View Full Version : I'm spiralling again

13-11-19, 13:44
I'm constantly convinced I have cancer! Every little lump or bump is cancer! I'm actually looking for these lumps and bumps now! Today its tonsil cancer as I've got a round lump attached to one tonsil although it's the same colour I'm convinced now its cancer. I am doing my head in aswell as my partners! I can have a good few weeks and then my anxiety is out of control!

13-11-19, 13:50
Are you receiving any help for your anxiety right now?

27-11-19, 06:21
Last night I kept dozing off and then waking up gasping for air, it happened about 20 times. I've ended up with no sleep as I was so distressed and felt like I was forcing myself to breathe. Now I'm focused on every breath I'm taking and it all just feels so forced.

28-11-19, 07:59
I havnt been feeling well since monday, hot then freezing, ache all over and have q sore throat. Doctor said it was viral but am feeling worse now, heart palpitations started last night in bed! Is this normal? So worried

bin tenn
28-11-19, 11:27
Yes, that's not unusual. Happens to me practically every time I have a cold, I notice more palpitations than usual.

28-11-19, 11:44
Oh really, I havnt had any palpitations in about 6 months and now they are back with a vengeance on top of not feeling very well:(

28-11-19, 11:47
No I'm not:(

28-11-19, 11:51
Then your first stop needs to be your GP.

28-11-19, 11:54
I suffered with heart palpitations last year really badly, they are horrible and I hate them, they have been gone for 6 months and last night whilst I was in bed they have started, I have a cold/flu but dont know if this could cause them, I constantly feel like I'm going to die:(

28-11-19, 16:09
As BI has said you need to speak to your GP about this.

Also rather than starting multiple threads on here, try and stick to one thread to enable others to see the whole picture.

29-11-19, 06:47
My heart goes really fast at the moment, I can just stand up and its like 120 bpm. And my resting heart rate is over 100. I am unwell with flu is this normal?

29-11-19, 07:28
Yes completely normal... When you are ill, your metabolic rate increases to fight it and as such it can raise your heart rate. Dehydration from not drinking enough water and the tendency to breath with your mouth when you’re ill can also increase your heart rate. Try to drink more water. Are you or have you been running a fever? This will also cause an increase in heart rate.

Hope you feel better soon.

29-11-19, 08:17

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

As posted on another of your threads, as your worries are varied and constant you would perhaps be better starting one thread and posting everything there.


29-11-19, 09:44
Yes it's normal. Your entire central nervous system is turbo charged when you have an infection. My heart rate goes from about 70-75 normal day time rate (that's not resting HR of course) up to close to 90 when I have a cold/infection. Because you're hyper focusing on it, it's going to be even higher.

Just pay no attention to it. You might not like it, but it's perfectly normal. The more you pay attention to it the worse it'll get.

29-11-19, 12:59
I'm also getting heart palpitations constantly is this normal when you get a cold/flu?

29-11-19, 16:37
Surely this isnt normal:( every single day I think that's it I'm going to die! Every symptom I think that's it this is the end. I had a shower and in that time I found 3 different cancers that i have!

29-11-19, 16:58
Yea unfortunately I relate to this on a lot of levels. Before I was on medication and in therapy this was my daily life. Constantly checking and rechecking my body. I used to get stressed out just thinking about having to do it each day. You need to learn how to retrain your thought process. It’s not easy but it does help. And see the sticky on here about the free CBT books and read them. Give yourself permission each day to worry for a set amount of time and then when that time expires you are not allowed to focus on it anymore that day. I will add that I still suffer from this so you’re not alone. I’ve just learned a thing or two that helps when this kind of panic Arises. This is a normal
Part of hypochondria and many of us do this or have felt this way. It’s like the mind plays tricks on us. Stop checking. That’s the first step. I hope you feel a little better after reading this

30-11-19, 11:43
Surely this isnt healthy.. palps are happening every few beats!!!

30-11-19, 11:56
I'm thinking I have heart failure!!!!!

30-11-19, 12:06
Or you're panicking.

Take a breath, and have a walk.

30-11-19, 12:17
But they havnt happened in 6 months, now they are constant again, even when I'm just trying to get to sleep they are happening, even when I'm not feeling anxious. I just dont understand why they are happening

30-11-19, 13:02
It has to be underlying anxiety and the adrenaline release. Just keep telling yourself they are benign and cut out the things you can control like caffeine. Also exercise may help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

30-11-19, 13:07
I dont smoke, drink alchol or drink coffee, I just dont understand. They make me feel like I just dont want to be here anymore I cant handle them

30-11-19, 13:15
I dont smoke, drink alchol or drink coffee, I just dont understand. They make me feel like I just dont want to be here anymore I cant handle them

Ok, I don't know your history, have you seen a cardiologist? Have you been cleared of any heart related issues?

If no, get there asap, no one here can diagnose you.

If yes, the best thing I was told about heart palpitations was.. your heart is the whipping board for anxiety.

Heart palpitations cause anxiety, anxiety causes heart palpitations.
What are you doing yo treat your anxiety?

30-11-19, 13:15
As previously requested please keep your fears to one thread

30-11-19, 13:20
I've had a few ecgs, ans a 24 hour monitor but the palps didnt show on any of them. I'm not using anything for my anxiety.

03-12-19, 13:44
This exact thing happened to me before as well. It made me afraid to go to sleep. It was all
Anxiety based. Your mine can actually train itself to continue to do this. It’s almost
Like a habit. At least that’s how the doc explained it to me. Try to meditate a few minutes each day. There is an app called
Calm which helps wonders with this.

03-12-19, 18:35
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


20-12-19, 14:20
I can feel a really hard tiny circle in my neck. It feels as hard as a stone! Its much smaller than a pea. Is this normal?

20-12-19, 17:59
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


21-12-19, 21:19
I'm pretty certain I have cancer.. I have an enlarged thyroid with nodules thats been biopsied once and came back benign. The last few weeks I havnt felt right.. my shoulder and collar bone aches. I have a small hard lump on the side of my neck. And a small lump on my tonsil. I think I have cancer and its spread round my head and neck. I cant relax and I'm convinced I have cancer.

21-12-19, 21:31
Sorry to hear this despite the clean biopsies :( I imagine hiring a lawyer is in order?

Positive thoughts

21-12-19, 21:53
Ive had one biopsy on one of my multiple nodules, I've read up that many people have been told its benign and then turned out the thyroid has actually been cancerous, just struggling with all the symptoms I'm having at the moment, back of my head is hurting, hard lump in my neck. And tight throat and sore neck. I'm just struggling

21-12-19, 21:57
I understand but do you see how you're feeding your dragon? You'll find things on Google that will affirm the most improbable things to affirm your fears.

Positive thoughts

22-12-19, 08:13
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.
