View Full Version : Awful toothache.... any advice? :(

21-11-19, 20:35
Some background: unfortunately I've never been someone who took dental health as seriously as other people, I'd often brush my teeth like once a day and some days if I'm not going out, I'd miss a day.

I'm quite ashamed of this.. it's also because I've had so many other worries that I pushed personal hygiene back and didn't pay as much attention to it

And also I eat a lot of junk and sugary things which can't be good for my teeth

I now brush twice a day with Oral-B pro toothpaste and gargle salt water once a day

I had a filling in September and for some reason the tooth has still been painful and sensitive ever since I had the filling

I also have a bad habit which I'm now stopping of biting hard on my fingers with my front teeth, which started hurting yesterday, and I think that's partly the reason

But now I literally CAN'T EAT on my right side, the entire right side of my mouth (teeth) hurts if I put pressure on any of the teeth, even ones that I've never had problems with

This all started yesterday too, it used to be pain in the tooth that had the filling but now it's literally all teeth on my right side

I don't think it's because I clench my teeth or anything, I've never done that, I bite my fingers but as I say I'm stopping that

But it's literally awful, I hate it, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy

Of course I'm scared that it could be a brain tumour causing problems in my teeth, which can happen, or something along those lines- since it's happening so suddenly

Or could it be psychosomatic?

21-11-19, 20:55
It won't be a brain tumour - Tobyyyyyyy, its your TEETH :roflmao:You need to go back to your dentist like asap and explain the continuing pain from the filled tooth (maybe if it was a very deep filling it has affected the nerve and caused trauma or even the nerve to die, this can happen in some teeth), it is possible also there is some infection that is affecting the root or there is a crack....whatever it is it needs a dental xray to determine what is going on. Referred pain can happen in the mouth, it is very sensitive to it, and I've even heard of some people who have the problem in the top jaw but the majority of pain is felt in the lower jaw !!!

21-11-19, 21:11
It won't be a brain tumour - Tobyyyyyyy, its your TEETH :roflmao:You need to go back to your dentist like asap and explain the continuing pain from the filled tooth (maybe if it was a very deep filling it has affected the nerve and caused trauma or even the nerve to die, this can happen in some teeth), it is possible also there is some infection that is affecting the root or there is a crack....whatever it is it needs a dental xray to determine what is going on. Referred pain can happen in the mouth, it is very sensitive to it, and I've even heard of some people who have the problem in the top jaw but the majority of pain is felt in the lower jaw !!!

and I've even heard of some people who have the problem in the top jaw but the majority of pain is felt in the lower jaw !!!

^^^^^^^ that part!!!! I have had this. I went to the dentist was telling her my bottom tooth was hurting me something terrible. She said she was suspecting the culprit was a tooth on the top and I kept arguing that it was not. In the end I figured she went to school and I didn't and so it was probably wish to listen to her. I'm glad I did cause she was right. Toothaches are the worst 🤨.... I hope you are able to get it treated and get to feeling better soon.

21-11-19, 21:46
It won't be a brain tumour - Tobyyyyyyy, its your TEETH :roflmao:You need to go back to your dentist like asap and explain the continuing pain from the filled tooth (maybe if it was a very deep filling it has affected the nerve and caused trauma or even the nerve to die, this can happen in some teeth), it is possible also there is some infection that is affecting the root or there is a crack....whatever it is it needs a dental xray to determine what is going on. Referred pain can happen in the mouth, it is very sensitive to it, and I've even heard of some people who have the problem in the top jaw but the majority of pain is felt in the lower jaw !!!

I know but I read something about a man who had general toothache and then it was a brain tumour causing it:ohmy:

I really don't want to go back since I only went a couple of months ago and I'm scared that I'll have to have a root canal or something... that would be the worst. I've never really been by myself either and it's a nightmare to get to, and my parents probably won't take me since I've been recently.

But maybe it would be worth going because as I'm typing, the pain has started again. I just want to RIP MY TEETH OUT.

Thanks for letting me know that a top tooth can cause bottom teeth to hurt. That would make sense


21-11-19, 21:47
and I've even heard of some people who have the problem in the top jaw but the majority of pain is felt in the lower jaw !!!

^^^^^^^ that part!!!! I have had this. I went to the dentist was telling her my bottom tooth was hurting me something terrible. She said she was suspecting the culprit was a tooth on the top and I kept arguing that it was not. In the end I figured she went to school and I didn't and so it was probably wish to listen to her. I'm glad I did cause she was right. Toothaches are the worst 廊.... I hope you are able to get it treated and get to feeling better soon.

That would explain a lot. Maybe I'll have to go back then...

Ughhhh I just hate toothache. It's the worst thing ever

21-11-19, 21:48
Is there anything that can be done, other than a filling, to restore my teeth? Like, will "pro"toothpaste actually help restore or just prevent?

21-11-19, 22:03
Not if they're already decayed, but yes a decent toothpaste and proper brushing can help prevent problems or deal with sensitivity. If its that bad, go back to the dentist.

21-11-19, 22:04
Is there anything that can be done, other than a filling, to restore my teeth? Like, will "pro"toothpaste actually help restore or just prevent?

No, the toothpaste won’t fix it.
I would go back to the dentist and he’ll most likely make it better. Even if you have to go through a bit of discomfort, it’ll be worth it if you can go back to eating without pain.
I had something similar for weeks and it was miserable. I was taking paracetamol 4 times a day for about 2-3 weeks until my dentist fixed it in half an hour.

You could potentially try massaging your pro toothpaste into where it hurts.

21-11-19, 22:11
No, the toothpaste won’t fix it.
I would go back to the dentist and he’ll most likely make it better. Even if you have to go through a bit of discomfort, it’ll be worth it if you can go back to eating without pain.
I had something similar for weeks and it was miserable. I was taking paracetamol 4 times a day for about 2-3 weeks until my dentist fixed it in half an hour.

You could potentially try massaging your pro toothpaste into where it hurts.

What problem did you have? I'm taking a lot of ibuprofen (in moderation)

21-11-19, 22:13
Not if they're already decayed, but yes a decent toothpaste and proper brushing can help prevent problems or deal with sensitivity. If its that bad, go back to the dentist.

My teeth aren't REALLY bad, when I went for a check up the dentist only noticed one problem which was a filling was needed

But yeah the pain and sensitivity is a problem. My dad has ordered me some toothpaste for sensitive teeth so hopefully that'll help

I'll have to go back to the dentist

21-11-19, 22:18
Yes, you do have to go back, for the reasons I stated at the top - reasons that fillings can keep causing pain in a tooth.

You need to stop with the bizzare theories you are considering. Clearly you are already searching online for reasons for toothache and coming up with scenarios that are SO SO rare that most people won't even have heard of them! This can be a lesson to you now on how to rethink how you approach this - your teeth hurt, it has been somewhat like it since the filling, there is a problem with the teeth. Why look any further than the obvious ?

21-11-19, 22:56
My teeth aren't REALLY bad, when I went for a check up the dentist only noticed one problem which was a filling was needed

But yeah the pain and sensitivity is a problem. My dad has ordered me some toothpaste for sensitive teeth so hopefully that'll help

I'll have to go back to the dentist

I meant if the pain is really bad, go back to the dentist. Sometimes you can have a cavity without knowing, although it sounds like it's probably related to the filling. I had one last year which caused pain and sensitivity on and off for months. The dentist held something really cold against it but it was ok. It's been fine since I switched toothpaste, but it is worth having it checked.

As for the brain tumour, remember what we talked about on your other thread about looking at the evidence? I know you were "yeah whatever", but it really might help you not to jump straight to the worst case scenario each time you have a common condition that most people get from time to time.

21-11-19, 23:35
Awful toothache.... any advice? :(
Go to the dentist and take better care of your oral hygiene moving forward. It's really that simple. End of story.

Positive thoughts

22-11-19, 00:30
Yes, you do have to go back, for the reasons I stated at the top - reasons that fillings can keep causing pain in a tooth.

You need to stop with the bizzare theories you are considering. Clearly you are already searching online for reasons for toothache and coming up with scenarios that are SO SO rare that most people won't even have heard of them! This can be a lesson to you now on how to rethink how you approach this - your teeth hurt, it has been somewhat like it since the filling, there is a problem with the teeth. Why look any further than the obvious ?

I know it was just the fact that it was happening all on the right side, and I know brain tumours can affect just one side of the face and not the other which is where I drew a comparison. I know it's dumb now though

22-11-19, 00:32
I meant if the pain is really bad, go back to the dentist. Sometimes you can have a cavity without knowing, although it sounds like it's probably related to the filling. I had one last year which caused pain and sensitivity on and off for months. The dentist held something really cold against it but it was ok. It's been fine since I switched toothpaste, but it is worth having it checked.

As for the brain tumour, remember what we talked about on your other thread about looking at the evidence? I know you were "yeah whatever", but it really might help you not to jump straight to the worst case scenario each time you have a common condition that most people get from time to time.

