View Full Version : Red blotches on cheekbones (picture inside)

17-11-19, 17:56
For a while now (since spring probably) I've had a red blotch on my face. It's right on the cheekbone and sometimes feels warm. I got prescribed some ointments but it's still here. Sometimes it's more noticable and sometimes it looks just normal. I have been seeing it on the same spot but on the other side of my face. Which has me worried if it could be maybe lupus
I tried to take a close up photo of it but I dont know how well it shows on the photo. I'm 31 year old male and no one in my family has ever had lupus.........
What could this be? AT first I thought it was a sunburn but it's winter now and it's not going away really.


17-11-19, 21:55

17-11-19, 22:49
Rosacea maybe??? Dry skin maybe??? I'm guessing you saw the dr already as you mention being given some diff types of creams to try.
If its possible try to see a dermatologist, they know all about skin rashes etc. I'm not a dr but it doesn't look like the butterfly rash one tends to get with Lupus so I wouldn't worry about that.

17-11-19, 23:14
Rosacea maybe??? I mean that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw your photo.. I'm guessing you saw the dr already as you mention being given some diff types of creams to try.
If its possible try to see a dermatologist, they know all about skin rashes etc. I'm not a dr but it doesn't look like the butterfly rash one tends to get with Lupus so I wouldn't worry about that.

I did go and see a doctor and he said it wasn't anything to worry about but he didn't really have much of a look at it. I was given steriod cream but I do think they aren't good for roscea. Idk about butterfly rashes do they come all out at once or start gradually and form into a butterfly over time cause this started at the beginning of summer only on my left side and has now moved over a bit too the other cheek but nothing on my nose.

17-11-19, 23:22
It honestly just looks like dry skin to me.

17-11-19, 23:35
I did go and see a doctor and he said it wasn't anything to worry about but he didn't really have much of a look at it. I was given steriod cream but I do think they aren't good for roscea. Idk about butterfly rashes do they come all out at once or start gradually and form into a butterfly over time cause this started at the beginning of summer only on my left side and has now moved over a bit too the other cheek but nothing on my nose.

Have you seen a Dermatologist though? I think that will probably be your best bet if your trying to figure out exactly what type of rash or skin condition it is and exactly how to treat it need be..

I do not know if you have ever seen the classic butterfly rash that is common with Lupus but your rash really doesn't look like it. You dont mention any other symptoms that are common with Lupus plus 90% of the people diagnosed with it are female. That's not to say men don't have it, it's just not really all that common.

Don't worry yourself sick over this. Skin rashes are common, as is dry skin, even more so as we age and so try to keep that in mind whenever one appears. They are annoying but most of the time they don't point to anything sinister.

18-11-19, 02:15
My skin gets flushed in the winter with the heating being on and the hot and cold contrast from outside. I went to the docs with the same worry a few years ago thinking I had lupus, you'll probably be able to find my posts on it. Mine is the red nose bridge and into my cheeks, so fully had myself diagnosed with the butterfly rash. I also had hair loss at the time so was freaked out even more. Went to the docs armed with pictures of my butterfly rash (cringe about this now), she said no, nothing like lupus. She offered to do some tests if I was still worried over it in a few weeks time but of course I had moved on to something else by then. You'd have plenty more symptoms too, I know from lots of googling! It's just one of those skin things we all get. Use the cream see if it helps x

18-11-19, 02:39
I've gotten patches of skin like this for years and it's dry skin. Have a go using the cream and see how it helps x

18-11-19, 22:56
I went through the itchy skin and weird rashes it is a hard one to shift as doctors really have nothing to give you as its trial and error ie finding what is the irritant and cutting it out myn was stress i learned to chill a bit and my skin got better this started a nock on effect and this helps me get over each hurdle

18-11-19, 23:02
I tried to use a cream called Sudocrem which is used for rashes, eczema etc. After putting it on last night it started to look better and for most of today it looked fairly normalish. However I noticed this evening that I was red again and this time more spread out on one cheek. Put the cream on again and hopefully it'll have effect.