View Full Version : Keep Getting Concussions?

18-11-19, 15:25
Like nearly everyone else on this earth, sometimes I have a tendency to bump my head under a cabinet or desk or something. But every time this happens, I get a concussion whether minor (2-3 days) or longer (the one i have rn has lasted about a week) it’s seriously driving me insane at this point. No one believes me either, either telling me it’s psychosomatic or normal? It’s like ever since I got my first one over a year ago, I get them every other week, it’s seriously driving me crazy. I’m considering just wearing a helmet 24/7 at this point, because I’m so sick of this happening to me. I’ve been to the doctor and she just stared at me like I was crazy, and it’s been seriously affecting my life, as I’ve had to leave work numerous times because I feel so nauseous standing hours behind a register, and my head hurts so bad. Someone please help, has anyone else experienced this?

18-11-19, 15:28
How do you know you're getting concussions? Have you been told this by a medical professional?

18-11-19, 15:31
Well I’ve had some before, so I know what they feel like. I bump my head, then my head hurts, and I feel sleepy, as well as nauseous if I over exert myself like walking for too long, or exercising. It’s takes some days or a week to heal, and then I’m okay again. But yeah, I’ve been to a doctor before when I’ve had one, and they did a CT scan on me, and luckily there were so fractures or brain bleed, which they then told me means I have a concussion, because unless you have other damage, it’s basically invisible on imaging tests.

18-11-19, 15:42
Do you think there's any chance the anxiety could be making you hyper aware of these sensations?

18-11-19, 15:43
Oh I definitely think it could be, and I’m pretty sure it has with some concussions in the past, but I don’t think it’s causing it, if that makes sense? Like I do think this is a real problem (but everyone with HA says that I guess lol)

18-11-19, 15:45
It's good to know that you have an open mind. I know it's tough, but the best you can do is maybe visit the doctor one more time, come clean about your anxiety and ask for her honest opinion.

18-11-19, 15:46
Yeah, I’m on Lexapro so my HA has calmed down considerably well, and I’m much more rational than I used to be thankfully, but it still pops up now and then. I guess I could try that, I just really think they think that I’m crazy, and it’s understandable I guess :(

18-11-19, 15:48
My personal experience is that it's best to own your HA; if you show some insight into your mental health issues, doctors are far more likely to take your physical concerns seriously.

18-11-19, 15:50
Yeah that makes sense. I try to hide it, which I know isn’t good, because as soon as me or my mom mentions it, they tend to just not listen after that.

18-11-19, 15:54
Show your workings - be totally honest about your anxiety, and the specifics of what's worrying you.