I think I've found the cause... I looked in the mirror and I think a bit of the filling is out. But even before that it hurt, I think the problem was deeper in the tooth and the dentist filled over it. But yeah I think the sudden influx of pain is caused by the missing bit of filling

I'll book an appointment tomorrow morning for hopefully next week

22-11-19, 02:47
I know but I read something about a man who had general toothache and then it was a brain tumour causing it:ohmy:

I really don't want to go back since I only went a couple of months ago and I'm scared that I'll have to have a root canal or something... that would be the worst. I've never really been by myself either and it's a nightmare to get to, and my parents probably won't take me since I've been recently.

But maybe it would be worth going because as I'm typing, the pain has started again. I just want to RIP MY TEETH OUT.

Thanks for letting me know that a top tooth can cause bottom teeth to hurt. That would make sense


Well just Rip em out :Dproblem solved.

22-11-19, 06:29
'Hopefully next week', why not just go sooner if they can offer you sooner ?

22-11-19, 07:07
'Hopefully next week', why not just go sooner if they can offer you sooner ?

It doesn't seem realistic tbh

22-11-19, 07:34
I'm mortally, utterly afraid of the dentist, as in, I haven't gone in years. That said, I can think of worse things than a root canal - if for some reason somebody offered me a choice between that and another meeting like the one I had on Monday where I had to spend the entire weekend wondering whether my sole income source was disappearing? I'd be in that chair like a shot and begging for the needle.

22-11-19, 07:51
I'm mortally, utterly afraid of the dentist, as in, I haven't gone in years. That said, I can think of worse things than a root canal - if for some reason somebody offered me a choice between that and another meeting like the one I had on Monday where I had to spend the entire weekend wondering whether my sole income source was disappearing? I'd be in that chair like a shot and begging for the needle.

Sorry to hear that:weep:where do you work?

I'm not really scared of having work done, but it's the sensation of the drill edging towards the nerve that is a killer for me. So in a sense I guess I'm scared? But needles don't scare me any more. But I'd do anything to have this ache go away

22-11-19, 08:42
I'm at a college, and my job's safe this time round, luckily. Really appreciate you asking, thanks.


Sorry this is distressing you so much.

22-11-19, 09:16
Sorry to hear of your recent job stress Iris. That must've been super stressful. So glad it's ok.

Toby, I don't like the drill either. Sounds like you've found the cause of the pain, and that is a horrible feeling when a filling has fallen out. You can buy temporary filling kits which are quite good until you can get to a dentist. Failing that, I was told by a dentist to patch it with sugar-free gum until I could get it filled again. Hope you get it sorted soon.

22-11-19, 09:20
Oooo Blue, I didn't see your work stuff going on - and I have skipped to the ending, which is all good fortunately. :)

Nobody likes the drill Toby, even those who aren't phobic just tolerate it - they don't like it. LOL

22-11-19, 11:10
I'm not really scared of having work done, but it's the sensation of the drill edging towards the nerve that is a killer for me. So in a sense I guess I'm scared? But needles don't scare me any more. But I'd do anything to have this ache go away

If the area is all numb, how can you feel or sense the drill going near "nerve"? Again, this is all anxiety talking, not common sense.

I do accept that when the local starts to wear off, pain can be bad news, and a strong painkiller is usually necessary.

22-11-19, 11:54
I'm at a college, and my job's safe this time round, luckily. Really appreciate you asking, thanks.


Sorry this is distressing you so much.

No problem, and I'm glad everything's okay.:hugs:

22-11-19, 11:57
Sorry to hear of your recent job stress Iris. That must've been super stressful. So glad it's ok.

Toby, I don't like the drill either. Sounds like you've found the cause of the pain, and that is a horrible feeling when a filling has fallen out. You can buy temporary filling kits which are quite good until you can get to a dentist. Failing that, I was told by a dentist to patch it with sugar-free gum until I could get it filled again. Hope you get it sorted soon.

The whole thing hasn't fallen out, it looks like a bit is missing that is maybe exposing the nerve a little more than it should

But even before that the filled in tooth was extremely sensitive even with the filling so I think the problem wasn't solved the first time, I might need a root canal. Backstory: I had a filling a few years before in that tooth and then about 8-9 months ago it fell out and I was tolerating the pain for months until this September because I was scared of getting told off by the dentist. In reality she couldn't have been nicer.

22-11-19, 11:59
If the area is all numb, how can you feel or sense the drill going near "nerve"? Again, this is all anxiety talking, not common sense.

I do accept that when the local starts to wear off, pain can be bad news, and a strong painkiller is usually necessary.

Oh you can definitely feel it as the drill touches the nerve, even with the injection. It's one of the worst, most irritating sensations ever and it makes my skin crawl just thinking about it

But yeah I guess my point was that I'm not especially scared of the procedure but that pain is annoying:unsure:

22-11-19, 12:12
Oh you can definitely feel it as the drill touches the nerve, even with the injection. It's one of the worst, most irritating sensations ever and it makes my skin crawl just thinking about it

But yeah I guess my point was that I'm not especially scared of the procedure but that pain is annoying:unsure:
Perhaps you need an extra couple of pricks to make sure you wouldn't feel a sledgehammer if it was swung at your gob :shades:

22-11-19, 15:48
You need to see a dentist, having a root canal is not fun.

22-11-19, 16:39
Ba ha ha, this will make you all WINCE, I have dental work done without pain killers. I DID have a root canal done with some though, as that was a step too far - but my two crowns and fillings have been done 'au naturel'.

22-11-19, 17:24
Ba ha ha, this will make you all WINCE, I have dental work done without pain killers. I DID have a root canal done with some though, as that was a step too far - but my two crowns and fillings have been done 'au naturel'.

Ugh, Carys! It does make me wince. I did have a small surgical procedure in my mouth that they started before the local anaesthetic had taken effect, and almost jumped out of the chair. I agree with Toby though, I can totally tell when the drill is down to the nerve. You're a brave lady :D

22-11-19, 17:34
Yes, you can tell if its near the nerve but the pain is very fleeting and its amazing how you can use your mind to overcome it. My dentist was very hesitant to go with my plan a few years ago, as I loathe the feeling of the injection site being numb for so long.....as he thought I would jump at the wrong moment and cause something awful to happen. If it becomes painful, and yes it does, the most I have done is made a small noise. He has told me how long he will be continuing and I've been fine. I don't advocate it for everybody, but it is achievable apart from major work to the root.

22-11-19, 22:17
I had 2 old fillings removed and replaced. He replaced one but the ache was still there, so a few weeks later he replaced the other. He had suggested root canal but thankfully it wasn’t needed.
I’ve also had a new filling break, it happens. Did you book your appointment?

23-11-19, 03:39
Perhaps you need an extra couple of pricks to make sure you wouldn't feel a sledgehammer if it was swung at your gob :shades:

Not sure how to respond to this

23-11-19, 03:42
I'm just gonna say as a general reply/update (not that you're all anxiously waiting for one or anything:D-the teeth in that emoji are very topical)

The pain now just won't go away, it's constantly there and I can barely sleep

I slept for an hour tonight and woke up feeling like S**T. I have chills, a headache, slight nausea and of course the damn toothache, which, I'll re-iterate, won't go away even if I take painkillers. I've tried ibuprofen and paracetamol today. I also bought

I'm going to try and book at an emergency dental surgery for today. I just want them to take it out, I don't care about any root canals

Hopefully the end of this pain is in sight. Though I'm betting that it'll hurt a bit after the extraction but it's better than it hurting all the time until I can get in at my usual dentist which will probably be like a week's wait


23-11-19, 04:56
Good luck, Toby - you're being really smart here.

Hope you feel better soon.

23-11-19, 07:38
Good luck Toby!

23-11-19, 08:40
Thanks everyone

My Dad agreed to take me and said I can borrow the money to pay for it

I'm hoping they can fit me in at the dentist, I'll find out at 9

23-11-19, 08:42
Also, one more thing, I've had fever-like symptoms all night including achey arms, chills, feeling warm in general, a slight headache- my mum felt my head and told me that I was warm. If you read my threads you know that she's brutally honest about that, to say the least

But could I have an infection? There's no abscess in my mouth or anything. Or could the toothache be annoying me so much that it's making me feel ill?

Of course somewhere in my mind is the thought of cancer, but I don't want to go there just yet

23-11-19, 09:16
I tried a few places and they don't take emergency appointments on Saturdays from people who aren't registered with them

So then I called 111 who asked me questions and I explained the cold-like symptoms and the pain etc

This is the scary part... she said 'I'll get a clinician to ring to back immediately' or something like that.

Doesn't that sound like she thinks it could be cancer?

23-11-19, 09:42
Why would it be cancer? What could a 111 clinician do if they thought it sounded like cancer? My guess is they think you might have an infection and they want a clinician to check.

