View Full Version : Scared to get annual health checkup

14-11-19, 15:04
I need to start getting regular health check ups but terrified to go do it. I'm extremely worried about them finding something very wrong.
Over the years I have gotten better about seeing the Dr when I'm sick. I used to completely avoid the Dr unless I was miserably sick.
I feel like I am healthy for my age (41). I exercise (running) most days of the week and have been for at least 10 years. I am a little overweight, maybe by 10 pounds, and I dont eat excess sugar. I do drink alchohol, a beer or 2, but not every day. Maybe 4 days out of the week.
I am extremely aware and sensitive to body sensations. I have been obsessed with my vision lately. Seeing spots and things. I have had 4 eye exams this year and was told by my eye Dr that I'm fine and the things I am describing are not serious and I should not worry.
There is always some bodily sensations or functions that I obsess over. Currently it's the color and smell of my urine (not sure why I became obsessed with this). Also obsessed with an itch on my foot that comes and goes. I guess I'm thinking liver or kidney problems.
Bottom line, anyone else scared to get a annual check up? If so, did you overcome it and how?

bin tenn
14-11-19, 22:47
Used to be. How'd I get over it? I finally caved to all the suggestions on a different anxiety forum to suck it up and go for a physical. LoL. I was 28 at the time, and hadn't been to a doc for a regular check-up (only when really sick) in over a decade! That was four and a half years ago, and now I go every year for a physical - and it feels good.

I had the same fear, that they were going to find something wrong with me. Nope. They prescribed a low dose beta blocker for tachycardia and mildly elevated BP, and we monitor my cholesterol (runs in the family). Otherwise, I'm quite healthy.

I highly recommend going, even if you're scared to. Discuss your anxiety with your doc.

15-11-19, 03:20
I went through a period like this, several years in fact. I had terrible health anxiety for about two years and then once I got it mostly under control, I avoided the drs for fear they would find something wrong 🤷*♀️
Now go for regular check ups and if something is bothering me.

20-11-19, 00:30
I went through this too. Avoided the doctor and getting a checkup for years. I didn’t overcome the fear but I just made myself go. All is well, blood work was great, and I was really glad I went. You just need to take the first step and make the appointment. You’ll be fine.