View Full Version : Physically can’t do this anymore

13-11-19, 09:33
Hi guys

Do anybody suffer with anxiety in there chest and stomach I’ve woken up today and I can feel it all there it’s awful it makes me feel sick and have an upset stomach

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13-11-19, 09:36
I think the vast majority of us do, Jonny.

Your problem is that you treat it like a big deal rather than a minor annoyance.

13-11-19, 09:57
Hi guys

Do anybody suffer with anxiety in there chest and stomach I’ve woken up today and I can feel it all there it’s awful it makes me feel sick and have an upset stomach

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Come on dude. You have spoken about this at length, multiple times. You know this is the case.

14-11-19, 15:51
Thanks guys, my chest feels so tight, is it normal for the mornings to be worse than the evenings

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14-11-19, 16:03
Well it was normal when you asked about it before, so yes!

14-11-19, 16:09
Ok sorry, I’ve tried staying off here but the last two days have been awful

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14-11-19, 16:19
Hence why you need to learn to reassure yourself. It's a skill that takes hard work and determination.

EDIT: Saying this as an inked person, but how can a bit of a dodgy stomach freak you out when you have that huge sleeve?

14-11-19, 17:12
Because I chose to put myself through the tattoo haha

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14-11-19, 19:41
Makes sense. I have one that I pretty much slept through, and one that was more or less in the top 5 least pleasant experiences of my life.

14-11-19, 20:10
Because I chose to put myself through the tattoo haha

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Then choose to allow yourself to feel the anxiety full force and say 'fvck it'.

I'm honestly not trying to be a dick by responding to you in this way, I'm just trying to illustrate the repeating patterns of behaviour, the need for reassurance and the fear of a perfectly normal physical sensation.

BlueIris is right, you need to learn how to reassure yourself. It's really the only way to get better.

15-11-19, 10:00
Then choose to allow yourself to feel the anxiety full force and say 'fvck it'.

I'm honestly not trying to be a dick by responding to you in this way, I'm just trying to illustrate the repeating patterns of behaviour, the need for reassurance and the fear of a perfectly normal physical sensation.

BlueIris is right, you need to learn how to reassure yourself. It's really the only way to get better.

I know and sometimes tough love is the best love it’s just so hard when In the evening I feel great and then wake up in the morning and I feel awful and my stomach is in bits and I feel sick it’s hard just to sag **** it and get on with it

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15-11-19, 13:37
Nobody said it was easy :shades:

I have a friend who is a fairly well known tattoo artist and even though I trust him I don't think I could sit through what you have, so give yourself some credit for what you CAN do!

15-11-19, 18:15
It’s just accepting this is part of anxiety I’ve begged my docs for more tests but he said my bloods are all normal and my stool sample was normal so giving me further tests will just reinforce my anxiety

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15-11-19, 19:44
The mornings are the worst, I believe it has something to do with cortisol levels? I can’t remember the exact reasoning behind it though, maybe spend some time to look into it and understand what’s happening with your body. Then the next time it happens you can remind yourself why and that it will pass.

This is what I do every morning, I’ll wake with a racing heart (although less dramatic than before I was on propranolol) and I’ll feel sick, if it’s an ibs day I’ll also have stomach ache/pains/cramps. Breathe through it accept that it’s part of the condition and that it will pass.

I have an hour or so to myself in the mornings to put everything in its box so to speak and let everything calm down before I start my day. I often take the time to do some guided meditation or just listen to some podcasts I enjoy. Some mornings I read a book, anything that engages the mind a little but isn’t too taxing. Normally within the hour most of the morning jitters have worn off. Routine really helps me, I wake, eat my meals, and go to bed all roughly at the same time and I practice my self care relaxing time both morning and evening being in that routine has really helped me gain a lot more control over things.

Positive vibes,


15-11-19, 19:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


15-11-19, 19:57
The mornings are the worst, I believe it has something to do with cortisol levels? I can’t remember the exact reasoning behind it though, maybe spend some time to look into it and understand what’s happening with your body. Then the next time it happens you can remind yourself why and that it will pass.

This is what I do every morning, I’ll wake with a racing heart (although less dramatic than before I was on propranolol) and I’ll feel sick, if it’s an ibs day I’ll also have stomach ache/pains/cramps. Breathe through it accept that it’s part of the condition and that it will pass.

