View Full Version : Vitamin D - help

12-11-19, 17:56
Anyone been told they have low vit D and it panicked them? And what was your reading?

12-11-19, 18:27
I think the majority of the world is low or at least "below optimal" in Vitamin D. Unless you are in the single digits, I wouldn't worry about it. Mine has been as low as 17. Was at 30 at last check.

12-11-19, 18:47
Mines apparently 43, doc says I’m deficient and need a supplement and it got me panicking about MS because I’ve had numb shoulder and burning skin fuzzy head 3 times every 3 years - doc says anxiety ... but seems to be the answer to everything even if it seems odd it’s been in 3 separate occasions- I had a clear mri after the first instance I just hope it would of caught it

12-11-19, 20:19
If you had an mri during or after your first set of symptoms and it came back clear, then i very much doubt it is ms. MS creates scars and would show on your scan. Why not try relaxing and see if your symptoms go away.

12-11-19, 21:10
43 is actually not even considered deficient typically. I wouldn't spend any time at all worrying about that one!

12-11-19, 22:51
Everybody* is vitamin D deficient. Take a supplement or go out in the sun.

*potential exaggeration

bin tenn
13-11-19, 02:20
My vitamin D was 15 last year. I took a 1,000 IU supplement every day for several months and it's well within normal range now. With winter rolling back around though I think it'll probably drop again, at least a little. Don't get nearly as much sun in the winter.

13-11-19, 02:29
Mine was 9. I imagine all the sunblock I wear didn't help. I now take 5000 IU each day, and my level is in the 50's. It's pretty easy to treat.

With a clear MRI after the first incident, I think the doctor is right and it is not MS.

13-11-19, 03:06
Basically everyone is deficient in D. I remember years ago how surprised my doctor was that I was NOT deficient. I drove a convertible at the time so I was soaking up the D!

13-11-19, 08:33
My doc wants to retest in 2 months so I’ll see what strength she gives me as a supp ... if it’s low I’ll buy a higher one and then see when the retest comes what it’s raised to - 150 I’ve been told is a great level to hover at - so if I can raise it maybe I’ll feel better ... the symptoms I’ve had have always been in October ... possible it’s a season change / winter trigger

I think the numbness I've felt in my shoulder is possibly a reoccurring trapped nerve or compression of sorts, seems to be bad for a week or 2 but then fade to being worse in the morning and then get better a lot of the time and also it can come and go, I sleep on that side, I lean that side in the car, I’ve previously had neck pain on that side

The burning skin (which I haven't had more than 5 min of on only one occasion this time) is prob anxiety, the fuzzy headache maybe the same as that always comes after days of worry, my eyes have been oct scanned and are perfect so the floaters are anxiety, and that's all I have ... logically ... MS would get worse over time not better as these instances have - and each instance has come at a time of stress...

I’m trying to think positive