View Full Version : Worried about skin cancer

21-11-19, 20:02
I am a 27 year old male and for 1-2 months now I’ve been experiencing off and on discharge and brown crust my belly button. I first visited the doctor 1 month ago and when he looked at it, there was no discharge. He used a q tip and magnifying glass, and he didn’t see anything inside of my belly button under the magnifying glass besides minor redness. I went on a course of oral antibiotics and thought the issue went away, but it’s been showing up periodically. After washing my belly button out with water, the crust will go away, but it will come back. I’ve just saw another doctor today and that doctor was not concerned about it either, but referred me to a dermatologist to see if it’s a cyst. In the meantime, I’ve been given a topical antibiotic and have a dermatologist appointment in two weeks. I’m concerned about the possibility of this being a skin cancer lesion that isn’t as obvious as skin cancer that looks like a mole and am hoping waiting another two weeks won’t be too long.

I have a family history of skin cancer, which is why I’m concerned, even though I spend little time in the sun.

21-11-19, 21:22
I've never, ever heard of skin cancer manifesting like that, and this is speaking as somebody who had a basal cell carcinoma for five years, knew about it for three and spent hours every day Googling.

21-11-19, 22:57
I've never, ever heard of skin cancer manifesting like that, and this is speaking as somebody who had a basal cell carcinoma for five years, knew about it for three and spent hours every day Googling.

I know that a cancerous lesion will usually be in a somewhat visible area that is exposed to sun, but I’ve heard of cases where it starts in an area like under the toenail or somewhere like that that isn’t as obvious and the victim dies because they didn’t notice it

22-11-19, 04:55
Still, this seems incredibly unlikely. Trust your GP.

25-11-19, 02:58
I am 27 and have been dealing with what seems to be an infected umbilicus/navel area possibly caused related to a cyst for the last 2 months. Basically it's been causing off and on discharge with a bad smell. It started when I saw a brown crust in that area and assumed I needed to clean that area better, but washing only temporarily helps. Some days it will be bad, but I have gone a week sometimes without any discharge or symptoms, which is part of the reason why this has been going on so long. I saw my regular doctor and took oral antibiotics for a week, which seemed to clear the symptoms. The symptoms became more persistent and I went to see another doctor in my regular doctor's group who prescribed an antibiotic ointment, which has been providing some relief. The doctor I saw yesterday was thinking it might be a cyst that got irritated. I am concerned that the antibiotic ointment will not totally get rid of the symptoms and that what I am dealing with will turn into a flesh eating virus, since I've been dealing with this for so long and I've read that infections in this area can turn into necrotizing fasciitis.

25-11-19, 06:00
And what did the doctor say when you told him of your concerns?

Keep using the cream as directed. Don’t fiddle with it or keep checking it and I’m sure it’ll get better soon with no further complications.

25-11-19, 12:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


25-11-19, 12:25
And what did the doctor say when you told him of your concerns?

Keep using the cream as directed. Don’t fiddle with it or keep checking it and I’m sure it’ll get better soon with no further complications.

Well I'm not one to bring up concerns like this to a doctor, because I don't want it to come across as me doubting their knowledge. Also, I didn't consider the possibility of something like this turning into a flesh eating infection until I got on the internet after the last time I saw the doctor.

25-11-19, 21:41
I’ve also read that the abdominal area is one of the more common areas for someone to get necrotizing fasciitis, which is concerning.

26-11-19, 01:49
I've literally never heard of skin cancer presenting itself that way. I see a dermatologist every 6 months and am very aware of what to look for. Based on my history I have to be on the lookout pretty regularly. Your doctor is sending you to the derma because you have a skin ISSUE, not because he suspects you have skin cancer. Skin is the dermas thing, not your GP's. Try not to stress, you have nothing to be worried about.

26-11-19, 02:50
I've literally never heard of skin cancer presenting itself that way. I see a dermatologist every 6 months and am very aware of what to look for. Based on my history I have to be on the lookout pretty regularly. Your doctor is sending you to the derma because you have a skin ISSUE, not because he suspects you have skin cancer. Skin is the dermas thing, not your GP's. Try not to stress, you have nothing to be worried about.

