View Full Version : Pulmonary Embolism Worries How to Cope? Losing My Mind

16-11-19, 02:07
Hi all :)!

Just hoping to get some insight. I'm an otherwise healthy 27 year old guy. I used to workout and jog every other day and am not overweight if anything underweight. I've been really struggling this past month. I've been in and out of the ER 4 times which is unprecedented for me I never go to the ER and it's making me feel pretty hopeless :weep:. It all started 4 weeks ago when I had a panic attack after getting what I could only describe as extremely bad acid reflux and racing heart / palpitations at the same time. I've been trying to figure out what's been causing these episodes I get. I'll try to describe one.

Sometimes after eating 30 min to an hour later or when I feel like my stomach is upset I'll start getting a very uncomfortable "irritated" feeling all throughout my chest along with random chest pains and stomach pains. I can only describe the "irritated" feeling as not localized and almost like some kind of pre asthma. I don't have trouble breathing but it feels "tight" and like I'm not getting enough oxygen even though I'm breathing. During this my heart rate always goes to around 110 - 120 probably because I get a little anxious too.

I've also started to suffer from frequent PVCs after this which despite my best efforts send me into a small panic each time. They seem to go away when I relax and lay down but come back when I walk. Usually around 40 or so a day. I've also noticed my BP is around 130/90+ when standing which just seems weird to me since it's normal when I sit and lay down but maybe that's what happens when you're up tight.

I've also for some reason maybe unrelated developed tingling numbness in both my hands when driving in the car gets worse the longer I'm driving but the sensation goes away completely if I walk around or lay down. Maybe a pinched nerve? My mind just goes to a "blood flow" problem from a clot of course. It's just so weird and never had it before.

Anyway in the ER they did a fair amount of tests. They did a d-dimer which was negative every time. I heard this is usually near 100% accurate if you have a low probability of a PE which I apparently fall under that category. I just of course read stories where some people still had one after a negative d-dimer. I've also had an echocardiogram recently and all heart tests came back normal.

I don't know why I can't shake this idea that somehow they missed that I have a blood clot in my lungs and all I seem to want is a CT with contrast but the doctors say that's not worth the risk. I guess it stems from my unresolved symptoms I keep thinking I'm just going to drop dead from one any day :weep:. Are there any tips to cope? Anyone had a similar experience?

Thanks for reading this I know it's a lot.
Best Wishes!

bin tenn
16-11-19, 03:14
I understand these fears, aside from blood clot (never really been an issue for me). Infact, I'm currently experiencing the chest tightness / aches / shortness of breath / bad reflux / etc. I've realized that these episodes are caused entirely by a bad reflux episode, at least for me. The reflux begins, then the palpitations, then the anxiousness begins - which turns it into a big, vicious cycle! I totally understand that feeling, but I think you need to work to accept that it's normal / harmless. It's a nuisance, if anything.

The BP stuff you described sounds normal to me (I'm not a doc or otherwise formally educated in medicine, however). Frequent PVCs PACs are definitely normal with anxiety.

I also understand the tingling / numbness when doing something such as driving. I haven't pursued an official diagnosis, but I have mentioned it to my doc. She and I agree it sounds like a simple nerve issue, as I also have other subtle symptoms. Nothing to be done, just rest it and take Tylenol if it becomes painful.

18-11-19, 03:27
Your not gonna have a PE for a whole month, its it's a medical emergency and so the amount of time you have been dealing with this can exclude that issue not to mention 4 negative D-dimers. Although the D-dimer is a pretty non specific test and can be elevated for many different reasons, if its negative and your at low risk for a blood clot it almost positively excludes one.

Its normal for your heart rate to increase after meals especially if your full.

18-11-19, 09:13
Reflux can irritate the vagus nerve, which in turn can increase the heart rate a lot. Your heart rate increases after eating anyway, so the two combined are almost certainly causing the issue.

Was the panic attack 4 weeks ago your first one, or have you had them before?

The chances of a fit and healthy 27 year old dropping dead from a missed and undiagnosed heart condition AFTER they've had several tests are more or less zero, no matter what you've read (and I bet you've been reading all sorts of nonsense online...)