23-11-19, 09:45
I think so too Swan, however, I have no signs of an abcess, so I don't know

I'm waiting on the call back from the dental clinician

23-11-19, 10:01
Now I'm scared that it's anemia causing the fever-ish symtpoms

This fits with my bowel cancer worry. :(

Symptoms of anemia:

tiredness and lack of energy (lethargy) - yes
shortness of breath - maybe, I do get quite out of breath but I'm hardly the fittest person
noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations) - I don't think so
a pale complexion - Maybe? I'm definitely pale naturally though so I don't know

23-11-19, 10:08
Toby you’re spiralling ok? You’re tired and in pain with a bad tooth.

23-11-19, 10:12
Toby you’re spiralling ok? You’re tired and in pain with a bad tooth.

Yeah :(

But I do have signs of a fever and I don't know what it could be. I doubt it's an infection in my tooth

23-11-19, 10:13
I did read that with anemia you usually have a low temperature, the opposite of a fever, and a fever is usually present with infection... hopefully it's just something simple.

Confirmation bias is the worst :(

23-11-19, 10:22
You doubt it's an infection in your mouth despite having severe toothache, but you think your symptoms could be anaemia due to bowel cancer. On the balance of probability, which would you say is more likely?

23-11-19, 10:36
You doubt it's an infection in your mouth despite having severe toothache, but you think your symptoms could be anaemia due to bowel cancer. On the balance of probability, which would you say is more likely?

I've been reading about dental infections and I think you visibly need an abscess for it to be one. And I have zero visual signs of an abscess

Are there other forms of dental infection, besides abscesses?

23-11-19, 10:45
Well, I'm not a dentist but I'd imagine so. Abscesses take time to form, so maybe you just caught it early. I had to have antibiotics from the dentist once and I had zero symptoms. Alternatively, maybe you've been unlucky and picked up a bug. Given how rapidly your symptoms have appeared, my money's on an infection somewhere.

23-11-19, 10:53
Well, I'm not a dentist but I'd imagine so. Abscesses take time to form, so maybe you just caught it early. I had to have antibiotics from the dentist once and I had zero symptoms. Alternatively, maybe you've been unlucky and picked up a bug. Given how rapidly your symptoms have appeared, my money's on an infection somewhere.

Hopefully the dentist will be able to say if it's an infection. If not then I have a whole new can of worms to deal with

23-11-19, 10:54
Ahhh thank god! I managed to get an appointment for 6pm today

It's one cost of £22.70 that covers everything too, including tooth extraction etc. which is good

23-11-19, 11:03
Excellent. Yes, I'm sure the dentist will be able to tell if it's infected. I hope you get it sorted.

23-11-19, 11:06
Good glad you've got one, I was concerned 2 days ago and said there could be a number of reasons that needed looking at asap (with your level of pain). I don't udnerstand though why your usual dentist doesnt have an emergency cover option, even if its a connection to another practice ? Let us know how you get on, mouth pain is the PITS and something aint right with your last bit of dental work.

23-11-19, 11:21
Glad you got one.
Perhaps you have a cold coming? Everyone else seems to have one.

23-11-19, 11:39
Thank you everyone. I just hope that they don't decide to do a root canal because that's even more pain. I just want the tooth OUT, I don't want old fillings dug out and then re-done, so I have to go through a whole other pain ordeal. I imagine that tooth extraction hurts afterwards but I've read that it's not that bad

Maybe the low-grade fever-like symptoms are due to the stress and demoralization that the tooth has caused me

23-11-19, 11:40
Actually I'm quite nervous now

23-11-19, 12:43
They won’t do a root canal today, they’ll most likely have a look and maybe give you a temporary filling for now.

23-11-19, 18:48
They won’t do a root canal today, they’ll most likely have a look and maybe give you a temporary filling for now.

You probably get given a temporary filling, as when I had a problem and saw an emergecy dentist over christmas 10+ years ago, he could only give me some stuff for my teeth. as I did not go to the dentist, and had no acccess to my notes

23-11-19, 19:23
I was given two choices: to have the tooth out, or have a temporary filling for now (as you said) before they do a root canal at my normal dentist

I was too scared in the end to have the tooth out, so I went for the temporary filling

She said that she would put some medicine in the tooth to kill the nerve and to stop the pain, but it'll be sore until tomorrow

I'm still in moderate pain- but when can I expect it to go away? Of course, she said tomorrow but my last filling didn't ever stop hurting

23-11-19, 19:30
Any dental work can make your teeth and jaw hurt for a while, so hopefully it’ll be better in the morning. Did she say what’s wrong with it?

23-11-19, 19:32
Yes, I'm interested to know what she said the cause was too ? That filling your usual dentist did was only done a matter of weeks ago and to need a root canal so soon seems rather strange....

23-11-19, 19:34
if the dentist said tomorrow, why would you ask us for a second opinion?

I hope this passes soon but you will move effortlessly onto something else that means cancer. your underlying anxiety is the issue, always has been, but you`ll dance round toothache now for a few pages, maybe resurrect your rectal cancer thread, maybe find something new.

I`ve been in your shoes and you`ll either listen and get better or you won`t, I`m not getting triggered or angry I just see a huge waste of a life that can be sorted out fairly painlessly through medication and /or therapy. but it takes consistent effort, not constant reassurance seeking

good luck

23-11-19, 19:52
Carys and Scass; the cause was the filling was too close to the nerve, I think. But I'm definitely having a root canal at the dentist next week (I have to book the appointment)

Bruce; I agree with you, but if the rectal cancer thread (which I now know isn't rectal, if anything it's in the descending colon) is revived then it's because I'm genuinely still worried about it, not because I want to talk about that sort of thing/death, for fun. But as you say, you've been in my shoes, so it's just not as easy as one may think to recover, especially when you're stuck and don't believe people who say you're okay when deep down you believe that you're not. This site is for such people.

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern about the situation, I just want it all to be over soon. The root canal should get rid of the nerve in that tooth completely which will be BLISSFUL

23-11-19, 22:55
The pain has pretty much gone entirely! Besides from when I press on to the tooth, I can sort of feel pressure-related pain

But I guess she really did kill the nerve. Thank god, I can sleep again

23-11-19, 23:49
I can even drink cold water on that side of my mouth. Haven't been able to do that for a long time

24-11-19, 09:34
That’s brilliant, I completely understand that feeling of relief.
Remember that the root canal will help, it might be a bit unpleasant (and hideously expensive), but worth it.

24-11-19, 09:43
Gosh yes, its the expense that is the biggest shock of everything !!!

24-11-19, 12:19

I'm considering just having it out. Because when I bite down on it or push it, I can sort of still feel the pressure and maybe it pushing into the gum a bit, which causes pain

That can't be fixed, can it?

24-11-19, 12:38
When I was 21 I had an adult tooth taken out, it was either that or a root canal, I was quoted £500 at the dental practice I go to, even though I am treated under NHS. Problem was I was going away a few days later.

If I had the problem with my current dentist, she would have done the filliing properly the first time.

25-11-19, 00:27
Just get the dentist to take the thing out-problem solved.:yesyes:

27-11-19, 13:13
When I was 21 I had an adult tooth taken out, it was either that or a root canal, I was quoted £500 at the dental practice I go to, even though I am treated under NHS. Problem was I was going away a few days later.

If I had the problem with my current dentist, she would have done the filliing properly the first time.

Damn that's a lot:ohmy:

27-11-19, 13:15
I've noticed over the past few weeks that when I brush my tongue, there are traces of rich red blood when I spit

It's definitely not the gums bleeding, it's always when I brush the back of my tongue

Does anyone else experience this?

My HA is telling me throat cancer but it's probably just maybe brushing too hard, right?

(My tongue isn't sore, nor are there any sores or anything on it. The very back left corner feels like maybe it's been brushed too hard but I don't want to jump and say that it's painful or anything because it isn't.)

28-11-19, 01:38
FMF..Throat Cancer? honestly get a grip you already know the answer.
Just get the Mutha tooth out,then you won’t have the ache.

28-11-19, 12:54
Damn that's a lot:ohmy:

So instead I option for having it taken out and since I was on job seekers (as the was back in 2005) it did not cost me a penny.

I think if my had my current dentist she would have tried to save the tooth, the dentist I had at the time he just like filling teeth. and over treating problems.

07-12-19, 19:36
The tooth has started hurting again. The nerve is obviously dead but for some reason I'm still getting pain

Before it was just when I put pressure on it, but now it seems to be creeping in to the 'hurting 70% of the time' territory

Also there's a spot on the roof of my mouth that KILLS when I press down on it, even with my tongue, and I think it's in-line with the problematic tooth- I also think that it may be where the injection went in when I went to the out of hours dentist

I put off going to the dentist to get a root canal for a while because I thought I'd be fine to keep the temporary filling in for a short while- I am going next week though to hopefully get it out or get a root canal, whatever'll stop it hurting

Does anyone know why it's hurting even though the nerve is dead? And why is there an area on the roof of my mouth that hurts?

Teeth are so damn annoying.

07-12-19, 20:17
It’s probably just because the temporary filling has done it’s job but doesn’t last very long?
I remember once having a really painful injection in the roof of my mouth that seemed to hurt for ages. It’s good that you’re going back soon.