I have an hour or so to myself in the mornings to put everything in its box so to speak and let everything calm down before I start my day. I often take the time to do some guided meditation or just listen to some podcasts I enjoy. Some mornings I read a book, anything that engages the mind a little but isn’t too taxing. Normally within the hour most of the morning jitters have worn off. Routine really helps me, I wake, eat my meals, and go to bed all roughly at the same time and I practice my self care relaxing time both morning and evening being in that routine has really helped me gain a lot more control over things.

Positive vibes,


Thank you for this

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17-11-19, 18:46
This nausea from anxiety is too much! Is it normal?

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17-11-19, 18:55
Totally. You've been told repeatedly that it is.

17-11-19, 19:52
Totally. You've been told repeatedly that it is.

It’s so annoying!!! Do you ever get nausea from anxiety

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17-11-19, 20:10

I've told you I've had awful nausea from anxiety, and it is generally the first feeling I have if stressed. I'm really heartened to hear your doctor is being so strict with you, you've had lots of checks and a few tests and he/she knows what we all know too - it can make you feel very unwell but there is nothing clinically 'wrong'. Digestion is majorly upset by anxious states, as I've said to you once before, it alters the balance of the secretions to the stomach and feeling bleurch follows.

19-11-19, 07:53
Nausea is literally one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. Even people without any anxiety problems whatsoever get upset stomachs when they’re nervous. If you have an anxiety problem (which you obviously do), you’re going to have an upset stomach very frequently, because you’re going to be anxious very frequently, and anxious about your anxiety symptoms (the upset stomach) very frequently.

Go back and read what people on here have told you - read it 1,000 times if you need to. Recovery is right in front of you. Or you can keep complaining about how hard it is and stay exactly how you are. Your call.

21-11-19, 14:07
I’ve been having therapy and she said nausea is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety aswell as other stomach issues because it’s our second brain!
People have told me this on here and I still struggle to accept it.
I don’t know why I can’t accept it, how do people get through this everyday

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21-11-19, 14:09
Go and get laid ffs

21-11-19, 14:14
You just do, I hate the nausea. I’m an emetophobe (fear of vomiting) severely so, it’s been the driving force of a good portion of my anxiety since I was a child. But there comes a point where you can choose to either let it consume your life or you get to live it.

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22-11-19, 08:18

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


22-11-19, 08:50
Agreeing with Mouse and Joe here; find something in your life that's more interesting than feeling nauseous.

22-11-19, 09:18
Agreeing with Mouse and Joe here; find something in your life that's more interesting than feeling nauseous.

I’m trying!!

Last night I had an upset stomach too, my doctor just keeps telling me this is anxiety I just don’t know

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22-11-19, 09:19
Then you need to work on the anxiety, Jonny, because nothing anybody else tells you is making any difference at this stage.

22-11-19, 10:58
I know just back from docs and he has outright said I haven’t got Crohn’s disease, and it’s purely anxiety 100% and bowel problems and nausea is a number one symptom

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22-11-19, 15:19
I feel I need locking up, docs have told me I haven’t got crohns 100% and my symptoms are all anxiety but I simply can’t accept it I can’t go on like this

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22-11-19, 15:21
The only person who can change this is you. All the online sympathy in the world won't fix this; you need to accept that feeling rubbish is part of your life for now, then either try to work on the anxiety or try to ignore it.

22-11-19, 16:27
Go and volunteer at a homeless shelter or something.

Sometimes helping people with real problems can help you come to terms with your own.

Whining about it is clearly getting you nowhere. And you are whining now.

22-11-19, 16:42
Can't do what - be alive and healthy ? Lucky you I say, many aren't and would love a clean bill of health. Stop paying so much attention to your anxiety symptoms, they are not comfortable and annoying, but they aren't something that is going to do you long term damage.

23-11-19, 12:16
Go and volunteer at a homeless shelter or something.

Sometimes helping people with real problems can help you come to terms with your own.

Whining about it is clearly getting you nowhere. And you are whining now.

When you say people with real problems, health anxiety and depression is a REAL problem

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23-11-19, 12:21
When you say people with real problems, health anxiety and depression is a REAL problem

But one you have control over concerning treatment.

