View Full Version : Leukemia fear...labs

20-11-19, 22:16
Hey guys,
So I had a worry about leukemia this past spring as I had flu 2x and felt blah for a while...come this summer I was feeling good and then I started getting hives and burning feeling on legs and my anxiety got worse. around that time I had blood drawn around August. In September, I finally went to a highly regarded immunologist in the area and he was great. Basically he asked if my anxiety was ramped up more than usual and I told him about what was going on, and that I was reacting to food, environmental stuff more than usual. He gave me a list of foods and asked if I was eating these and I said yes all of them...He told me I was having high histamine reactions and my body was "out of whack" and I was hypersensitive with anxiety and histamine levels in body. He didn't draw blood but told me he would suspect that my copper levels would be low and certain markers in my blood counts would show that histamines were high. I saw him early September and he put me on hydroxazine for anxiety, 4mg of copper, and 1000 mg of pantatheanic acid. What do you know, everything cleared up in 7-10 days and still is going great.

So here is my question. I forgot that my chiropractor sent me to get blood drawn around middle of August (smack in middle of my skin issues and histamine issues). I just got the results and my copper levels were very low, and my neutrophils were 74.3 up from earlier in year of 44 and my lymphocytes went down from 41 to 18.9. I googled (unfortunately) and read about leukemia. Normal levels of neutrophils are from 38-73ish and I was at 44 a few months earlier and jumped 30 points and lymphocytes normal between 19-43ish and I went from 41 to 19. My brain is saying that was early sign of leukemia and I am worrying big time. Thanks folks.

20-11-19, 23:32
If you had leukaemia, you would know about it.

My mam had it last year, she's currently in remission and doing extremely well. When she was diagnosed, she was visibly incredibly sick. She was throwing up multiple times a day. Her entire body ached to the point where she struggled to walk. She had diarrhoea regularly. She had a rash on her lower legs. She had jaundice. And she struggled to breathe.

The doctor ordered her bloods to be taken. The night her bloods were taken? They rang our home in the middle of the night, saying they were sending an ambulance for her as her bloods were all wrong. Leukaemia is very detectable in bloods, and if they believed you had it, they would have hauled you in to a hospital. Put it this way-without doing any further checks on her, the doctor at the hospital said, "Everything is indicating leukaemia." They knew just off the bloods alone.

This is meant to reassure you that if they even suspected it, they'd have you in for further investigation. If you had it, you would know something was desperately wrong. If you're feeling fine now, and the treatment the doctor prescribed worked, you don't have leukaemia. Things that serious don't just magically get better without serious intervention. For my mam, she needed immediate blood transfusions to get her levels back up to where they should be. You would not be improving without receiving the necessary treatment for the disease if you had it.

So, don't worry about this. Please, don't. The one good thing about this disease is that it is easily detectable in the bloods and doctors would know what to look out for in them for it. If they haven't mentioned it, don't worry about it.

20-11-19, 23:43
thanks so much for response...I guess I get worried that maybe that was early sign and its just starting....I guess I might have been starting to feel sick in the months since that lab and would have not gotten better.
The labs (neutrophils and lymphocytes scare me) bc mine have always been normal and I wonder why they went up/down a good bit. My hope is that it has something to do with histamines being high in body

21-11-19, 06:00
Your red and white blood cell values will change from day to day. White blood cells especially can have huge degrees of variations. Your numbers aren’t concerning at all. What Dr.’s get concerned with is extremely high and extremely low values. Values that are WAY out of range. Yours are not.

21-11-19, 08:09
Labs fluctuate. You just don't know it cause you don't have tests done a couple times a day... Its normal.

You don't have Leukemia. If you did they would have been able to tell by the CBC you had done. *Stop* Googling....

21-11-19, 13:11
thanks for the responses...so even going from 4.5 to 7.0 with WBC is normal? I know that's in the normal range bu tit seems like it's a large jump. Can stress, anxiety cause WBC to fluctuate?

21-11-19, 13:43
Yes stress can cause an elevated white count but yours is not even elevated and yes lab values will fluctuate through out the day. I had blood drawn 3 times once in 24 hours while I was in hospital and white count was 9.3, 8.9 and then the last one was 5.2. Your values are not gonna stay the same hour to hour minute to minute and thats the case for any blood test you ever have.