07-12-19, 21:55
I figured it could be due to the tooth pressing into the gum? I have no idea. I'm mostly worried about the tender patch. But you're probably right about the temporary filling

I took some Neurofen and it worked wonders!

08-12-19, 09:34
When I tell you I'm in pain... this is beyond the pain of the last toothache, I've only had 2 hours of sleep

It feels like the tooth is stabbing into my gum, I can't even eat on the left side now. I can't eat, period, because when I bite down obviously the other side comes down too

It's agony. I'm obviously going to try and see a dentist ASAP next week but in the meantime I'm SERIOUSLY tempted to just take the tooth out myself

I ordered some orajel (that's arriving tonight) just to help relieve the pain, as I can't constantly take neurofen, but that numbing gel would also help if I wanted to just pull it out myself

This is absolute T O R T U R E

08-12-19, 09:37
Just ordered some pliers too for same-day delivery because this pain is INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

08-12-19, 10:06
Just ordered some pliers too for same-day delivery because this pain is INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Do not take the tooth out yourself! you will be asking for more pain in the long run, serious risk of infection. Even when a dentist take teeth out it’s possible they will fracture or break during the process, how would you deal with that on your own?

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08-12-19, 10:11
Do not take the tooth out yourself! you will be asking for more pain in the long run, serious risk of infection. Even when a dentist take teeth out it’s possible they will fracture or break during the process, how would you deal with that on your own?

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I'd just take the fractured bits out

This pain is just AWFUL I can't stand it, I'll seriously do anything

08-12-19, 10:15
I'd just take the fractured bits out

This pain is just AWFUL I can't stand it, I'll seriously do anything

This would be one of those decisions that really comes around to bite you Toby, I can’t stress enough how badly it can end up. Take some more painkillers and use the numbing gel, see if you can get into an earlier appointment at the dentists, ring up first thing tomorrow morning.

I know that tooth pain is awful, I’ve had a bad time with it myself, I do sympathise... but don’t take the tooth out, it’s really not as easy as you would think and you don’t need a nasty infection in there which will hurt a far deal more than what you have now.

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08-12-19, 10:18
This would be one of those decisions that really comes around to bite you Toby, I can’t stress enough how badly it can end up. Take some more painkillers and use the numbing gel, see if you can get into an earlier appointment at the dentists, ring up first thing tomorrow morning.

I know that tooth pain is awful, I’ve had a bad time with it myself, I do sympathise... but don’t take the tooth out, it’s really not as easy as you would think and you don’t need a nasty infection in there which will hurt a far deal more than what you have now.

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I'm having second thoughts. I'd be way too scared and I just read, as well as what you put, about the risks of it

The thing is with the dentist though, I'd need my dad to come with me and he'd have to take a little time off work and I'd have to pay £42. But I guess that's what has to happen

08-12-19, 10:21
I'm having second thoughts. I'd be way too scared and I just read, as well as what you put, about the risks of it

The thing is with the dentist though, I'd need my dad to come with me and he'd have to take a little time off work and I'd have to pay £42. But I guess that's what has to happen

Take painkillers regularly, keep on top of the pain rather than waiting for the pain to come back, until your able to have your dad come with you.

If you can cancel the order on the pliers you can put some of that money towards the £42, it would be much more well spent without the temptation or the risk factors.

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08-12-19, 10:24
Take painkillers regularly, keep on top of the pain rather than waiting for the pain to come back, until your able to have your dad come with you.

If you can cancel the order on the pliers you can put some of that money towards the £42, it would be much more well spent without the temptation or the risk factors.

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But I can only take Neurofen 3x every 24 hours and I want to schedule it so I'm not in pain during the most important times

I'm taking some at noon, 12 exactly, it REALLY helped when I took some last night but it wore off

There are good reviews for the Orajel so I'm hoping that'll help too

I can just go into my bank to get the £42 but that's a whole trip into town with toothache :(

08-12-19, 10:38
But I can only take Neurofen 3x every 24 hours and I want to schedule it so I'm not in pain during the most important times

I'm taking some at noon, 12 exactly, it REALLY helped when I took some last night but it wore off

There are good reviews for the Orajel so I'm hoping that'll help too

I can just go into my bank to get the £42 but that's a whole trip into town with toothache :(

You can also take paracetamol along side the ibuprofen as they are different families of drugs, so alternate between the two to keep the pain at bay.

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08-12-19, 13:43
Yep my dentist would have me alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen when my toothache was horrible. You have to stay “ahead of the pain” and not miss a dose though.

08-12-19, 15:46
Try to get into the dentist tomorrow, if need be, sit it out in the waiting room.

09-12-19, 02:40
Buses, taxis, etc if the pain is that bad then decide whether you are going to find another way there if your dad can't take you.

Taking it out on your own is an old fashioned thing people have done but it's inadvisable. And to be honest, DIY surgery is a worrying prospect in a HAer for very obvious reasons! :scared15: You could end up in a situation needing antibiotics for infection and will you go to a dentist and take them when you won't treat your roids? Best not to open that door really.

09-12-19, 09:11
Well, luckily I didn't end up taking it out myself, I was VERY tempted to though, it's been agony

Luckily I managed to get in at the dentist for 15:25pm and my dad agreed to take me which I'm so grateful for

Honestly what also hurts is the roof of my mouth, there's a patch that feels inflamed (like when you burn the roof of your mouth) where I had the injection possibly last time I went a couple of weeks ago (it hurt straight after the injection too when I put my tongue on that area but it was only sore, not as it is now)- when I press down on it, it also sends pain to the tooth that hurts.

My mind is jumping straight to oral cancer but whatever it is, it has to be somewhat serious, right?

09-12-19, 09:21
My mind is jumping straight to oral cancer but whatever it is, it has to be somewhat serious, right?

Nope, just because it hurts doesn’t mean it’s serious at all. Case and point - paper cuts, stubbing a toe, biting the inside of your lip, hitting the (not so) funny bone. - All hurt more than the more serious injuries and issues I’ve actually had.

Hope that the dentist is able to help get you out of pain nice and quick.

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09-12-19, 15:00
Nope, just because it hurts doesn’t mean it’s serious at all. Case and point - paper cuts, stubbing a toe, biting the inside of your lip, hitting the (not so) funny bone. - All hurt more than the more serious injuries and issues I’ve actually had.

Male nudists who forget to remove their "book mark" before slamming the book shut :read::ohmy::blush:

09-12-19, 15:40
My mind is jumping straight to oral cancer but whatever it is, it has to be somewhat serious, right?

What is serious is your HA and how you react to normal reasons for physical symptoms. From oral cancer to brain tumors over a toothache? :huh: Definitely serious and needs treatment.

Positive thoughts

09-12-19, 18:56
Just got back from the dentist

It's an abscess. I have to take antibiotics (amoxicillin) for 7 days before they take it out on Monday

Obviously I'm really down because I'm still in a lot of pain, but they can't take the tooth out until the swelling has gone down

PS. Sorry FMP, suggesting oral cancer was insensitive of me, I know you had it. Apologies. It just felt like a small lump

09-12-19, 21:03
Oh my god the pain is excruciating... I have to wait until midnight (3 hours) to take painkillers too

09-12-19, 21:05
Oh my god the pain is excruciating... I have to wait until midnight (3 hours) to take painkillers too

Are you still only taking the ibuprofen?

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09-12-19, 21:27
abscesses do hurt a lot I had one a few years back, try salt mouthwashes as well as any painkillers you`re taking, you`ll feel miles better once it`s all dealt with

09-12-19, 21:36
salt mouthwashes as well as any painkillers you`re taking, you`ll feel miles better once it`s all dealt with

When my throat and mouth were mush from radiation treatment, I used a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Stir it up. Then swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. Do this every 1 to 2 hours during the day. It really helped along with the pain meds.

Positive thoughts

09-12-19, 21:57
Are you still only taking the ibuprofen?

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I've been told to take the ibuprofen and paracetamol together

But does that mean 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol? I'm really confused and scared that it may be dangerous

09-12-19, 21:59
When my throat and mouth were mush from radiation treatment, I used a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Stir it up. Then swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. Do this every 1 to 2 hours during the day. It really helped along with the pain meds.

abscesses do hurt a lot I had one a few years back, try salt mouthwashes as well as any painkillers you`re taking, you`ll feel miles better once it`s all dealt with

Thank you for the advice! I have tried salt water before but found they made my gums sore. Or was that just me imagining it?

I know it's an anti-septic so yeah I'll definitely start doing that tonight

I did order some special mouthwash that is supposed to help inflammation. Hopefully that helps also

09-12-19, 22:00
I've been told to take the ibuprofen and paracetamol together

But does that mean 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol? I'm really confused and scared that it may be dangerous

It’s not dangerous, I take 2 ibuprofen and then a couple hours later take two paracetamol. Then take two ibuprofen again at it’s normal intervals, same with the paracetamol.