Positive thoughts

23-11-19, 13:02
When you say people with real problems, health anxiety and depression is a REAL problem

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It's a problem. Other people have REAL problems.

You are now at the stage where you just need to pull yourself together.

23-11-19, 13:32
I don’t get what you’re saying?

Mental health is a REAL problem, trying to break the stigma by stating mental health is as important as physical health

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23-11-19, 13:35
Other people have bigger problems than you do. You are blowing your own problems way out of proportion, and to re-state, you need to pull yourself together before things get a LOT worse.

Go out and help some people, you need some perspective.

23-11-19, 13:45
I get that but this isn’t out of proportion to me! To you it might be.

What you see as just a tummy ache, to me is so much worse

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23-11-19, 14:01
So you need to adjust your thinking. We can't do this for you.

What do you want from us?

23-11-19, 14:51
Just support and reassurance that I can beat this illness and reassurance to trust my docs that this is truly anxiety

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23-11-19, 15:04
You've been given this in abundance already. You need to learn to reassure yourself.

23-11-19, 16:46
reassurance to trust my docs that this is truly anxiety

....but Jonny, we have given this SO many times and you know that I have on PM many many many times also. The trouble is that reassurance is transitory in achieving you being settled (such is the nature of HA) and a very short time later you need to ask again. That is why people say that its time to develop your own coping strategies, and skills to deal with the fears you have. Ultimately, only you can find use those logical 'self-talk' techniques and they will be more powerful than anything we say. WHilst you keep looking for outside 'reassurance' that becomes a strategy which won't be of any long-term use, and just as you doubt your doctor, a short time later you doubt us also. True belief, can only come from your own hard work to turn around how you are viewing these anxiety symptoms.

23-11-19, 17:25
I get that but this isn’t out of proportion to me! To you it might be.

What you see as just a tummy ache, to me is so much worse

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And that's exactly why you need to pull yourself together and get some perspective. I don't think I've ever used the phrase 'pull yourself together' before here, but in your case I'm making an exception.

Your anxiety is SO led by your own thought habits. You are effectively doing this to yourself.

This is also why I suggest going to volunteer at a shelter. There you will find people with drug addictions AND hepatitis AND cancer AND abusive pasts AND nowhere to live AND no money, all trying to make it through the day.

Nothing is happening TO you mate, it's all you. Reassurance is irrelevant to your recovery, but it is a crucial anchor keeping you in the anxiety cycle.

Being brave isn't about not feeling fear, it's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

23-11-19, 18:01
What you see as just a tummy ache, to me is so much worse

...and therein lies the issue, its just an anxiety tummy ache.

What Joe says is true, it sounds harsh, but realise it comes from a person who understands what it takes to come out of this place you currently find yourself. I concur about the volunteering strategy, it is a real eye-opener and something I've mentioned on here many times over the years. Focusing on other people, achieving something meaningful in your day and getting perspective on your own concerns is very valuable.

Nothing is happening TO you mate, it's all you. Reassurance is irrelevant to your recovery, but it is a crucial anchor keeping you in the anxiety cycle.

Being brave isn't about not feeling fear, it's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

This ^ is real support !

23-11-19, 18:38
Ok thanks joe and carys I appreciate both your support it means a lot

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23-11-19, 19:22
Ok thanks joe and carys I appreciate both your support it means a lot

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24-11-19, 09:36
I feel awful today, felt great last night but woke up the the runs and stomach pain I’m convinced this is more than just anxiety I just know it

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24-11-19, 09:49
What a coincidence, I woke up with that today, too!

What are your plans for the rest of the day?

24-11-19, 09:56
I think you should change your user-name Jonny.

24-11-19, 10:10
I feel awful today, felt great last night but woke up the the runs and stomach pain I’m convinced this is more than just anxiety I just know it

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Okay Jonny, this is going to sound really rude to start with but I promise that this is one of the things that helped me kill off health anxiety for good.

What makes you think that you’re that special? What makes you think that your special enough that the doctors you’ve seen that have trained for years haven’t diagnosed you correctly, what makes you think your special enough to be the small percentage of people that get misdiagnosed? If your that special why haven’t you won the lottery, it’s the same deal? You’re just not that special.

