View Full Version : Relapse - suspicious mindset

12-11-19, 23:16
I've suffered with GAD for about five years, up until recently I've been feeling a lot better, mostly because of stability in my life. The new stability has come from a new course I'm taking, and a new relationship which began back in November 2018.

Recently, my anxiety has returned and I have started feeling unusually suspicious about my partner's actions. I feel a lot more sensitive to criticism, and I also have these anxious thoughts that I am not good enough for her anymore, and that she is seeing someone else. I try and rationalise in my brain that this is unlikely, considering she has been recently asking me what I want for Christmas, and we are going on holiday next week to celebrate our first anniversary. But, if a period of time passes by when she is with her friends and she doesn't reply to a message, or if she is in a bad mood or sleepy, I worry that she is seeing someone else and my relationship is doomed.

I hate these thoughts because I love my girlfriend. She also says she loves me too and I try to believe her, but I'm so suspicious and uncertain of myself. My self-esteem is at a low ebb, I don't feel that I am strong mentally or worthy of love sometimes. The anxiety breeds depression in me and I need advice on how to get out of it.

I don't want to become one of those partners who is hard to be with and suspicious all the time. I want to be myself. Any replies appreciated.


13-11-19, 01:04
Sometimes I found an issue in relationships I've had is making the mistake of NOT telling the other person when I'm feeling vulnerable, probably out of self defence but it's usually just backfired. I'm not suggesting you spill your guts but miscommunication, misunderstanding and all that jazz is much easier if you're not on the same page. But that's just my experience you know your situation better than i do!

Love is scary even for those without anxiety, sounds like you're handling it really well and challenging your negative thoughts which is really great already :)