That way you’re keeping on top of the pain. You can take the full daily dose of both.

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09-12-19, 22:01
^ Taking two tablets does depend on the dosage and directions on the packet though.

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09-12-19, 22:05
It will take a few days for the antibotics to kick in.

I had one in 2006, but had a root canal done (different tooth) and had it redone in 2017. I just got a very diffciult mouth to keep clean. very difficult teeth, overcrowding problem. I can't carry a full set.

09-12-19, 22:07
Yeah I was gonna say, because you can only take 2 of them at once 3 times a day

I've worked it out at

Midnight - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotic, possibly 2 paracetamol

8 AM - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotics, possibly 2 paracetamol

4 PM - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotics, possibly 2 paracetamol

09-12-19, 22:10
It will take a few days for the antibotics to kick in.

I had one in 2006, but had a root canal done (different tooth) and had it redone in 2017. I just got a very diffciult mouth to keep clean. very difficult teeth, overcrowding problem. I can't carry a full set.

I was warned about the antibiotics- hopefully the painkillers help during that time then

09-12-19, 22:15
Yeah I was gonna say, because you can only take 2 of them at once 3 times a day

I've worked it out at

Midnight - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotic, possibly 2 paracetamol

8 AM - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotics, possibly 2 paracetamol

4 PM - 2 ibuprofen, 1 antibiotics, possibly 2 paracetamol

As I’ve got bad pain myself at the moment my next ones will be:

10pm 2 ibuprofen

Midnight 2 paracetamol

8am 2 ibuprofen

10am 2 paracetamol

Then I’ll take ibuprofen depending on how my pain is, basically I still leave 4/6 hours between the same pain killer but stagger them so I don’t have too much breakthrough pain. So one type is just coming in when the other is wearing off.

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09-12-19, 22:20
As I’ve got bad pain myself at the moment my next ones will be:

10pm 2 ibuprofen

Midnight 2 paracetamol

8am 2 ibuprofen

10am 2 paracetamol

Then I’ll take ibuprofen depending on how my pain is, basically I still leave 4/6 hours between the same pain killer but stagger them so I don’t have too much breakthrough pain. So one type is just coming in when the other is wearing off.

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I might adopt a similar routine- as in taking the paracetamol two hours after

But then I'll have to keep waking up (if I'm sleeping)

09-12-19, 22:24
If you’re asleep the pain isn’t too bad to be honest, i wouldn’t worry about it, if it wakes you take the next pain killer and just keep the 4/6 hours between the same one.

Mornings are always the worst while you wait for everything to kick in but it will.

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10-12-19, 01:04
The neurofen/paracetamol combo definitely helped

I'm trying not to let my tongue touch the roof of my mouth

10-12-19, 02:55
Will it be safe for me to take the Neurofen (Ibuprofen)/Paracetamol until Monday?

Will it ever stop working due to prolonged use of it?

10-12-19, 03:19
Yeah, they are quite painful. When I shattered one of my wisdom teeth I thought it was tooth ache but it turned out to be an absess that needed treating first.

As said it can take a couple of days for the antibiotics to stop it's gallop and then each day will be a big relief. The salt water washes are a good idea to help clear the area and something the medical profession use a lot for cleaning (that's all saline solution is). I do these every time I have a throat problem with a cold. It helps break up any mucus too.

Now you have another reason why a pair of pliers would have been a bad idea. Bursting an absess into your mouth and a likely throat infection (and probably puking up your tea :emot-puke: as the stuff reeks) wouldn't have been a good idea. You might find your mouth stinks a bit and that's the absess.

Really not much you can other thna recommended and wait it out. When my antiobiotics ran out I noticed the pain coming back a few days later and this was because they hadn't killed it off completely. It just meant another course and it was nowhere near as bad as the original anyway. So, if that happens just head back to the dentist for another prescription if needed.

10-12-19, 05:41
Thanks Terry

My abcess is on the roof of my mouth but it’s not red or like what Id have imagined an abcess to look like. It’s basically a bit that’s swollen and very painful but it’s pink, not red. It leads to the channel of the bad tooth. I don’t know if there’s pus inside or anything

Do you think, in this case, that it really is an abcess?

10-12-19, 06:13
Toby just follow the instructions on the packet for the tablets ok? Don’t take them at the same time. Take them 2-3 hours apart so that you have constant pain relief. Don’t take nurofen on an empty stomach if possible, and don’t exceed the dose. If it helps, write it down when you take them. I put it in notes on my phone.
You’ll probably start to feel better tomorrow.

10-12-19, 06:19
Yep, a trained & experienced dentist has examined it so knows what it is. All mine looked like was a red inflammation. The pus/infection is inside.

10-12-19, 18:11
Yeah, I feel much better today- I went to sleep in the morning because my sleep schedule has been messed up because of this and when I woke up I wasn't in pain at all.

I have to thank the Neurofen for that

I feel like I'll overdose though if I take them for 10 days

Also about the empty stomach, I still can't really eat a lot because it's sore and I don't eat breakfast anyway... if I take neurofen on an empty stomach could it kill me? Obviously I eat dinner and snack throughout the day but I'm not a 'meal' person, again, besides dinner

10-12-19, 18:14
Oh I did have some mild cramping this morning in various areas of my stomach which is to be expected because of the antibiotics

However (TMI) I haven't been to the toilet since Saturday night. I'm trying not to tie it in to my bowel cancer worry but shouldn't I be needing the toilet now because of the antibiotics?

10-12-19, 18:53
It couldn’t kill you no, but it might irritate your stomach. You could try paracetamol instead?

And no, it won’t kill you if you take it for 10 days either.

Just make sure you follow the instructions.

Antibiotics can be hard on the digestive system. Can you get some probiotics and take them at the same time?

10-12-19, 19:02
It couldn’t kill you no, but it might irritate your stomach. You could try paracetamol instead?

And no, it won’t kill you if you take it for 10 days either.

Just make sure you follow the instructions.

Antibiotics can be hard on the digestive system. Can you get some probiotics and take them at the same time?

I take paracetamol alongside the ibuprofen, but paracetamol by itself does nothing at all for me

I've just read about people having seizures because of reactions to this

Also, I'm on Sertraline, and I was told by 111 that taking Ibuprofen + Sertraline can cause bleeding, however, the bleeding doesn't sound very likely:

Using sertraline together with ibuprofen may increase the risk of bleeding. The interaction may be more likely if you are elderly or have kidney or liver disease.

But the Neurofen/Ibuprofen is the only thing that helps and I don't want to dip back into a painful state so I take the risk

Also I'm really scared that something bad may happen

I take maca root already. I don't know if that counts. I'll order some probiotics now off Amazon.

10-12-19, 19:07
Also, during the week that I'm taking Ibuprofen I might only take 100mg of sertraline rather than 150mg to lessen the risk

10-12-19, 19:10
If you drop your sertraline by a third you'll have a whole world of new and interesting bodily sensations to panic about.

10-12-19, 19:12
Why don’t you have a chat with a pharmacist about your worries Toby? They have excellent knowledge of medications.

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10-12-19, 19:30
Okay I probably won't reduce the sertraline

Also I think the pharmacist will probably tell me not to take them together because of the bleeding risk

BUT I have also just ordered some "Gaviscon Double Action Tablets (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01N6Z74SG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)" which help prevent acid

Neutralising excess stomach acid to help relieve discomfort (white layer).
Forming a protective barrier over the stomach contents to help soothe burning sensation in your chest (pink layer).

Will that help?

10-12-19, 19:58
You don’t know what the pharmacist will say Toby, they are the expert not you. Please speak to one, you could even do it by phone if you call the one who issued your prescription

10-12-19, 23:52
I'll call them tomorrow and check if it's okay for me to take the combo just until Monday

In the meantime, I found this to cheer me up (not!):ohmy:

11-12-19, 04:53
Disclaimer: I don't take ibuprofen these days because there are other painkillers that work just as well for my needs right now (migraines, occasional muscle and joint soreness and the like) without the minimal risk carried by NSAIDs.

That said, for the love of all that's holy, stop torturing yourself on Google?

11-12-19, 07:25
Disclaimer: I don't take ibuprofen these days because there are other painkillers that work just as well for my needs right now (migraines, occasional muscle and joint soreness and the like) without the minimal risk carried by NSAIDs.

That said, for the love of all that's holy, stop torturing yourself on Google?

Ibuprofen works like a dream for me, I'd marry it if I could

11-12-19, 12:50
Also, during the week that I'm taking Ibuprofen I might only take 100mg of sertraline rather than 150mg to lessen the riskIt's just a flag to ask a professional. If you looked into the foods you eat you might find some that have similar flags. So before you start ibuprofen you just ask the pharmacist first (mine ask you first before they sell it as they did today when I purchased some aspirin). They understand pharmacokinetics, you don't. How do you know dropping the Sert would decrease the risk they take into account? You don't. Unless you research into all that too you are guessing and for what? If you were taking something like a blood thinner then it's extremely important but not a lesser risk flag on the kind of med you are on just like my asthma meds which tell me to check before I take ibuprofen simply because it comes with a risk that is for a professional to manage (and disclaimers are there because severe cases may be impacted easily so it's to stop everyone so they don't get sued and may represent a very low risk to milder cases).