Why is it worse for you? - that’s simple, because it’s happening to YOU! Therefore it’s automatically worse. I can tell you, and I have, that I feel awful too, that I had gut twisting cramps this morning too, that I will likely have to give in and run to the loo eventually but that doesn’t mean anything, sure you might feel empathetic towards me because you experience it but it’s always going to be worse when it’s happening to you because when I tell you everything that happens to me although it’s the same, you don’t have to feel it. I can tell you that my mother has had pain worse than childbirth that landed her in the hospital, that makes her vomit, even take time off work, bowel changes that have had her scoped both ways and scanned and she’s 62, no obvious triggers (trust me we’ve tried to find them) and she’s still absolutely fine - diagnosis IBS!

But you haven’t had to feel it therefore what you go through has to be different, worse, because it’s happening to you... but honestly what your going through isn’t that special, not to say it’s not real, it’s not a big deal. Of course it is! But it’s about the feelings you give these events, ultimately they are nothing.

So what if we both had upset stomachs this morning, mine is because I’m stressed and I ate a lot of pulses for tea. Yours as your doctor has said is anxiety and the more thought you give it, the more you doubt the person that has trained for all those years and practiced those skills for however long, the more you believe that your different because it’s worse (because it’s happening to you!) the longer this is going to keep spiralling.

I do feel for you Jonny, I HATE IBS, I HATE anxiety and all the mental illnesses that I feel stole so much from me that I have to fight every day just for some semblance of a life I can be proud of. But ultimately this morning it was just an upset tummy, you know why it’s happening and it’s within your power to accept it and move the hell on. See it this way, depending on the rest of the day you might not have to waste any more time in the bathroom! Or you can just see it as time away from everything if you have to go again. At least you’re not constipated! These are all things my husband says to me when IBS gets me down and he’s right.

Please challenge the thoughts Jonny, trust me, it’s worth it.

As always,

Positive vibes,


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24-11-19, 10:31
Great post mouse. :emot-highfive:

24-11-19, 10:32
Thanks mouse,

I don’t think I’m special but how can I go from feeling calm and relaxed last night to so sick this morning?

I did have a McDonald’s last night which probs didn’t help?

I’ve had loads of bloods and stool samples but I think I need a colonoscopy or endoscopy but doctor said no as the tests I’ve had already are enough and testing me more will just increase my anxiety?

Can I safely rule out crohns 100%?

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24-11-19, 10:35
Nothing can ever be ruled out 100% indefinitely.

You have to learn to live with 99 percent being okay.

24-11-19, 10:36
Thanks mouse,

I don’t think I’m special but how can I go from feeling calm and relaxed last night to so sick this morning?

I did have a McDonald’s last night which probs didn’t help?

Cause and effect! You ate bad food (I’m guilty of that too) your gut reacted, you reacted to your gut.

The mornings are worse, they will always be the worst - we covered that in another thread didn’t we? That in combination with the McDonald’s (tasty torture) is going to make your gut unhappy which causes you to spiral.

Trust. The. Doctors.

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24-11-19, 10:40
But given the tests and what the docs said can I go away knowing it’s not crohns

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24-11-19, 10:43
I don't know. Can you?

I'm sorry to be harsh, but you need to break this cycle as soon as you possibly can. It's not about the Crohn's, it's about your anxiety.

24-11-19, 10:47
I can’t do this anymore, I really can’t

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24-11-19, 10:51
I can’t do this anymore, I really can’t

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I’ve been there, trust me I have.

Get mad, get distracted, get upset, sure but don’t give in. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to pick ourselves up, that’s okay. It’s okay that you’re not coping right now, what’s not okay is to give in to it. You can get through this, it’s not easy but one little step at a time.

I get distracted by the outward problems and don’t remember but are you treating the anxiety at all? Have you looked into how the cycles work and how to break them? With a professional or on your own? It’s the understanding of what’s happening to me that helped me find stable footing through it all. It takes practice but you can.

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24-11-19, 10:52
I’m on tabs and I’m paying for counselling it’s the physical symptoms that I can’t deal with if it wasn’t for the nausea and stomach issues I would be so happy,

It’s the not knowing if it’s anxiety or not that’s killing me

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24-11-19, 11:01
I’m on tabs and I’m paying for counselling it’s the physical symptoms that I can’t deal with if it wasn’t for the nausea and stomach issues I would be so happy,

It’s the not knowing if it’s anxiety or not that’s killing me

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You’re never going to ‘know’ if you’re unwilling to accept it. It sucks, but it’s not dangerous.