I agree with what you are saying, and that you. I am finally starting to get over my concern about skin cancer, but now my more immediate concern is whatever I have turning into a flesh eating virus, like necrotizing fasciitis. My doctor used a term related to infection of the navel area called omphalitis and after doing some research, I read that it can lead to necrotizing fasciitis. It's one of those things where the risk is probably low, but I am concerned that I have been letting this go on too long and that I am putting myself at risk by not being on heavy duty oral antibiotics or something like that.

26-11-19, 14:24
my more immediate concern is whatever I have turning into a flesh eating virus, like necrotizing fasciitis.

I don't imagine we'll be seeing the headline on the Daily Mail - "Man eaten by his belly button!" ;)

Positive thoughts

26-11-19, 18:31
I agree with what you are saying, and that you. I am finally starting to get over my concern about skin cancer, but now my more immediate concern is whatever I have turning into a flesh eating virus, like necrotizing fasciitis. My doctor used a term related to infection of the navel area called omphalitis and after doing some research, I read that it can lead to necrotizing fasciitis. It's one of those things where the risk is probably low, but I am concerned that I have been letting this go on too long and that I am putting myself at risk by not being on heavy duty oral antibiotics or something like that.

If you actually had something like that...don't you think you would be pretty sick by now?

04-12-19, 20:52
So I saw the dermatologist the other day, and he said without hesitation after examining the spot and and after I showed him a picture of the rash and discharge at it’s worst that it looked to be either a fungal infection or psoriasis. After I mentioned my concern about skin cancer, he mentioned doing a biopsy if the issue persists after using a prescription cream. I’m just concerned because he mentioned doing a biopsy and because nothing else has worked so far :(

04-12-19, 22:51
But he would know if it was cancer or not

05-12-19, 17:42
But he would know if it was cancer or not

I would assume so, but why suggest a biopsy then? My concern is the two other doctors I’ve seen so far seemed to have no idea what my issue is.

08-12-19, 14:03
I'm in a bad spot today. I did some research and found out that even though skin cancer inside of the belly button is virtually unheard of, you can get cancerous tumors in that area that have spread from the intestines/abdominal area and if you do, it is a sign of advanced cancer. I'm thinking that this must be what I have because even though none of the 3 doctors I've seen seemed concerned, none of them seemed to have a clue what is happening to me. I'm upset at myself because I feel like I waited too long to take action originally and that after 3 months of dealing with this, I'm really hoping that it's not cancer. I'm not even going to be able to enjoy the holidays coming up because of this.

08-12-19, 15:49
I did some research

Why are you doing this to yourself? :lac:

Positive thoughts

08-12-19, 17:02
The chances of you having anything nasty are next to nothing. Quit researching, as you don't have the expertise or the mindset to be realistic about it.

08-12-19, 17:03
Why are you doing this to yourself? :lac:

Positive thoughts

I try not to, but the fact that nothing has worked so far is concerning to me.

08-12-19, 17:06
Sometimes bodies just do weird stuff, though.

08-12-19, 17:39
Sometimes bodies just do weird stuff, though.

True. I'm also assuming that if I had cancer, I'd be feeling pretty ill or showing other symptoms after 3+ months?

08-12-19, 17:43
True. I'm also assuming that if I had cancer, I'd be feeling pretty ill or showing other symptoms after 3+ months.

Made it a statement instead of a reassurance seeking question. That's your answer.

Positive thoughts

09-12-19, 15:08
Sometimes bodies just do weird stuff, though.

They do, but I feel like I’ve seen many cases of when someone has something wrong with them and nobody can seem to explain it, it is cancer.

09-12-19, 15:12
That's because these are the cases that get publicised - it's confirmation bias at work.

09-12-19, 23:35
That's because these are the cases that get publicised - it's confirmation bias at work.

I guess part of what makes me nervous is I have been dealing with this for probably close to 4 months and I took 2-3 weeks after the issue first became obvious to go to the doctor originally. I have a close relative who had minor ailments here and there, and they waited to see the doctor like I did, and what would normally be an extremely treatable form of cancer killed them. That person wasn't some Daily Mail headline. If I had to point to one event that made me so concerned about my health, it would be that.

10-12-19, 03:52
I would assume so, but why suggest a biopsy then? My concern is the two other doctors I’ve seen so far seemed to have no idea what my issue is.

A biopsy can determine if it actually is psoriasis, a type of dermatitis, infection etc.

10-12-19, 04:45
I'm really sorry for your loss, Beq. That does put things into perspective.

Be kind to yourself, okay?