11-12-19, 16:49
Toby you need to stop doing your own "research" and listen to the professionals.

But now that you are on a roll buying meds to help with your conditions it is time to order your roids medication.

12-12-19, 19:58
Luckily the pain has completely vanished. I don't know why, but I'm not complaining.

It must be the antibiotics, because I haven't had to take Ibuprofen in over 24 hours

12-12-19, 19:59
Yes it’ll be the antibiotics. When is your follow up appointment?

12-12-19, 21:15
Yes it’ll be the antibiotics. When is your follow up appointment?


16-12-19, 17:39
The tooth came out

It hurts like HELL and was the worst literally thing I've ever gone through

I'm now scared that I'm gonna get dry socket

I'm biting down on some.... gauze? i believe it's called.... but I'm scared that a clot isn't forming or it's come loose


16-12-19, 18:45
I don't know what to do

I'm too scared to eat or drink in case the clot comes out or something

16-12-19, 18:51
Give it time... millions of teeth get pulled out every day all over the world... its common. It can be a bit nippy but once you get shot of the gauze keep it clean with salt water rinse and use ibruprofen or paracetamol for any pain. It'll calm down in a day or two. Been there 3 or 4 times now. :)

16-12-19, 18:54
Give it time... millions of teeth get pulled out every day all over the world... its common. It can be a bit nippy but once you get shot of the gauze keep it clean with salt water rinse and use ibruprofen or paracetamol for any pain. It'll calm down in a day or two. Been there 3 or 4 times now. :)

But, won't cleaning it make the clot fall out?

16-12-19, 19:01
What did the dentist say?

16-12-19, 19:10
She said I could eat soft, mild temperature foods and drink water

But I can feel this clot, it’s like jelly, how can I possibly eat or anything without it coming out?

16-12-19, 19:18
Because it’s stuck on the wound. it won’t just slide off otherwise it would come out every time you swallow.

I do feel for you, it sounds horrible. But just proceed with caution ok? Eat on the other side of your mouth, and just keep to her advice. If you do want to google then stick to the nhs website only.

17-12-19, 05:07
Because it’s stuck on the wound. it won’t just slide off otherwise it would come out every time you swallow.

I do feel for you, it sounds horrible. But just proceed with caution ok? Eat on the other side of your mouth, and just keep to her advice. If you do want to google then stick to the nhs website only.

I'm just so scared of dry socket, which is when there's no clot and the bone is exposed and it's extremely painful :(

I still haven't eaten and I've barely drunk anything since I got back at 5pm yesterday

17-12-19, 06:55
Yes I know you are, I would be too. But you have to eat or drink! Just take it slowly, maybe soup or hot (warm) chocolate.

17-12-19, 10:00
I'm trying to eat in small amounts but I'm so conscious about it coming out when I swallow

What will happen to the clot? Is it supposed to fall out? Heal over? How long will that take?

Sorry for unloading a million questions this whole process is just so frustrating:scared15:

17-12-19, 12:06
I've had around 4/5 teeth out. It will hurt for a good few days, not sure on healing time.

I had 2 wisdom teeth out in one go before, with one of them was impacted and had fused with my jaw. I was off college for 2/3 days, and about 2 weeks after everything healed over, a shard of jaw bone worked itself out through where my tooth was - pretty amazing! Didn't even bleed, just felt a sharp thing pointing out of my gum one morning and then pulled it out with tweezers.

Loads of my family members have had teeth out, without any complications. The only person I know who had dry socket was my mother in law, but she is diabetic so has a weakened immune system.

Just stick to soup and drinks for now, maybe some soft bread, boiled chicken for protein.

I know it's hypocritical of me to say don't worry, but it will get better.

17-12-19, 12:13
I've had around 4/5 teeth out. It will hurt for a good few days, not sure on healing time.

I had 2 wisdom teeth out in one go before, with one of them was impacted and had fused with my jaw. I was off college for 2/3 days, and about 2 weeks after everything healed over, a shard of jaw bone worked itself out through where my tooth was - pretty amazing! Didn't even bleed, just felt a sharp thing pointing out of my gum one morning and then pulled it out with tweezers.

Loads of my family members have had teeth out, without any complications. The only person I know who had dry socket was my mother in law, but she is diabetic so has a weakened immune system.

Just stick to soup and drinks for now, maybe some soft bread, boiled chicken for protein.

I know it's hypocritical of me to say don't worry, but it will get better.

Thanks MrLurcher

Ouch :( I can't imagine having 2 WISDOM TEETH out in one go. Teeth are stubborn little *censored*

The pain isn't even the thing that's bothering me, it's the fact that I have such a huge appetite but can't eat

Will swallowing dislodge the clot?

17-12-19, 13:05
Thanks MrLurcher

Ouch :( I can't imagine having 2 WISDOM TEETH out in one go. Teeth are stubborn little *censored*

The pain isn't even the thing that's bothering me, it's the fact that I have such a huge appetite but can't eat

Will swallowing dislodge the clot?

No I don't think swallowing will dislodge it, just if you want to eat more solid foods just use the other side of your mouth.

Did your dentist say how to take care of it? Washing your mouth with salt water or when to start eating solids etc?

17-12-19, 13:28
No I don't think swallowing will dislodge it, just if you want to eat more solid foods just use the other side of your mouth.

Did your dentist say how to take care of it? Washing your mouth with salt water or when to start eating solids etc?

I think I've always been allowed to eat solids as long as they're not hot and drink as long as it's not hot. No smoking but I don't smoke anyways

I have to wash it out with salt water at least 3 times a day AFTER it's been 24 hours since I had it out... so for me that starts at like 5. But again surely salt water will loosen it up and make it dissolve? Or fall out? I'm just so scared because dry socket it NOT something that I want to experience:scared15:

17-12-19, 13:39
I think I've always been allowed to eat solids as long as they're not hot and drink as long as it's not hot. No smoking but I don't smoke anyways

I have to wash it out with salt water at least 3 times a day AFTER it's been 24 hours since I had it out... so for me that starts at like 5. But again surely salt water will loosen it up and make it dissolve? Or fall out? I'm just so scared because dry socket it NOT something that I want to experience:scared15:

Well after I had my wisdom's out I was convinced the one which had fused with my jaw bone was dry socket, as it was aching for 3 days post surgery. I went back to the dentist fearing the worst, but it was just taking it's time to heal, and he popped in some sort of iodine plug which helped keep infection away and took away the pain. It was more painful than a normal extraction as they had to cut my gum back to get at the tooth.

The salt water will help, and as long as your gentle it'll be fine.

17-12-19, 13:50
Like Mr.Lurcher I've had wisdom teeth pulled. Washing your mouth with salt water won't dislodge the clot as long as you don't do it too vigourously. Just gently swill it round. The salt water will aid healing. For a couple of days I ate soft foods and ate on the other side of my mouth. Then I just forgot about it. One thing, don't keep poking it with your tongue, that won't do it any good. You will be fine in a few days, just don't overthink what's going on.

17-12-19, 15:38
I'm due to have a tooth out. Was giving me pain and I can't make it dentist. The filling fell out, I didn't go back to get it fixed and it got worse. Ah well. They can rip them all out and give me nice straight false teeth if they like.

Tooth ache is the worst though. I literally burnt the root with a lighter and the pain went completely. Don't try that at home guys.

17-12-19, 15:40
James, that's the only home remedy I've ever heard that's more terrifying than the way I deal with styes.

17-12-19, 15:49
James, that's the only home remedy I've ever heard that's more terrifying than the way I deal with styes.

I don't condone it. I'm interested to how you deal with styes? I've had them on my neck before, those little pimple things. I twist them until they fall off :roflmao:

17-12-19, 15:53
The eyelid pimples, yes. I dip a sharp needle in boiling water and then I put it into the stye to drain it.

(Stating the obvious: This is stupid, don't do it.)

17-12-19, 15:58
The eyelid pimples, yes. I dip a sharp needle in boiling water and then I put it into the stye to drain it.

(Stating the obvious: This is stupid, don't do it.)

Yeah that does sound pretty painful!

17-12-19, 16:05
It doesn't hurt in the least, it's just not technically that safe.

17-12-19, 16:06
No don’t do that with styes! Ow!!
Just bathe in salt water on a clean tissue.

17-12-19, 16:42
Toby WAKE UP!!!!!

You are obsessing about your tooth the way you did and probably will do again about your bowels.

Asking for reassurance on your current worry is doing you no good.

Time to really dig deep and find something else to distract yourself with.

How are your studies going?

19-12-19, 15:52
Luckily, the clot is still there and I'm more-or-less eating normally(-ish) now.

I'm a LITTLE concerned because I'm still having on-and-off mild achey pain around the extraction site and on the tooth below- can dry socket form even if the clot is still there?

