View Full Version : Post Infectious IBS

Polar Bear
13-11-19, 10:06
I've been having problems for about 4 months now. Had a stool test which indicated higher levels of calpectin and GP referred me to Gastroenterologist. Had appointment now and doctor reckons I have Post Infectious IBS. anyone had IBS brought on in this way please? Is it any different to any other kind of IBS and does it go away? Trying to manage it. Taking some Colofac (antispasmodic) and Immodium when necessary. Symptoms all over the place though. Cut down or cut out some food but still trying to work out foods that are upsetting my system. Trying to keep a diary to find out more.

Hospital also want to do a colonoscopy to rule out other things.

An advice on other ways to manage this please

13-11-19, 11:04
Did you take antibiotics?

Polar Bear
13-11-19, 17:10
No didn't take any antibiotics. All this seemed to start suddenly. I hadn't been feeling 100% but not too bad then had a really bad episode of diarrhoea. After that kept getting abdominal pain. Went to GP who referred me to the hospital. Bowel problems seemed to be settling down but last week had a few problems. Getting some indigestion and heartburn as well together with the abdominal pain which is sometimes a dull ache and sometimes sharp pains all of which seems to move around all the time so very confusing.

13-11-19, 18:33
Aha, so it sounds like the infection was in your stomach. I had a sudden bout of 'something' about 2 months ago, just felt incredibly nauseous one evening and had bloating gas for the following couple of weeks. I wasn't sure what it was but my stomach hasn't been right since. I think there has been something going around that has messed up people's gut bacteria.

I'm sure it'll right itself over time, but if you've had all the tests all you can really do is ignore it the best you can and wait for it to pass.

Polar Bear
14-11-19, 09:41
You're right Joe that's exactly what has happened I think and it sounds as though you have had similar. Just hope it is going to right itself in time. Anxiety, stress etc doesn't help of course and trying to not get hung up about it is definitely a good move. I must get some probiotics as well. Hope you feel better soon.

16-11-19, 20:43
Right now if I eat a lot of veg I technically become a chemical weapon. Annoyingly my belly only feels ok if I eat processed crap.

However, I'm just letting it adjust over time, I'm sure it'll go back to normal eventually.

19-11-19, 21:09
Right now if I eat a lot of veg I technically become a chemical weapon. Annoyingly my belly only feels ok if I eat processed crap.

However, I'm just letting it adjust over time, I'm sure it'll go back to normal eventually.

I can relate to this. I always feel strange after eating healthily but fine if I eat junk

21-11-19, 18:24
I can relate to this. I always feel strange after eating healthily but fine if I eat junk

I actually 'feel' fine after eating it, it's just weapons grade gas.

However, it causes havoc with my sleep, and at night time it can make me feel quite de-realised.

The brain/gut connection is real my friends.