View Full Version : GP touched wound without washing hands

19-11-19, 19:29
Sorry for posting, this probably sounds ridiculous. I went to the GP for some ongoing issues, and while I was there I mentioned a spot on my chest which is sore and won't heal. It stings a lot and the top of it looks really open. Before I showed him, he had been typing on his computer. When I showed him, he looked at it and rubbed his finger over the top of it. I've been terrified of infections recently, particular flesh-eating bacteria, which is often aused by Strep A. I'm now so scared because he probably deals with Strep infections quite often, so it doesn't feel unreasonable to think the bacteria could be on his keyboard. For him to then rub his finger all over my open skin without washing his hands has made me really angry. I can't think about anything else. I keep checking it, convinced that it's becoming more red and that the redness is spreading. I keep thinking I'm becoming unwell. I keep imagining myself in hospital, dying with flesh-eating bacteria.

Please someone tell me how crazy I'm being and why. Can't cope.

19-11-19, 20:06
You’re being crazy.
It was perhaps irresponsible of him, but they spend all day washing their hands so I would t worry too much about it ok?

The more you look at it and check it, the less it will heal.

Keep it clean, take an arnica tablet. You’ll be fine in no time.