10-12-19, 14:31
A biopsy can determine if it actually is psoriasis, a type of dermatitis, infection etc.

I didn’t realize that. I was thinking it was strange the derm said we could do a biopsy even though he wasn’t considering cancer at all. He suggested several possibilities: eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infection

10-12-19, 14:33
I'm really sorry for your loss, Beq. That does put things into perspective.

Be kind to yourself, okay?

Thank you. It was much worse when I was younger, but I still go through health panics like this occasionally.

10-12-19, 14:38
Of course you do, and I can confirm that biopsies are often used for psoriasis.

I think you're going to be fine on all counts, though.

11-12-19, 20:54
Of course you do, and I can confirm that biopsies are often used for psoriasis.

I think you're going to be fine on all counts, though.

I keep focusing on the cancer aspect. I’ve accepted that skin cancer isn’t high on the list of possibilities, but there is a type of cancerous node that can show up inside of the belly button and is usually indicative of advanced cancer in the abdominal/pelvic area. Saw this on one of the major medical websites out there.

This has been going on for 3-4 months now and wish I didn’t have to enter the holiday season with the idea of having cancer dominating my thoughts

11-12-19, 23:57
I keep focusing on the cancer aspect. I’ve accepted that skin cancer isn’t high on the list of possibilities, but........

This has been going on for 3-4 months now and wish I didn’t have to enter the holiday season with the idea of having cancer dominating my thoughts

Bottom line is it's all on you. You have it it within your power to accept the facts or feed your dragon and the dragon really loves "buts". Remind me again what you're doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

08-02-21, 21:27
I’m 29 and when I was 27, I first experienced a strange issue that involved discharge from my belly button and a flaky rash. The first two doctors I saw suspected an infection, and the second doctor recommended a dermatologist, mainly because they had noticed a red “lesion” inside of my belly button. The second doctor thought that could be a cyst, and I regret not asking more questions at the time due to the word “lesion” being used. The dermatologist said I had eczema or psoriasis and gave me a steroid cream that worked wonderfully for about a year. I noticed recently that the rash had appeared again, but it’s been much less persistent. What concerned me is I noticed a small red bump inside of my belly button, so I went to the doctor, who agreed with the dermatologist’s diagnosis of eczema and said that’s why this issue has been appearing in the winter for me, and seemingly goes away when the weather gets warmer

My concern after reading some case studies online is that this bump could be something called a Sister Mary Joseph nodule, which appears in the belly button and almost always indicates end-stage cancer somewhere else in the body (usually gastric cancer in men) with a typical survival rate of no more than 10 months. It can even apparently appear in people who feel otherwise healthy. I’m almost positive that this bump has been with me the entire time, so about 14 months, but I’m not sure. If it has been with me the entire time, that would make me feel better; I have had 4 doctors look at me so far, but this is such a strange issue that I can’t help but think they could have missed something.

08-02-21, 21:54
I saw Sister Mary Joseph and now I have Po-Jama People (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0T7QzuiYtI&ab_channel=drummingtilldawn1) by Frank Zappa running through my head ~lol~ "Mother Mary and Joseph, I'd wish they'd all go away"

Positive thoughts and Hoy Hoy Hoy!

08-02-21, 21:58
This is a classic case of why self diagnosis in the face of multiple professional diagnosis' is a terrible idea.

09-02-21, 01:32
This is a classic case of why self diagnosis in the face of multiple professional diagnosis' is a terrible idea.

It probably is a bad idea, but I don't want to be that person in a case study who initially presented with seemingly benign symptoms and was diagnosed with one thing, only to end up diagnosed with something much more severe a month later. You can argue that it is a case study for a reason, but still...

09-02-21, 04:48
This is a non issue as you have had treatment that took care of the original issue. Cause and effect plain and simple. By your own words you’d be dead by now. Trust the medical professionals on this one.

09-02-21, 10:54
It probably is a bad idea, but I don't want to be that person in a case study who initially presented with seemingly benign symptoms and was diagnosed with one thing, only to end up diagnosed with something much more severe a month later. You can argue that it is a case study for a reason, but still...


I you constantly look for the possibility of being that one 'worst case scenario' your life will be eternally miserable. You think you're keeping yourself safe, but you are just creating misery.

You're far better off assuming the best and leaving it to chance. You will be a lot happier.