Also, Elen- this is only a temporary focus which I think is more legitimate than my colon cancer one. I know what you mean but I think everyone is scared of dry socket after having a tooth out

19-12-19, 16:06
I don’t think everyone is scared of dry socket. Most people will just be rational and deal with it how the dentist advises.

19-12-19, 17:25
Whatever your dentist told you to do, then do that. If you have any concerns call them. If your worry is not concerning enough to call them, it's not concerning enough to post on the forum. Because by doing so you're feeding the beast. Time to deal with the anxiety. Speak to your doctor as soon as possible about the anxiety. Tough love <3

19-12-19, 20:54
I've had 3 regular and all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and never once had dry socket. Even if I did get dry socket, it really is a nothing sauce issue. Sure it would hurt but you'd just take some pain pills and rinse your mouth out for a few days. I validate your worry but it really isn't something you need to worry about.

Also to answer your question about dry socket happening even if the clot is still there...impossible.

20-12-19, 03:19
I've had plenty of teeth out in childhood. A few years back I had a shattered infected wisdom tooth out. I didn't care about dry socket, I never even knew it existed until...I saw it on the HA board on here! But it won't concern me if I ever need another one out.

It's not legitimate to obsess over something like this. It's on the same level as a cold or a banged leg from falling off something. It's minor. Annoying, but minor. If it is taking more of your life than it would anyone normally then it's an anxiety issue to tackle.

20-12-19, 05:09
Yeah I just read that dry socket is rare, I thought it was somewhat common-ish. I'm surprised that more people don't lose the clot

My clot seems to be getting slightly smaller now, does that mean healing is taking place?

I know it seems very dramatic that I'm obsessing but I think I'm developing a fear of dental pain after the months of torment this tooth has given me. My biggest probelm was that I used to chew on bottle tops up until about a year ago so that would've done so much damage probably, and I sort of neglected my all-round hygiene for a while because I thought my colon cancer worry was the priority, if that makes sense- so I'd sometimes only brush my teeth once or twice every few days. I know that's bad but I'd go so long without leaving the house that I'd just forget or not feel the need to

Now is completely different though, I brush twice a day and I've bought a lot of Oral B Pro toothpaste and a lot of mouthwash to avoid this happening again and because it's a necessity, something that I forgot for a while as my life turned upside down with colon cancer worries- though I haven't used toothpaste since I've had my tooth out and I won't until the clot has gone, I dip my brush in boiling hot salt water and use special gum-healing mouthwash

20-12-19, 06:49
Yeah I just read that dry socket is rare, I thought it was somewhat common-ish. I'm surprised that more people don't lose the clot

My clot seems to be getting slightly smaller now, does that mean healing is taking place?

I know it seems very dramatic that I'm obsessing but I think I'm developing a fear of dental pain after the months of torment this tooth has given me. My biggest probelm was that I used to chew on bottle tops up until about a year ago so that would've done so much damage probably, and I sort of neglected my all-round hygiene for a while because I thought my colon cancer worry was the priority, if that makes sense- so I'd sometimes only brush my teeth once or twice every few days. I know that's bad but I'd go so long without leaving the house that I'd just forget or not feel the need to

Now is completely different though, I brush twice a day and I've bought a lot of Oral B Pro toothpaste and a lot of mouthwash to avoid this happening again and because it's a necessity, something that I forgot for a while as my life turned upside down with colon cancer worries- though I haven't used toothpaste since I've had my tooth out and I won't until the clot has gone, I dip my brush in boiling hot salt water and use special gum-healing mouthwash

Hi Toby,

Do you see how your anxiety makes you obsess over every health problem you have?

At what point do you think you might try some self help techniques? Because it certainly won’t do you any harm now to slip a few into your hours of worrying over your health.

It sounds like your tooth is healing well. I wouldn’t recommend boiling hot water, I’m sure warm will do. You don’t want to burn your gums, or other parts of your body. At no point I expect the dentist said to use boiling water.

20-12-19, 07:00
Scass is right, Toby, you need to zoom out and see the bigger picture.

20-12-19, 17:24
I know it seems unhealthy to worry about but I just know something will go wrong, right before Christmas, and it'll be miserable

But this will pass once the site has healed up, it's not like my colon cancer worry. I'm only still sort of worrying because colon cancer is deadly and I can't see inside my colon whereas I can see inside my mouth

20-12-19, 17:25
I just looked at the hole and the "site"/clot is yellow-ish. Like the clot has turned yellow from what I can see, and you can slightly see some grey under that

I'm in no pain whatsoever and the socket isn't empty, so it can't be dry socket, can it? If not, then what is it?

20-12-19, 17:28
This says it all...:weep:

https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-have-yellowish-grey-white-stuff-in-my-wisdom-teeth-extraction-site-7-days-after-and-throbbing-pain-with-a-bad-taste (https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-have-yellowish-grey-white-stuff-in-my-wisdom-teeth-extraction-site-7-days-after-and-throbbing-pain-with-a-bad-taste)

20-12-19, 17:51
I always assumed dry socket is VERY very painful. Are you sure its not a bit of food?

20-12-19, 18:01
I always assumed dry socket is VERY very painful. Are you sure its not a bit of food?

Definitely not food. Maybe it's plaque? Because I obviously haven't been able to brush the socket and clot

Either way, it can't be good, can it? :ohmy:

20-12-19, 18:38
I know it seems unhealthy to worry about but I just know something will go wrong, right before Christmas, and it'll be miserable

But this will pass once the site has healed up, it's not like my colon cancer worry. I'm only still sort of worrying because colon cancer is deadly and I can't see inside my colon whereas I can see inside my mouth

And that is your faulty thinking at play.

Like others I have teeth removed over the years and have never heard of dry socket until coming here.

You are back in your comfort zone. Foccusing on normal things and coming here for reassurance.

Can you not see this?

No none of your posts are things that non HA would worry about.

If you could spend a day in many of our bodies you would be screaming for the hills.

This is not to be mean but to try an open your eyes as to what is really going on with you.

21-12-19, 15:48
This says it all...:weep:

https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-have-yellowish-grey-white-stuff-in-my-wisdom-teeth-extraction-site-7-days-after-and-throbbing-pain-with-a-bad-taste (https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-have-yellowish-grey-white-stuff-in-my-wisdom-teeth-extraction-site-7-days-after-and-throbbing-pain-with-a-bad-taste)

Yes, it does. Notice how you have confirmed your fears by Googling...and have you not noticed how some of those people even state other possibilities but you have only chosen the one you want to suffer from?

Oh, and you do realise no one on that site has been confirmed as anyone? You could sign up and right world's leading heart surgeon under your name. :winks:

22-12-19, 18:44
And that is your faulty thinking at play.

Like others I have teeth removed over the years and have never heard of dry socket until coming here.

You are back in your comfort zone. Foccusing on normal things and coming here for reassurance.

Can you not see this?

No none of your posts are things that non HA would worry about.

If you could spend a day in many of our bodies you would be screaming for the hills.

This is not to be mean but to try an open your eyes as to what is really going on with you.

It's fine, it's not mean

I just thought dry socket was more common than it actually is.

I know now that it was nothing to worry about. I'm 6 days in and still no pain- I think it's healing

22-12-19, 18:45
Yes, it does. Notice how you have confirmed your fears by Googling...and have you not noticed how some of those people even state other possibilities but you have only chosen the one you want to suffer from?

Oh, and you do realise no one on that site has been confirmed as anyone? You could sign up and right world's leading heart surgeon under your name. :winks:

Royalties included too?:ohmy:

22-12-19, 18:46
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas btw!

23-12-19, 01:56
And now, after a day or two (maybe more, I can't remember) of very mild discomfort on the left side of my mouth towards the back...

..I check and the inside of the left cheek looks slightly swollen and the "pain" comes from the wisdom tooth area?

I wouldn't call it pain, more so tenderness when I press down on it- the same spot on the right side has no pain at all

The location of the tooth extraction is on the right side, so i don't think it's connected to that

It looks like there may slightly be a bumb on the spot too- I suspected it could be the tooth under the flesh of the gum? The wisdom tooth, I think? I don't know if it is a bump though, it's not an obvious bump if it is actually a bump

The dentist didn't notice anything on that side last Monday, but then again it wasn't a check-up, so I doubt they were looking

Any thoughts? I'm scared it could be something series

23-12-19, 01:57

23-12-19, 02:11

Seriously??? STOP GOOGLING. I came here to see how well you're healing and I see this. OMG. I wish you were my friend in real life because I'd slap you upside the head for doing this to yourself.

If you've got an issue go to your dentist but STOP GOOGLING.

23-12-19, 08:52
Seriously??? STOP GOOGLING. I came here to see how well you're healing and I see this. OMG. I wish you were my friend in real life because I'd slap you upside the head for doing this to yourself.

If you've got an issue go to your dentist but STOP GOOGLING.

