View Full Version : Fear of DVT

18-11-19, 15:58
Hi everyone! This is my first post on this site.

So, I'm a 20 year old female with no history of clotting in the family, I am not taking birth control, I stay pretty hydrated, I walk a lot on campus (and was on a really good streak of working out until recently), no long flights or drives (besides a 6 hour one I took in October but I got out in the middle of it at a rest stop and walked around a lot), not overweight or pregnant, etc., I do have a recent history of health anxiety (I've spent the last four months freaking out about heart problems which is gone now).

I have a lot of anxiety aches and pains and am also diagnosed with costochondritis (which has been greatly influencing my PE worries right now), but my leg pain is extremely stressful. Both of my calves cramped up about a month ago, and the left one stayed pretty achy but it varies in location. Sometimes it's centered in my heel, my foot, the top of my calf, the bottom of my calf, thigh, groin, etc., I went after about a week of these symptoms and got a full leg Compressional Doppler Color Flow Ultrasound that came back clear, and the pain has faded but is still there and more irritating than anything. Sometimes it's a burny sensation, other times it just feels tight. It's not red or warm, but it is slightly bigger than my other calf. I haven't measured but my pant leg feels tighter on that side (though all photos I've taken do not reveal any really visible swelling and no one can notice it).

I went to a chiropractor who told me that I have insertional pain over my achilles which has been a really big source of pain recently in my heel and in the ball of my foot, especially on the side that is slightly "swollen." He also said I should eat more potassium as he believes I am deficient in all of those fun minerals we have to talk to help pain. It's just weird it's only in one calf. When I press deep into my calf, I don't have any excruciating pain just some tender spots in various locations, and pointing my toes up with my leg extended doesn't really do anything besides minor stretching feeling. Is it possible that my achilles is the source of all of this? I over pronate my feet as well and think I've thrown off my alignment which I think is contributing to the back and rib cage pain I currently feel. I've also poured most of my energy into researching, prodding, poking, and stretching this leg. It also goes into my shin sometimes too. So much happening!

Just looking for some reassurance!

19-11-19, 04:15
You had a negative ultrasound, if you had a DVT they would have found it and so if that doesn't reassure you, I'm not sure anything can.

Low potassium can deff cause cramps in your legs but I wouldn't start a supplement unless you have your potassium tested first to see where your levels are. You can get more potassium through diet like eating a banana a day just don't over do it because potassium to low can be a problem but potassium to high can also be a problem.

Dont worry about DVT cause you don't have one.

19-11-19, 16:47
That's true. I guess I've fallen victim to those horror stories of girls my age who had ultrasounds that missed the DVT even though there's no way of knowing what kind of ultrasound they received. I'm also not on any birth control or hormone that would raise my risk either. I started eating kiwis per the direction of my chiropractor, and I'm going to my podiatrist on Friday to ask about my achilles tendon and shin splint issues. I also finally measured my calves today, and they seemed to be the same size or have very, very minute differences. I'm just going to try and relax about it.

Thank you!

19-11-19, 17:29
Yes deff try and relax. Don't obsessively check your legs looking for signs of a blood clot as this will only provoke your anxiety and no more reading horror stories on Google.

If you had a blood clot in your leg for a month your symptoms would have gotten progressively worse, they wouldn't come and go... I am not a dr and I have never had a blood clot but I know 2 people who have and I have wasted an insane amount of time reading all about them back when my anxiety was unchecked. Nothing you have posted here suggests you are at high risk and your symptoms really dont match up.

Your appointment with podiatrist will be here before you know it and perhaps he/she will be able to figure out what's causing your pain :)

28-11-19, 19:23
​Hi guys! I know I just posted on here two days ago, but I'm still really going through it in terms of this stupid DVT and PE fear. I really feel like I'm going crazy.I have all of these tense spots all over my calf that I can feel pretty consistently as well as some minor swelling in the affected leg. I got a doppler ultrasound on that leg that ruled out DVT, my chiropractor didn't seem worried, and my podiatrist wasn't worried about clots either, told me I overpronate and therefore have muscle tension in almost every muscle group. That's fine and dandy but my leg just feels sensitive to literally everything, seems a little more firm and tender, and isn't necessarily relieved by much. I know the orthotics they gave me were supposed to make me feel sore as they're moving my bone back into place, but I can't ignore the fact that something just feels wrong about this whole thing. Is it just anxiety?
I also have bad costochondritis and feel like I have all of the symptoms of PE: shortness of breath on even minor exertion, back and shoulder tension/pain, constant yawning, etc.,
I don't know what to do and I feel like I'm going crazy.

28-11-19, 22:28

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

29-11-19, 01:16
This is definitely anxiety. I've been down the DVT rabbit hole in the past and it's a scary one, but you are ok. You had the doppler! You do not have a blood clot. Your mind is exaggerating the sensations in your leg. As for the costochondritis, your anxiety is making that worse, too. I always get that pain when my anxiety is bad, from all the unconscious deep breathing and overall tension through my body.

29-11-19, 18:49
It’s awful!! Not to mention all of the horror stories i’ve read about missed ultrasounds and all of that. Plus the swelling and shortness of breath :( did you have that too?