Clearly you’re still able to eat, as is evident by last nights McDonald’s! And this mornings unfortunate side effects of that eating. Other than feeling uncomfortable you’re able to live a normal life? So why not just give ignoring the sensations a go, the doctors have told you that you’re not in any danger by doing this, just see them as an inconvenience but nothing dwell on, just like a hangover if you’ve been drinking too much.

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24-11-19, 11:05
Yea I work full time etc, Even though I’ve felt sick a lot I’ve never physically vomited through anxiety.

I’ve gone months without having the runs it’s just the cramping today is awful

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24-11-19, 11:20
It’s the not knowing if it’s anxiety or not that’s killing me


24-11-19, 11:24
It’s the not knowing if it’s anxiety or not that’s killing me

Can I join you on your wall Joe ?

YOU ALREADY HAVE THE ANSWER, there is no NOT KNOWING !!! There is not believing, that is a different thing.

24-11-19, 11:26
I’ve gone months without having the runs it’s just the cramping today is awful

Yeah, and.....what of it.....your stomach is upset. If you've not had it for months, then what does that tell you (My IBS has caused pain and cramping that has kept me awake for days in the last few months) ? Jonny, this is really becoming very frustrating.

24-11-19, 11:28
I’m sorry guys I really am, I just can’t see if this is just Ibs and anxiety how it can cause me this much distress

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24-11-19, 11:30
Well, it can and does (though I have to say after my IBS diagnosed I accepted it and realised the triggers and that was that). Buy a book on it, today, Amazon, read it - symptoms listed and how difficult it can be for some people to deal with. Read up on IBS today.

You have no inflammatory markers for freaking Crohns, you've had everything checked out in various ways.

24-11-19, 11:32
Nobody is going to be able to wave a magic wand for you on this one. You have to put the hard work in.

24-11-19, 11:48
It’s just so painful, and feels like I’m going to shit myself every 5 minutes and I feel so sick

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24-11-19, 11:53
It’s just so painful, and feels like I’m going to shit myself every 5 minutes and I feel so sick

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Story of my life, and the same for so many other people. This is why if I am eating something like McDonald’s you can be sure that I’m not planning on leaving the house the following two days. Also why my mum knows where pretty much every bathroom in our local town is. Laugh it off, take something to settle your stomach if you need to and do something more enjoyable than thinking about your digestive system.

What do you enjoy in life Jonny? I love art, gaming, and reading - the latter is perfect for the days like you’re having, I take the book with me!

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24-11-19, 11:58
I think if i was at home I could just lay on sofa and read or have a bath but I’m working and I’m a manager of a shop so I can’t leave :(

Please just promise me this is anxiety and Ibs and it’s normal

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24-11-19, 12:04
Our opinions count for nothing, and this reassurance seeking is a deeply unhealthy habit.

All you're doing is reinforcing your faulty thinking patterns; it's like rewarding a child or a pet for bad behaviour.

24-11-19, 12:08
Read this thread Jonny, we have told you everything you need to know here (and on other threads). Time for you to do the reassurance now.

24-11-19, 12:16
So my symptoms of nausea, upset tummy, stomach cramps, feeling crap in the morning are all classic signs of anxiety and ibs yes and you’ve had or have these symptoms too

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24-11-19, 12:21
What have I said to you, multiple times on PM and on this thread, and what have others told you multiple times on this thread and others ?

You answer me, and tell me.

24-11-19, 12:25
So my symptoms of nausea, upset tummy, stomach cramps, feeling crap in the morning are all classic signs of anxiety and ibs yes and you’ve had or have these symptoms too

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Come on, scroll back up, look at the other times that I’ve replied to you. You know the answer to this, you know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. You just have to learn to occupy your mind with something else.

As you manage a store go and organise something, do something completely mundane and repetitive but really concentrate on getting it perfect. Maybe take inventory or something, I’ve had to resort to stocking or righting shelves before when I was working too.

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24-11-19, 12:28
Serious question: are you not slightly embarrassed by your behaviour here?

