View Full Version : Incomplete Evacuation

18-11-19, 16:19
Incomplete Evacuation

Things started back in May 2019 when I had an explosive bowel movement. straight after i felt a pain in my rectum on the left side which has been there almost constantly ever since.
I've had numerous trips to the Docs and have tried everything from Anusol, strong prescribed version of Anusol, Fibrogel, something that numbs the inside, rectogesic ointment and now
Glycerol suppository, Movicol.
The Doc sent me to see a bowel surgeon who sent me for a CT scan which diagnosed a dilated rectum. As I was getting pain he did a Colonoscopy which came back clear.
After a few more trips to Docs I was referred back to surgeon who diagnosed a fissure but said it was healing up so should be OK and put me on Movicol. After 4 days on Movicol I was going 4-5
times a day and stopped taking it.
From using the rectogesic ointment I noticed as I applied it with my finger that I could feel poo in my rectum which I think is the cause of my pain and discomfort. I go regularly and seem to
do enough but within an hour I can feel irritation from more poo sat in my rectum. This is my main cause of concern and feel that if I could rectify this then all would be good.
I drink loads of water, exercise by long walks with dog so i'm getting increasingly worried and wonder if it could be psychological?
Any advice welcome

I've been looking up Levator Ani Syndrome and wonder if this could be part of the issue and whether I have subconsciously imagined the pain from it starting with the Fissure? This has then caused the pain which in turn makes me stop the BM early which means it then gets backed up in my rectum which enhances the pain again?

16-12-19, 15:46
Come on guys, I really thought this was the place to ask.

Anyway, I've been back to the Docs and he put me Bisacodyl

16-12-19, 15:55
Not to be rude, but this sounds like a bowel problem rather than an anxiety problem?

16-12-19, 16:57
I agree - get on healthunlocked under the ibs section - theyve been a great help to me. However, this would cause me huge anxiety so Id have another docs opinion

17-12-19, 16:51
Thanks guys