View Full Version : Chronic Pancreatitis Fear Again

15-11-19, 22:08

I am back with my chronic pancreatitis fear again. This time it is because my left chest and left upp back are sore and have a burning feeling. I did have a bunch of drinks over the ong weekend and this pain just showed up yesterday approx 3 days after my last drink. I am not having diarrhea or pale coloured stolls and my appetite is good. I did drop a lot of weight but that was from working out doing high intensity interval training.

I am wondering if this pain might be from doing a couple of hard sessions where we used sledge hammers to do a wood chopping motion, but my diaphragm and my back is burning and I googled and guess what came up CP.

This pain has been ongoing now since yesterday 3 days since my last drink.

Am I crazy thinking this could be CP?

15-11-19, 22:59
Yep most definitely, if you had chronic pancreatitis, you would not be chopping wood with sledge hammers (which is why you have a sore diaphragm and back) If you have reflux and you chop wood, this could easily aggravate things.

As you've said you do not have the symptoms of CP, it will be something much simpler.

15-11-19, 23:04
Thanks WM. I have actually been doing F45 Training, and that originated in Oz. Have you heard of it?

15-11-19, 23:30
I had an endoscopy a couple of months ago and nothing showed up. I have been some what acidy lately due to the fact that I have been drinking on the weekends more than I normally have so I am worried about it being CP.

19-11-19, 17:38

I had a video chat with a doctor and he doesn't think it is chronic pancreatitis so that makes me happy, but I am still having slight pain in the left back and front. He mentioned spleen and the colon are there. I don't feel pain when I am still, only when I move around so could this just be muscle. He said to monitor it for a few days and if it doesn't get better to go see my doctor. I feel a little better after talking with him but I do feel like I have some acid reflux and maybe this is causing it? It so frustrating.