24-11-19, 12:33
I’m very embarrassed, but also the way the feeling and how Ill I feel I’m also not ashamed because I genuinely feel so ill and I don’t know what to do

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24-11-19, 12:36
You've been told repeatedly what will help, though.

24-11-19, 12:39
I’m trying too do the things that will help though I was positive last night with no nausea or stomach pain went to bed chilled and woke up at 3 so that’s why I think it can’t be anxiety

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24-11-19, 12:39
This is you from June 2018 and July 2018 (1 year and a half years ago)...



Same 'illness' exactly. It passed, it wasn't Crohns and then you moved onto other serious illnesses and have now returned to this illness.

Infact Jonny, reading back your posting history, this fear has been recurrent for years.....

You tell me if its anxiety ????

24-11-19, 12:45
The reason I question it because I went to bed not feeling anxious and I’m only anxious because I have these symptoms?

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24-11-19, 12:49
So, its IBS from a food trigger this time (or from anxiety in the preceeding days), ces la vie.

You should know this is how your body reacts, its happened on and off for years - look through your own started threads and learn something. Read the threads I've posted above, actually look at them. You have had EXACTLY this happen before, multiple times. I don't understand why you can't and aren't spending your time reading up on IBS, it actually beyond me right now.

24-11-19, 12:57
I’m sorry guys I really am, I just can’t see if this is just Ibs and anxiety how it can cause me this much distress

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You are repeating the same mantra over and over again. You are asking the same questions over and over again. You are whining about the same symptoms over and over again. You are choosing to ignore the same advice over and over again.

If you don't stop doing this, you are going to feel the same every single day until you die. I can guarantee you this 100%.

Stop doing the fawning apology routine, just pull yourself together man. Seriously, pull yourself together.

24-11-19, 12:58
Exactly. Isn't it better to take steps to help yourself than humiliate yourself begging strangers for the answers to questions you already know?

24-11-19, 13:14
I don’t know why my stupid brain can’t see what you all see and accept it’s anxiety

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24-11-19, 13:17
I don’t know why my stupid brain can’t see what you all see and accept it’s anxiety

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Exactly the same reason I said earlier, because it’s happening to you.

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24-11-19, 13:19
I don’t know why my stupid brain can’t see what you all see and accept it’s anxiety

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Try and see this subtle language here.

"It's my stupid brain"

You are placing the responsibility for change outside of your own choice, and that's not the case.

Again, you are doing this to yourself. You have practiced being this way, and you have to practice NOT being this way.

"Yeah but it's hard"

STFU, just do it.

"Yeah but I wasn't anxious last night"

Now you are.

"Yeah but....."

STFU, just practice doing the opposite of what you are doing now.




24-11-19, 13:21
Joe's right, this is a tactic that's worked really well for me.


"No, quit being an idiot."

"Yeah, but..."

"Seriously, you're being an idiot, we're doing something else instead now."

24-11-19, 13:23
Joe's right, this is a tactic that's worked really well for me.


"No, quit being an idiot."

"Yeah, but..."

"Seriously, you're being an idiot, we're doing something else instead now."

Me too! The amount of times I tell myself off and tell the thoughts to shut up each day are astounding when I actually think of it. It’s just a reflex now, just as much as the anxious thoughts are.

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24-11-19, 13:31
Ok I will try this I get annoyed with myself and I feel sorry for myself and that’s why I’m stuck in this bubble!

I need to look at the positives that yes I did feel good last time so take that as a positive

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24-11-19, 13:32
It's not an overnight fix, but it really does start to work if you keep it up.

24-11-19, 13:32
Ok I will try this I get annoyed with myself and I feel sorry for myself and that’s why I’m stuck in this bubble!

I need to look at the positives that yes I did feel good last time so take that as a positive

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Also a positive is that you managed to feel good and calm last night! Night times can be just as bad for me as mornings. Any good time is a huge positive, focus on them.

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24-11-19, 13:40
I can’t do this anymore, I really can’t

Then DON'T! The ball is totally in your court.

For whatever reason, several members fruitlessly continue to engage you and it just feeds your dragon with the attention you so desperately crave. They spend their time offering great advice and personal experience as they and others have done previously. Maybe they think their reply will be the one that opens your eyes. Sadly, it hasn't happened yet and I really don't see it happening. One will never see when they purposely cover their eyes. The bottom line is: Some will. Some won't. So what? NEXT!