12-02-21, 01:12
This is a non issue as you have had treatment that took care of the original issue. Cause and effect plain and simple. By your own words you’d be dead by now. Trust the medical professionals on this one.

The treatment seemed to alleviate the symptoms that bothered me the most at the time (rash and discharge), but I'm not sure if that the red lesion/bump inside of my belly button has been there for 16 months or so. I'm like 99% sure this is the same spot I saw all the way back then and that this is what my doctor had pointed out, but I wish I was 100% sure. I Googled "red bump in belly button" or something like that, which is how I came across the results related to cancer.

12-02-21, 14:29
From a psychological perspective, if you spend your life looking for 100% assurance, you’re going to be very unhappy. It simply doesn’t exist.

13-02-21, 19:53
I'm 29 and about a year and a half ago, I noticed that I had a rash and discharge inside of my belly button. I went to see a doctor, who thoroughly examined the affected area, and they prescribed an oral antibiotic, which didn't work. I saw another doctor, who prescribed a topical antibiotic (which also didn't work) and referred me to the dermatologist because she had seen a raised red spot which she thought could be a cyst. The dermatologist suspected psoriasis or eczema and prescribed a steroid cream, and I didn't have any other issues for over a year. I noticed a slight burning sensation recently and saw that the red spot inside of my belly button was still there, so I went back to the doctor, who agreed with the dermatologist and prescribed me a steroid cream again. My concern is I learned about a relatively rare symptom of advanced cancer that involves a lesion inside of the belly button. Usually this is a symptom of a cancer that started in the abdominal region (colon or stomach cancer), and spread to the umbilicus, meaning it's often too late for people to do anything about the cancer once they notice this symptom. I wouldn't be so concerned about this if I still didn't have a burning sensation in that spot at times.

13-02-21, 20:08
Have you read THIS? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?232916-Worried-about-skin-cancer)

Positive thoughts

13-02-21, 20:16
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


13-02-21, 20:21
1 week in with the steroid cream treatment and I’m still getting an off and on burning sensation in that area...I’m starting to think the doctors didn’t examine me thoroughly enough. I’m hoping I haven’t gone too long without being diagnosed properly

13-02-21, 20:39
In the two+ years since this started, do you not think you'd be extremely ill or not with us by now if it were cancer?


13-02-21, 21:16
Just....... no. You found a very obscure academic paper, when you put the words “belly button and cancer” into google didn’t you?

13-02-21, 21:47
Just....... no. You found a very obscure academic paper, when you put the words “belly button and cancer” into google didn’t you?

Unfortunately, I didn't even do that in this situation; I stumbled upon this admittedly obscure condition that's related to advanced cancer by accident, and I've been trying to avoid using Google for medical issues. I got nervous when I read that some people don't have any other symptoms of cancer besides this nodule that appears in the umbilical region, only to find out they have advanced cancer. It seems to be a rare condition, but just because something is rare isn't reassuring to me.

13-02-21, 21:54
Unfortunately, I didn't even do that in this situation; I stumbled upon this admittedly obscure condition that's related to advanced cancer by accident,

Sorry... I call BS. You obviously read about it. Other than Dr. Google or a library of medical books, how does one "stumble" upon a ridiculously rare condition by "accident"?


13-02-21, 22:03
Sorry... I call BS. You obviously read about it. Other than Dr. Google or a library of medical books, how does one "stumble" upon a ridiculously rare condition by "accident"?


I wasn't trying to say I didn't Google anything, but what happened is I was on a medical website describing a benign condition that fits some of the symptoms I have, and there was a differential diagnosis section that described what I'm talking about in detail. It mentioned how doctors should be cognizant of this condition, as it is often not considered when attempting to diagnose people who really have the condition. Once I saw that information, it's not like I could take it back...The only reason why I was on Google is because I've never heard of anyone who has had the symptoms I'm having and I'm not sure my doctors even know what the issue is

13-02-21, 22:26
Just....... no. You found a very obscure academic paper, when you put the words “belly button and cancer” into google didn’t you?

Unfortunately, I didn't even do that in this situation

I wasn't trying to say I didn't Google anything



13-02-21, 22:32


Sorry, what I meant is I didn't add the word "cancer" when I searched Google by entering my symptoms, because I know you can type just about anything in with the word "cancer" on Google, and you'll be able to link it to cancer. I wasn't anticipating that I'd still find results related to cancer when I was on a medical page addressing a benign condition