press against it and is squishy. its definitely bigger than just pea-sized and im not just pretending it's swollen, and i'm not sure if this is normal for lymph nodes that swell up when someone's sick. wouldn't both lymph nodes on the sides of my neck swell up if this were the case? and why would this one be so big?

i'm not panicking just yet since i'm still suffering from a sore throat (i haven't eaten a thing yet today because of how much it hurts to swallow,) but i can't find anything that relates to my experience without it being sinister. and i don't want to google too much and set myself off into a full-blown panic. just need some advice and see if this has happened to others as well.

12-11-19, 09:43
Yes it's normal to get swollen lymphnodes (even the size you describe) when your sick especially when you have a sore throat and no it doesn't need to be both sides in order for it to be a normal case of swollen lymphnodes due to some sort of virus..

You are sick and so this clearly explains the reason for your swollen node/nodes. You have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. It's a normal reaction to your body doing its job defending and trying to keep the invaders confined to one area.

I can tell you there is a nasty virus making it's way around. I thought maybe it was just my area but a lot of my friends that live in other states are dealing with it as well. My 5 year old no doubt caught it from school, brought it home and since she loves us all so much she shared it 😉 everyone in my house has been sick for the last week and a half. Its stubborn thats for sure. My 5 year olds cough sounds downright scary but the dr says her lungs were good on xray.

bin tenn
13-11-19, 02:17
I agree with Careful1 completely. Don't poke and prod, or it will take the lymph node more time to heal. Could even leave it permanently enlarged if you mess with it a lot. Lots of sickness where I live, too. We had a cold last week, then two people in the house had a 24hr stomach bug yesterday. Lots of people I know, near and far, have been getting those as well.

13-11-19, 19:20
thank you two for the the advice and helping me think about stuff more rationally. i actually have an update.

i thought my sore throat was getting better, but woke up today and saw my uvula and tonsils were super swollen. i could hardly talk right just because of how big they got. had to call in from work and went to urgent care since i suspected it was strep throat. unfortunately they were out of the strep testing kits (i need to see if it's been going around where i live) but the doctor there took one look and even checked my swollen lymph node issue and was pretty sure it was strep.

got prescribed some prednisone and amoxicillin. i haven't ever had to take big duty pills before so i'm a little nervous but hopefully i'll get some relief soon!