View Full Version : Buying a house - 1st panic attack in months

21-11-19, 21:02
Hi all,

Trying to buy my 1st house which is exciting but it has triggered a huge rebound for me and my anxiety levels. Had a small panic attack yesterday but it's the 1st time I've felt this bad in months (maybe almost a year)

The solicitor I'm using via recommendation is terrible but it's too far on to pull out and move without having to pay so trying to persevere through. But the whole thing has brought bk some GAD symptoms.

My panic attack yesterday was just from a general sense on unease and stress about everything. Obsessing over potential allergies is a symptom for me when my anxiety is bad which is back. Health worries are back as well, tonight I ordered a takeaway and now worried I'm going to have a heart attack because of fatty food!

I know it's stupid but the anxiety make it feel so real and horrible. Any tips or advise to help me through this anxiety wave? Xx

21-11-19, 21:10
Just roll with it until completion.

I've used 20-25 solicitors in all my buying/selling houses over the years and only one has ever been any good. They deserve the reputation they get.

Your anxiety is being caused by stress, and buying or selling a house is unnecessarily stressful in the UK. Conveyancing solicitors have a habit of drawing out 'problems' one after the other instead of dealing with everything at once. I despise them.

21-11-19, 21:19
We just went through the home buying process. I we had everything go wrong. We even lost our first house a few weeks before closing because my husband got hurt and out of work. It's hard but it's worth it in the end. Just make sure you do everything they ask and you'll be fine