View Full Version : Neck stiffness and pain

12-11-19, 16:04
Does anyone else get a very stiff, sore neck? It's really getting me down

13-11-19, 15:47
I suffer with neck pain a lot. Had a couple of injuries but it started before then. Think mine is postural related. Doesn't help sitting at a desk all day. Maybe see a physio who could help with exercises for stretching and strengthening?

13-11-19, 17:43
I do, especially if I sleep in a really poor position. Like Adam, working at a desk where I don't always have the best posture doesn't help either. I'd love to see a chiropractor and might make an appointment within the next month to see if it helps.

13-11-19, 17:56
Oh yeah to add I have seen a chiropractor a couple of times but they are expensive and get the impression they are often after your money. I had an x ray done and he showed how out of line my spine was but to be honest a lot of people's will be like this. He has done a couple of 'adjustments' since where he basically cracks your neck and back. It actually provides instant relief but its usually temporary. My chiropractor is telling me I need to do it 3 times a week for a number of months to correct the misalignment but if I can't get it on my works health insurance I wont be doing it because or costs.

07-01-21, 07:55
Neck stiffness is a common complaint in this age of constantly looking down at phones etc

07-01-21, 08:02
Try visiting a Roanoke chiropractic to help you with the pain management. It is really effective and helpful.

Might be kinda tough being that the OP doesn't live in Virginia let alone America :whistles:


07-01-21, 08:02
Already reported the ad ;)

07-01-21, 08:08
Might be kinda tough being that the OP doesn't live in Virginia let alone America :whistles:


That's a pain in the neck...

Anx bev
07-01-21, 11:45
That's a pain in the neck...im getting stiff neck along with severe headaches mainly in back of head