View Full Version : High Cholesterol & Medication

14-11-19, 13:19
I have been dreading this call, but I was told my cholesterol was very high and my doctor wanted to see me to talk about medication. I have high cholesterol since 2013 and even after everything I have tried it doesn't seem to go down. I'm 34 and so frustrated by this whole mess. Also doesn't help my anxiety. Since learning I had high cholesterol, I have always been afraid of heart attack. Go figure. :shrug:

I'm wondering if I go on statin I would ever be able to get off them. In my mind taking that medication meant that I failed. I'm taking so much medication for different thing and those one doesn't bother me, but this problem does. I'm just so confused about the whole situation and it's playing havoc on my emotion and my anxiety.

bin tenn
14-11-19, 14:06
I don't know how much I've read about statins is proven, but some studied suggest statins may be beneficial for many reasons, not just cholesterol / heart health. There's nothing wrong with taking a statin if that's what you have to do. If you've tried dietary changes, exercise and other lifestyle changes but no luck, maybe a statin is what you need.

My cholesterol has been a bit out of order since at least 2015. Doc started me on a statin last year. It dropped my LDL by 75 points, well into normal range. We stopped the statin earlier this year because my HDL was still low, and my doc said sometimes a statin can also keep HDL from increasing. I go back in January to see if my LDL is still down, without the statin.

I think it's possible to stop a statin in the future, if everything is going well. It probably just depends on the root cause. If it's genetic (it is for me), chances are you won't be able to avoid it. Doesn't mean it's impossible, but it's probably less likely.

14-11-19, 15:15
The statin debate is a real big one. The mainstream cardiologists and doctors think they are great, the more holistic doctors think they are not. My cholesterol has been highish for years and I have refused statins up until recently. My HDL, triglycerides and ratios are all excellent, it's just my LDL that is bad which of course makes my total bad. I think doctors like them because they can see measurable results, but it is questionable as to if they really prevent heart attack mortality. Cholesterol is needed in the body, especially the brain so you don't want it to go to low. If you are looking for info as to why not to take one read "The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Stephen Sinatra. After reading this you will probably never take a statin in your life. But when reading it remember his view is only one side of the story, there are many who will refute everything he says and show just as compelling evidence that statins are the best thing in the world. Get your info from both sides.

The reason I finally went on one was because I passed out a couple months ago and ended up in the ER. This had nothing to do with cholesterol but I did have a full cardiac work up while in there. The doctor I saw told me I HAD to go on the highest dose of statins immediately, he prescribes this to all of his patients. I didn't want this and argued down to a somewhat lower dose. When I got out of the hospital and saw my own cardiologist he re-prescribed a very low dose. I'll take it for 6 months and if my cholesterol is okay by then I will stop.

How high is your cholesterol? Have you tried anything to bring it down - such as exercise, diet? Read up on diet and cholesterol. Fat and dietary cholesterol aren't the culprits they have been made out to be. Trans fat is bad as are some of the vegetable oils. Red meat and butter are not as bad as assumed. If you do take it, go for a low dose to see how that works before taking a higher does.

14-11-19, 15:28
I don't know how much I've read about statins is proven, but some studied suggest statins may be beneficial for many reasons, not just cholesterol / heart health. There's nothing wrong with taking a statin if that's what you have to do. If you've tried dietary changes, exercise and other lifestyle changes but no luck, maybe a statin is what you need.

My cholesterol has been a bit out of order since at least 2015. Doc started me on a statin last year. It dropped my LDL by 75 points, well into normal range. We stopped the statin earlier this year because my HDL was still low, and my doc said sometimes a statin can also keep HDL from increasing. I go back in January to see if my LDL is still down, without the statin.

I think it's possible to stop a statin in the future, if everything is going well. It probably just depends on the root cause. If it's genetic (it is for me), chances are you won't be able to avoid it. Doesn't mean it's impossible, but it's probably less likely.

Thanks bin tenn. I won’t be able to see my doctor until January, so in the meantime I’m hoping to work hard at it to try to lower it to see if I could make any chances. I’m not sure how fast cholesterol can move in two month.

I don’t smoke or drink and I’m more active than I have ever been. I don’t eat too bad, but I know there’s still improvement to make.

I call and got my number to have an idea.

Triglycerides is 1.80 up from 1.29 from last year. (It really shot up for some reason)
HDL is 1.07 which is always low.
LDL is 5.17. It was 5.60 before.

I know it won’t kill me now, but still this raises my anxiety until I see my doctor.

14-11-19, 22:01
Dragonx - another thought, you can ask your doctor for a coronary artery calcium scan. This will show the amount of plaque in your arteries. If you score low there is no need to take a statin. At your young age there's a good chance your score will be close to zero. Your results really don't seem that bad (that is if I did the conversion correctly).

bin tenn
14-11-19, 22:49
Thanks bin tenn. I won’t be able to see my doctor until January, so in the meantime I’m hoping to work hard at it to try to lower it to see if I could make any chances. I’m not sure how fast cholesterol can move in two month.

I don’t smoke or drink and I’m more active than I have ever been. I don’t eat too bad, but I know there’s still improvement to make.

I call and got my number to have an idea.

Triglycerides is 1.80 up from 1.29 from last year. (It really shot up for some reason)
HDL is 1.07 which is always low.
LDL is 5.17. It was 5.60 before.

I know it won’t kill me now, but still this raises my anxiety until I see my doctor.

I understand. Good for you! Keep working hard, you'll be fine either way. Just do what you have to do, and ask your doc all the questions you think are necessary to make a well informed decision. They don't mind answering questions and addressing concerns, or at least they shouldn't.

15-11-19, 00:17
Dragonx - another thought, you can ask your doctor for a coronary artery calcium scan. This will show the amount of plaque in your arteries. If you score low there is no need to take a statin. At your young age there's a good chance your score will be close to zero. Your results really don't seem that bad (that is if I did the conversion correctly).

Yeah I did the conversion for when I drop on certain article. I do consider myself lucky since there's no heart problem in the family, just cholesterol. My biggest hurdle is raising that HDL to a better level. I did manage to bring it down before when I lost ten pounds so I'm guessing there's a link. Im more active so hopping for the best.

15-11-19, 00:20
I understand. Good for you! Keep working hard, you'll be fine either way. Just do what you have to do, and ask your doc all the questions you think are necessary to make a well informed decision. They don't mind answering questions and addressing concerns, or at least they shouldn't.

My doctor is a good listener, so I'm lucky. Now I need to work on my anxiety and health and I'll be ready to have my question when I see him.

bin tenn
15-11-19, 02:28
My doctor is a good listener, so I'm lucky. Now I need to work on my anxiety and health and I'll be ready to have my question when I see him.

Awesome. It's always very helpful to have a doc who listens. My doc does as well, but unfortunately I know there are many who don't seem to listen as well.