View Full Version : Bad disassociation at night

21-11-19, 00:51
Hey everyone, the past week or so I've been feeling really funny at night.. I've been dealing with some depersonalization like I haven't had in years all of a sudden, but it only happens later in the day and into the night. This is my second month back on birth control but it's the same pill I used to take and it never caused me these issues before. Around the time this started was also around the time I started on a new bottle of prozac, but it's the exact same pill I've always been on and the exact same dosage so I don't think it's that either. I hate feeling like this and it really freaks me out.. part of me is worried that something is wrong with this batch of prozac or something. Does anyone have any advice or ideas as to what might be triggering this in me again?

21-11-19, 04:16
I have no idea but just wanted you to know you weren't alone. I get this from time to time during periods of intense stress. I hate it, I dont know why but it scares me. For me it lingers for a while and then eventually just disappears. I also get dis realization and that freaks me out even more. Luckily for me they dont happen all that often and when they do they dont last long, maybe a week or so but I hate it too.

21-11-19, 05:06
I'm sorry to hear that. I also used to get this from time to time, but it's been so long I almost forgot what it felt like. My anxiety has been in overdrive lately for some reason and I've been extremely stressed so that probably triggered this. You're definitely not alone either.