View Full Version : Haven't been here for so long - left side sensations

13-11-19, 20:19
Hi it's been years since I've actually posted here so much so I couldn't even log in lol. Managed to keep HA under control and do browse from time to time but able to put it to bed. Not this time! Hoping someone can relate I pulled my neck 4 weeks ago from holding a phone next to ear and typing it started with tightness dull ache in shoulder which I was able to deal with, about a week later few tingles in certain locations of arms and little finger and ring finger again dealt with it, all relative, but then I was getting a similar sensation in a certain area of leg just above knee. I decided to have physio didn't mention the leg issue back very tight lots of knot's worked on The ache disappeared next day and now left with a pulling sensation to left side of scalp on top, from outer elbow down to wrist and exact sensation above knee I first described it as tingly but I would say more of a pulling weak feeling visited gps full bloods all the usuals b12 bone function all normal. I was hoping my go would agree with my assumption of anxiety given my history but no straight away he's referred me to a neurologist so of course I'm panicking slightly. I questioned MS he said I'm not presenting typical Ms symptoms so here I am hoping someone has had similar and put down to anxiety.

13-11-19, 20:39
A neuro isn’t only for that, Any neurologist is highly specialized in diagnosing back pain and neck pain, and in assessing risks and treatment options - nice to have an over cautious GP, mine are always the opposite - I could be half dead and they would say anxiety

13-11-19, 20:49
Oh right I didn't realise they specialize in other things obvs I've thought the worst. He's a new gp and for the first time I really wanted a gp to say yes it's anxiety! Turns out my private healthcare has decided that I can see a neuropsychologist I'm not sure what sounds worse I've tried not to Google too mich

13-11-19, 20:56
I have to say I’m obsessed with MS and worry about it constantly, when I saw a neuro he said

1. You mainly would have one clinical symptom (optic neuritis / dropped foot etc) and

2. Symptoms don’t come and go day to day - they stay continuously and then go and perhaps relapse a period of time later

13-11-19, 21:26
My friend has ms and has done for over 20 years and has assured me it's not ms her symptoms were visual problems and my gp said the same. I'm kinda off the ms thought now. The only thing I notice about these odd patches of sensations it's not there on waking and not there in bath but comes and goes throughout day the scalp has got better arm is the worst and leg comes and goes. It's been worse tonight because signing back up to this website has made me realise my HA is back full force :( which then makes me believe it's anxiety not a brain tumor which I obsessed over yesterday!