View Full Version : Menieres ?

12-11-19, 16:46
I had a dizziness for three weeks and gp diagnosed bppv . Dizziness has got better , but my tinnitus has got much worse. I’ve had tinnitus for most of my life and normally don’t notice it.
Gp said I have a blocked ear that needs syringing and that I should have a hearing test.
I think I might have menieres !

12-11-19, 16:56
Why do you think that?

12-11-19, 21:21
Hi pb. I can tell you something about Menieres. I had experienced regular episodes of vertigo, which would usually begin on waking in the morning and last for about 20 minutes or so, with the whole room spinning non stop. This would usually require me to crawl on hands and knees to the bathroom, where I would be sick into the toilet pan. This went on for about 6 or seven years, with a space of about 4 weeks to 6 weeks between each episode. I finally saw a specialist in ENT who said that it was most likely that I was suffering from Menieres, but that there was no way of proving it whilst still alive - (lol). I would say that from my own experience, unless you were experiencing what I had experienced,with vertigo lasting that length of time, 15 to 20 minutes, then you are not likely to have Menieres'. From what I have learnt, (And I have also had BPPV ). If the spins are short, like a minute or two, it's most likely BPPV.
The advice given to me by the specialist was to follow a NIL salt diet, which I did, and then the Menieres cleared up withing about 6 to 9 months, during which time I would have a much longer clear spell between bouts, before it cleared completely.
Having said all that, earlier this year I did experience two or three bouts of vertigo which I know was caused by a condition called Post Nasal Drip, which is a chronic catarrh condition following a cold and has been with me for over 18 months. But luckily I have (fingers crossed) not experience and vertigo this past six months or so. It's not a nice thing. Hope this info is of help. regards Wil

13-11-19, 08:03
Thank you for your reply. My dizziness doesn’t sound like yours , just episodes of dizziness , but no spinning or sickness.
It does come and go. Did you have tinnitus, this is really hard to cope with at the moment.

13-11-19, 20:23
Hi pb Yes indeed, I have suffered from tinnitus from time to time, sometimes seemingly to be quite loud and other times just the heart beat. I am now deaf in one ear, and the tinnitus is always in that ear. I just feel it is something one has to live with,but it will clear-up, so stay positive. As for the dizziness which I now sometimes get from nasal catarrh there are exercises to try. You could look on-line. The NHS have one to follow. Good luck. Wil

14-11-19, 14:58
I have also been diagnosed with Menieres and like Wilcom it is severe vertigo. I can't walk at all (or even crawl to the bathroom or even move my head 1/2 of an inch without it becoming worse). It is truly disabling. My attacks have lasted hours and several times I have had to go the ER by ambulance. I have also been told I have vestibular migraine, labyrinthitis, bppv along with other dizzy disorders. It's very difficult to correctly diagnose the cause of vertigo or dizziness and every doctor has his/her own ideas. I follow a very low sodium diet and take a diuretic, thankfully I haven't had an attack for several years.

BPPV for the most part is short attacks (two or so minutes) of vertigo (spinning, not just feeling off balance) that come when you move your head in a certain way. Did you get your ears cleaned yet? That is a possible cause of your problem. I also suffer from tinnitus, it's usually there all the time, kind of a static-like sound or the noise you get from holding a seashell up to you ear. My right ear is worse than my left.

15-11-19, 03:01
OP, I am sorry you are feeling this way! Feeling off balance is a terrible feeling and even worse to describe to a physician or others. Our inner ear is our balance center so if anything is knocked around there we can become off balance. I think it would be worth while to have it checked and unclogged if needed. Like the others said, BPPV is relatively common and treatable. Meclazine aka Dramamine is a great medical remedy for dizziness caused by that.
I myself had vestibular neuritis so severe it damaged both of my inner ears. My ears were in pulsating pain for weeks and I couldn’t walk in a straight line, it was disabling. The doctor said my nerves in my ears are permanently damaged, I am 23 years old
Take our advice and seek help if needed but honestly I think you are okay. Stay off of google!