View Full Version : For Everyone Worried about Spotting Or Bleeding After Sex

20-11-19, 16:34
Hi so to give a little background, I have had hypochondria since I was a teenager. I remember going to the library after school to read about various symptoms I would have. Needless to say, it hasn't made for a very enjoyable life and now that I am 50 years old, I want to try and focus on making the next part of my life a little better in terms of my anxiety. It's a struggle daily but I am taking baby steps however way I can.

On Saturday I spotted after being intimate with my husband. This is a first time thing for me and even though logically I know I am going through perimenopause, its a little concerning when you see blood when you shouldn't see it. Of course I did my usual destructive behavior and started googling bleeding after sex. I am sure everyone here knows what I found and all the sinister things it could be. I got myself into a frenzy and could only think about the spotting and how I needed to see the doctor as soon as I can. Didn't enjoy the weekend at all and was quite frantic to be honest. I didn't even tell my husband because he tries to help but when I get into this mode, I don't want to speak to anyone.

Monday morning comes, I cal the gynecologist office and tell them the issue and they squeeze me in the same day. I get to the office, I am frozen with fear and at one point, I feel like I am going to pass out because that's how terrified I am of what he would say.

The doctor walks into the office and asks "Rosanna what brings you here today". I said I am not good, I was intimate with my husband on Saturday and afterwards, there was a spot of blood about the size of a dime on my underwear. And that I saw pink the rest of the day.

His exact words when I told him: you came in for that? Do you know how many reasons there are for bleeding after sex? It could be menopause. It could be a tear in the vagina wall. It could be your cervix is inflamed. It could be you weren't ready. It could be breakthrough bleeding.

He did examine me and to be on the safe side, did a transvaginal ultrasound and found absolutely nothing. Ovaries, uterus and cervix are fine. Before the exam, i was sure he was going to have to do a biopsy and I was completely wrong.

I am not giving this as medical advice and I am not saying to not go see your doctor. I believe in going and I had the mindset that even if it was something sinister, I was going to have to deal with it.

But if I could put just one persons mind at ease, then my post is helpful.

20-11-19, 17:28
I once bled quite a bit after sex and I was so panicked. Had an emergency smear test and everything. It was just because my husband was a little rough! I also experience pain sometimes when having sex but I have for years. Depends on position, time of the months, whether the cervix is being knocked a little etc etc x

20-11-19, 17:39
Yes exactly. I am glad I got it checked out but hope to provide some reassurance. It seems like its a popular topic.

20-11-19, 18:04
I think with health anxiety it can be good to share benign reasons for common problems x

27-11-19, 07:45
Yep normal as you start heading towards menopause, your vaginal walls thin and can't produce enough moisture when you get aroused try a lubricant next time it may help.