Sorry, it just seems like one problem after another

Also the tissue that joins the gum/wisdom teeth bone is tender too

I'm so tired of all this

23-12-19, 11:50
I'm not really bothered if it is pericoronitis, I just don't want it to be something worse if you catch my drift

23-12-19, 11:59
Get a life, Toby.

23-12-19, 12:07
I'm so tired of all this

Get a life, Toby.

Apparently, with the exception of a few, so is everyone else :lac:

Positive thoughts

23-12-19, 13:25
But I have an evident problem in my mouth.

23-12-19, 13:53
No, you have a problem with your brain. You're chronically understimulated and so your main hobby is hypervigilance about every tiny bodily sensation.

It's a really sad way to live, especially at your age. Seriously, why don't you make plans for next year to start making a positive difference to other people's lives?

23-12-19, 14:09
No, you have a problem with your brain. You're chronically understimulated and so your main hobby is hypervigilance about every tiny bodily sensation.

It's a really sad way to live, especially at your age. Seriously, why don't you make plans for next year to start making a positive difference to other people's lives?

I get that it's sad, but legitimately, when I press on the left side of my mouth around the area where my left wisdom tooth is, it feels tender and mildly sore

Shouldn't that be a cause for concern? Is it wisdom tooth related?

I get that it's frustrating but I actually have symptoms...I don't want my wisdom teeth out too:scared15:or worse if it's something serious

23-12-19, 14:21
I have no clue. I've spent a very long time training myself not to give this sort of thing a second thought - I promise, there are more important things for you to be thinking about.

23-12-19, 15:17

If you needed a wisdom tooth out you would have it out. You've just got through some other dental work so you can do it.

Get yourself out of this pattern, stop Googling and get up and do some stuff so your time is taken up. You need less time sitting about thinking about a benign sore spot in a mouth that can be there for many reasons which we just get as bodies get stuff. And if you were taking something like antibiotics (I can't remember) they kill off good bacteria as well as bad which can knock your GI and mouth bacteria out of balance meaning you get sore throats, constipation/runs, etc until your body re-balances itself.

23-12-19, 15:39
Once again we have to remind members that if a thread or poster infurates you then you should walk away.

Please remember Nic's warning re posting on contentious threads such as this

"and just for the record if I feel that someone is replying to a post just to have a dig or make a sarcastic comment I will start removing those comments and banning that member from the thread."

23-12-19, 18:04
I agree 100% Elen, but as a long time poster and former HA sufferer, can I ask that another forum rule about not constantly asking for medical advice is also enforced?

I really do sympathise with Toby and anyone else in the vortex of check, reassure, panic, check again etc but at some point surely there needs to be something resembling tough love.

Tobys been to the dentist but is asking us all for dental advice, he`s been for an internal check but still asks for gastric/digestive advice

I`ve recommended it before but there is a bible for health anxiety recovery called `its not all in your head` and I can totally endorse it for Toby or anyone else having a tough time believing the medical experts

and it`s nearly christmas so I hope everyone is in a happy-ish place

23-12-19, 22:41
You're all right... I shouldn't be worrying- in theory- but google also said that it could be Ameloblastoma

That would mean nothing to me, if my sister didn't have some kind of -blastoma cancer as a child... and she did.

Bruce, I will buy that book. I've slowly been getting back into books recently. I just can't help my reaction to each symptom- but then when should you worry? What if one of these worries is legitimate?

I'm sorry, I don't mean to irritate anyone, it's just how I am

I'll shut up now.

24-12-19, 00:31

You ask a very critical question that is actually pertinent to your mental health recovery.

"When should you worry?"

For myself (a fellow HA sufferer) I have two criteria I use to examine my actual symptoms and determine if they are worrying:
1) Is my symptom an emergency? Emergency means I am unable to function. This could be unable to breath, uncontrollable bleeding, a broken bone, intense and crippling chest pain, or pain that registers at a 10. These symptoms are categorized as worrying and a trip to the ER or A&E is needed.
2) If my symptoms are not related to an emergency then I note the characteristics of the symptoms and then I move on with my life. I stop checking in on the symptoms and I absolutely stay away from Google. I give myself two weeks and if the symptoms have not improved at all, then I make an appointment and get it checked. During these two weeks I meditate and provide constant self-reassurance so as not to let my HA get out of hand. I have only had to go to the doctor once following this two week rule and my symptoms were completely benign.

Our HA leads us to believe that every symptom is worrying and that just simply isn't true.

Best Wishes.

24-12-19, 00:46
I posted this on another thread but it applies... slightly revised....

"Toby, really.... after all these years and countless threads with the same patterns over and over.... It's Christmastime. Somewhere, deep inside, beyond what we see here, there HAS to be a shred of rationality and will power. For once, try to listen to reality and rationality and reassure yourself. Think of it like a Christmas present for yourself as well as one for your family and all those on the forum that have offered countless replies of rationality and reassurance through the years. For once, make a post that show us and yourself that you really do possess that inner fortitude to stand up to your dragon."

Positive thoughts

24-12-19, 13:46
Good old Google, never let's you down does it Toby?
Best of luck for 2020

28-12-19, 01:07

You ask a very critical question that is actually pertinent to your mental health recovery.

"When should you worry?"

For myself (a fellow HA sufferer) I have two criteria I use to examine my actual symptoms and determine if they are worrying:
1) Is my symptom an emergency? Emergency means I am unable to function. This could be unable to breath, uncontrollable bleeding, a broken bone, intense and crippling chest pain, or pain that registers at a 10. These symptoms are categorized as worrying and a trip to the ER or A&E is needed.
2) If my symptoms are not related to an emergency then I note the characteristics of the symptoms and then I move on with my life. I stop checking in on the symptoms and I absolutely stay away from Google. I give myself two weeks and if the symptoms have not improved at all, then I make an appointment and get it checked. During these two weeks I meditate and provide constant self-reassurance so as not to let my HA get out of hand. I have only had to go to the doctor once following this two week rule and my symptoms were completely benign.

Our HA leads us to believe that every symptom is worrying and that just simply isn't true.

Best Wishes.

That's a good method, I'm glad it's worked for you. Thanks for sharing.

I don't think this weird wisdom tooth thing is gonna go though, dental conditions don't go unless they're treated

28-12-19, 01:09
Fish and Bruce; I have tried over Christmas not to post on here too much despite having the urge. This isn't serious but it feels pressing at the same time

28-12-19, 01:10
It's like, when I press on the back gum towards the left side, it feels like I'm pressing down on mildly painful tooth underneath

and it hasn't gone over Christmas

It's not painful unless touched, and even then it's not bad

If it is something not serious I won't be bothered but I'm scared it's a something scary forming in the gum or something

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

28-12-19, 08:07
Don’t apologise for posting Toby. In a way it’s good that you’ve thought about it before posting, but you shouldn’t be scared to.

It’s maybe a wisdom tooth coming in?

28-12-19, 20:42
Don’t apologise for posting Toby. In a way it’s good that you’ve thought about it before posting, but you shouldn’t be scared to.

It’s maybe a wisdom tooth coming in?

I just keep jumping between worries and I know that will be exhausting for people to watch

Yesterday it was dental worries (probably wisdom tooth, if anything tbh) and now I'm thinking about my bowel problems even though I have no symptoms currently

28-12-19, 21:12
Well if you think about them too much you’ll bring on symptoms.
Yes it’s tiresome, but that’s anxiety. If you don’t catch it, it will just keep on helping you to create more worries.

29-12-19, 01:17
Well if you think about them too much you’ll bring on symptoms.
Yes it’s tiresome, but that’s anxiety. If you don’t catch it, it will just keep on helping you to create more worries.

Yeah I emotionally invest myself in them too, this morning I woke up in a low mood because I almost convinced myself that the worries were true but sometimes I need to snap myself out of it and remind myself that it may just be one symptom and I'm exaggerating. Which is the case with the tooth which I haven't noticed today

29-12-19, 08:04
There you go.
Sometimes you just need to use monumental effort to change your mood. Sometimes this involves changing your scenery too. Get outside and breathe fresh air, look at different things. It really helps.

30-12-19, 01:13
I felt the nagging sensation in my mouth again as I was eating

I looked inside my mouth just now and there was a little white bit that seemed attached my gum right next to the left wisdom tooth area- maybe it was skin?

Also there are two red spots on the inside of my cheek away from the "painful" area

I'm really scared that this could be cancer and the white area** isn't actually a tooth, it's a tumour coming through

**it looks like maybe there's something under that bit of gum, hard

30-12-19, 05:39
Basically nobody your age gets oral cancer apart from a vanishingly rare minority who've, let's say, led rather more adventurous lives than you have.

31-12-19, 01:39
Oh I had no idea it was rare in younger people

Yeah I'm back on to worrying about GI issues now, I don't understand how I can keep going to-and-fro and each worry seems legitimate at the time

01-01-20, 00:49
Happy New Year everyone!

01-01-20, 16:05
This thread could easily be compressed into a fun anxiety book: "Toby's Toothache"

HNY Toby. Stay positive.