View Full Version : Celebrity cancer diagnoses has triggered me badly.

21-11-19, 14:54
I was minding my business scrolling through the news this morning, and I cam across a headline that this model named Slick was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. She's only 23 and just had a baby.

I've been freaking out since reading it. I've been checking my body obsessively.

I just recovered from my STD fears and now my melanoma fears are back with a vengeance.

Can’t even read the news in peace without getting a HA trigger.

21-11-19, 15:09
You're not getting a trigger, you're creating one.

If you're triggered by the news, stop reading. News is designed to either create fear or reduce confidence for the most part.

22-11-19, 00:59
This is a very unusual situation for someone so young plus it is quite rare in a young dark skinned person. Melanoma usually occurs in people over 40 who have had lots of sun exposure. My brother had it in his mid forties and he is fair skinned, he was also a keen surfer in his younger years and has spent lots of time in the sun. We also live in NZ where the UV is very high.

It certainly does not mean that you are going to get melanoma. If you are worried, get a yearly check done, then relax.

22-11-19, 02:22
You're not getting a trigger, you're creating one.

If you're triggered by the news, stop reading. News is designed to either create fear or reduce confidence for the most part.

Even better, treat the anxiety so that you can read these scare stories and not be affected by them. But you are right, they are just to get clicks and "man has cold...again...at winter" just doesn't sell :biggrin:

22-11-19, 02:33
You're not getting a trigger, you're creating one.

If you're triggered by the news, stop reading. News is designed to either create fear or reduce confidence for the most part.

Good news never makes a paper sell.Yes treat your anxiey.x