View Full Version : Throa/Neck injury few weeks ago, extremely worried...

16-11-19, 06:37

35M here and about 3 weeks ago I hit my head against someone chest during sports, wasn't that strong of a bump (no concussion or other symptoms)...

However, from the exact moment I was hit, I felt something in my throat sand ever since there is pain when swallowing food/water. It was very painful in the first week. Now it has subsided a bit but is still there, I can feel it every time I swallow. Thinking this is a possible whiplash injury to the neck/throat since can't recall it was directly hit in the collision.

I went to an ENT who checked the throat with a laryngoscope but haven't seen anything unusual and think the throat pain is unrelated.

I'm ultra worried this is some permanent damage and not sure where else to turn into as thought ENT is the go-to specialist for neck/throat pain. Needless to say it causes me major anxiety and basically dysfunctional last few weeks. Very worried I got some unique rare problem in the throat they will never be able to properly diagnose or treat.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


16-11-19, 20:01
Could be your hyoid bone mate. I'm having issues with mine at the minute it clicks when I swallow but more to do with throat infections. Maybe go to a chiropractor who sometimes do X Ray's and he could tell you if yours is damaged or they can often help anyway with neck issues.

17-11-19, 08:37
Could be your hyoid bone mate. I'm having issues with mine at the minute it clicks when I swallow but more to do with throat infections. Maybe go to a chiropractor who sometimes do X Ray's and he could tell you if yours is damaged or they can often help anyway with neck issues.

I went googling of course and it seems to be a very rare case to fracture the hyoid bone.

Do you think maybe its a strain/sprain/tear or one of the muscles that involved swallowing? Even though it got better after 3 weeks but its still there, more like of a discomfort these days, does it mean its permanent?
One more thing I noticed recently is that generally it may not hurt when swallowing saliva or soft food. But after swallowing larger amount of foods, when I'm done I can definitely feel its much worse. Does it lead to other possible underlying cause?

This gives me too much stress I can function anymore as all I think about is this and it probably makes it worse because with every swallow I'm 'trying' to see if it hurts or not and every tiny discomfort brings me panic.

17-11-19, 10:01
Again, I'm similar in the sense that I've become so conscious of my swallowing that the swallowing mechanism doesn't work properly now. Its referred to as globus sensation and people often report that they feel a lump in the throat but there isnt one there. I cant diagnose you but it sounds similar especially if you have already been to an ENT specialist and they gave you the all clear.

17-11-19, 21:25
Again, I'm similar in the sense that I've become so conscious of my swallowing that the swallowing mechanism doesn't work properly now. Its referred to as globus sensation and people often report that they feel a lump in the throat but there isnt one there. I cant diagnose you but it sounds similar especially if you have already been to an ENT specialist and they gave you the all clear.

Is painful swallowing your only symptom? Because here I have no limited movement in the neck or anything at all. Just some discomfort/pain swallowing especially after eating.

I’m here hoping it’s a muscle strain or some lesion that would resolve itself because after seeing the ENT I can’t see anyone who can actually be able to help with it.

Is it common for such problems to linger past 3 weeks ?