View Full Version : When (re)starting ADs ....

16-11-19, 06:49
Howdy folks

Not sure if this will help any folk but who knows. I been on more different ADs than I can remember. The first three times my thoughts was "if this don't work I'm screwed". As a result my anxiety went thro the heavens

In the last few years I tried 5 different ones and all turned out to be a crock of shit. Since I felt shit anyway I had no expectations if they'd work or not and never really expected them to. For this reason I never experienced worser anxiety altho it must of been there along with other side effects I never let get to me.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is not to have any expectations when starting an ID. Relax you'd attitude and say to yousself "if this don't work I'll try another one" that way yous don't put all that extra pressure on yousself

Relax your attitude

As the Sticky shred says, medication ain't everything. You got tons of other stuff you can try if you'd can make yousself do it like jogging, swimming, CBT, meditation, yoga, Bible study and prayer if you got religious bent, joining peer support group, all sorts of stuff. If you can force yousself to do it which ain't easy

And don't forget, however shit yous feel you ain't in a war zone, a refugee camp, a prison, homeless or whatever. You'd may think your rock bottom but other folk got it much worse, no food, water, toilets, cellfon, security, family, friends

Thinking like that help me

16-11-19, 08:43
I agree, Charlie. It's very important to keep things in perspective.

16-11-19, 08:49
Hi Charlie

Firstly I hope you are well x.
I have been on a multitude of ADs over the years and most of them I felt like shit, I thought it was because taking them combined with my HIV meds didn’t help I am now on Valdoxan and it has been good so far.
Like you sayin exercise and finding a good therapist is the way to go.

And you are right,a lot of folk think they are in a war zone in their heads,65million displaced peoples in this crazy screwed up world that don’t have the basics in life it puts my life in perspective.
Thanks Charlie for reminding folk,it ain’t that bad.x

16-11-19, 08:58
Thanks Quinn

65m and rising

That won't include Chinese turfed offa their own land

Never heard of valdoxan - one of the few I never tried yet

Charlie xx

16-11-19, 09:12
I don’t think Valdoxan is available in the u.s,but not sure, I take it for ocd and my psych told me that it’s also for my depression.

16-11-19, 09:18
Valdoxan sounds like an interesting one, don't belong to the usual groups of SSRI etc.

Ian Panic may of heard of it. I wonder if it's an Oz only med?

16-11-19, 09:29
It is available in Europe,it is called Agomelatine and don’t think it is an SSRI.
All I know Charlie is that has been working for me, With a shit load of very hard therapy over the years I can breathe and not worry what lay’s ahead.

16-11-19, 10:27
Hi Quinny

Nope not available in USA

Sounds like a very effective med

I forgot to mention at start the one thing wes got that millions of poor people don't got - medicine.

Can't imagine what it feels to know you got diabetes but no coin to buy meds to fix it

Of course, when wes feel at rock bottom, knowing other folk got it worse don't help. Depression and anxiety is such a hot damn selfish illness but not our fault

Charlie xx

17-11-19, 02:39
Yeah, we can get in the UK.

I agree with you, Charlie. I'm reluctant to mess about with these meds as the two I've tried have left my much worse and added at least 6 months on just to claw my way back to mess I was before I started them.

The first time I was in pieces (my GP mentioned mild side effects, nothing to worry about :doh:) as 2 days later I had depression I never had before and my anxiety was worse. I got through it with some support for my sleep but it was a hard experience.

The 2nd time I tried a different med (relapsed, I was off the first med about 6 months) and the anxiety increase was the worst I've ever felt and it knocked me back substantially so that that year was a write off. But my attitude was different because this time I went into it (obviously scared of how it would make me feel) with an attitude that I was about to take a serious kicking from this med but it would pass. I told myself daily "just one more day". I got through that way but it was a very very hard few months after too.

As for others, yes we are entitled to feel the suffering we do but at the same time we (most of us I hope) know it could be so much worse. I often wonder how someone like me would cope with no access to meds? What about those suffering terrible atrocities? Over here we are always talking about cancer and how bad it is. Yes, it is but imagine how bad cancer is when you live in a remote village? And at least many of us do get to see a good age whereas some areas of the world every day is very precious.

17-11-19, 02:48
Good reply Terry

