View Full Version : Dizziness/lightheadedness that doesn’t go away (24/7)

13-11-19, 19:40
Hi everyone, so for the last couple of weeks I have had this constant dizziness/lightheadedness that stays with me 24/7. Most posts I have read people have “episodes” of dizziness. Mine is always with me. I don’t think it is true vertigo as the room doesn’t feel like it’s spinning. It’s just this weird head sensation that feels like dizziness if that makes any sense. It causes me to feel unsteady on my legs especially when I first get out of bed. Once I am up and moving the feeling is still with me but is manageable however when laying down it feels like it is much worse and when laying on my side or belly it makes this sensation that I have even worse which is making it hard for me to sleep. I just feel off all day but laying down does not help ease the symptoms. It feels like it makes them worse. I delay getting out of bed because the strange feeling is is so annoying. Of course along with all of this dizziness/lightheadedness type feeling is the nausea from time to time and lack of appetite once in awhile too. My appetite is fine right now after a few days of forcing myself to eat. I also get the strange tingling in my fingers from time to time as well but I honestly think that might just be from prolonged use on my tablet. As of a couple weeks ago I used to workout and exercise often. Now I have no ambition because of this feeling I have. I do a little something which usually exacerbates the problem and feel worse. I feel like it’s causing me deep depression and anxiety. Worrying it might be something a little more sinister. Anyone else suffer through any of this as well? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

14-11-19, 06:10

14-11-19, 07:03
Hi it could be benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, which can hang around for quite a while, you can have it on one side of your head or both. Your Dr may be to fix this for you with some positional shifts of your head. There's also Stemetil tabs which can help with the dizziness and nausea.

You mentioned you're on a tablet, what is it?

14-11-19, 08:55
I get this! Have you had a cold or been particularly run down in the last couple of weeks?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-11-19, 13:25
@WiseMonkey - when I mentioned I was on my tablet I meant my I-pad. I’m not currently taking any medications. I don’t know if it’s BPPV because the room isn’t actually spinning. It’s just this weird feeling I have and the best way I can describe it is a dizziness/lightheadedness feeling.

@Midnight-mouse - I don’t sleep very well. I have never slept very well but I have never had this before. But it has been worse these last couple weeks because of my health anxiety over these symptoms along with other symptoms such as tingly fingers and disorientation.

15-11-19, 12:31
Hi CBruno123, just to reassure you, a few months ago I had a period of 7-10 days of constant dizziness and feeling lightheaded - also had other strange symptoms like head rushes, squeezing feeling in the head, feeling like someone was stretching my skin on my head and forehead. All very weird!

I don't know what caused it. I had lightheadeness/vertigo years ago from suspected labyrinthitis or an inner ear infection, but it felt more severe this time. The only time it went away is when I lay down in bed before going to sleep. It went away eventually but I don't know if was a ear issue again, or anxiety, or perhaps the issue an ear issue made worse by my constant worrying and stressing about it.

15-11-19, 14:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


15-11-19, 14:41
Oh yes! I have almost constant dizziness. It’s really hard to describe, not spinning but an off balance sorta feeling in your head. It’s almost like ive got adrenaline wooshing around. I went to the doctors, had numerous blood tests, head scans, heart etc and everything was fine.

I really do believe it’s related to anxiety because when I’m really concentrating on something else’s it’s gone.

I’ve read numerous posts on here reporting constant dizziness 24/7

20-11-19, 19:29
How long has this been going on for you? I am going on 3 weeks feeling like this with the lightheadedness/dizziness and unsteadiness. It’s just constant and doesn’t seem to dissipate.