I do truly hope you find your way out of the rabbit hole but as long as you continue your current behaviors, you'll remain buried over your head.

Positive thoughts

24-11-19, 13:44
Ok I will try this I get annoyed with myself and I feel sorry for myself and that’s why I’m stuck in this bubble!

I need to look at the positives that yes I did feel good last time so take that as a positive

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Stop feeling sorry for yourself, you're not a bloody child.

24-11-19, 13:55
I think I need to be in hospital for help I really do

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24-11-19, 13:57
Why are you posting here if you're ignoring all the advice you're being given?

24-11-19, 14:04
I have also offered advice both here and in PMs but you don't seem to be processing the info and find it very difficult to empathise. Midnight Mouse explained this difficulty in empathising, which you predictably never acknowledged, like so much of what is said.

We can only repeat ourselves so many times, Jonny, before we conclude that we're wasting our time :lac:

24-11-19, 14:11
Why are you posting here if you're ignoring all the advice you're being given?


Just support and reassurance that I can beat this illness and reassurance to trust my docs that this is truly anxiety

Support comes when you start to make a concerted effort to treat your anxiety.

We can only repeat ourselves so many times, Jonny, before we conclude that we're wasting our time :lac:

The witnesses have testified and the jury has delivered a verdict on that one I'm afraid :lac:

Positive thoughts

24-11-19, 14:17
I’m making a valid effort, I’m taking tabs, I’m writing a journal every day I’ve only ever had 2 weeks off work due to this, I’m paying for private counselling to help me what more can I do

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24-11-19, 14:19
We've told you, repeatedly. Start correcting your thoughts and stop begging us for reassurance.

24-11-19, 14:29
what more can I do

Any or all of the suggestions made on this thread ?

24-11-19, 14:53
Ok maybe coming off here would be a start then? I appreciate everyone’s advice I really do and I need to make some drastic changes in my life in order to beat this

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24-11-19, 14:59
It might not be a bad idea, and I mean that with no hostility whatsoever.

Once you're feeling a bit better, come back and fight the good fight with the rest of us.

24-11-19, 16:00
I echo Blue's advice. I'm genuinely not trying to be hostile either, I'm merely trying to illustrate how you need to talk to yourself. You need to pull it together and be hard on yourself without feeling sorry for yourself.

24-11-19, 17:35
I don’t know why I’m so worried about crohns, the people that I know who have it live next to normal lifes with medication,

But I’ve had stool tests and blood tests to rule it out anyway

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24-11-19, 17:36
Because you are catastrophising everything and creating mind monsters.

24-11-19, 17:37
I don’t know why I’m so worried about crohns, the people that I know who have it live next to normal lifes with medication,

But I’ve had stool tests and blood tests to rule it out anyway

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You’ve gotten yourself worked up about it, that’s all. My uncle has it, I only know because he mentioned it when my mum was going through things recently.

It’s been ruled out, now is the time to move forward.

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24-11-19, 17:39
Yes, you have had blood tests and stool tests that entirely rule it out - I made that clear to you in the NHS link to IBS sent earlier. You have had the tests done that your doctor knew would therefore diagnose IBS, in the absence of any markers for other chronic bowel conditions. Mine was diagnosed years ago without even any of those tests, just by symptoms alone!

Now, repeat this fact over and over, whenever the thought comes into your head that it could be anything else......

I’ve had stool tests and blood tests to rule it out anyway

24-11-19, 17:42
Thank you! I thought it was some terrifying disease that would make my life a living hell! When really it’s really not.

I will have a bath get an early night and hopefully be a lot more positive tomorrow

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25-11-19, 10:15
I was a lot more positive last night I had a bath and felt good and relaxed but woke up this morning and I feel awful sick and tummy ache!

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25-11-19, 10:16
I was a lot more positive last night I had a bath and felt good and relaxed but woke up this morning and I feel awful sick and tummy ache!

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Just like yesterday you know it will ease.

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25-11-19, 10:17
But I didn’t even feel anxious when I woke up but I instantly felt sick

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25-11-19, 10:18
but woke up this morning and I feel awful sick and tummy ache!

This isn't at all surprising considering how you were most of yesterday and add to that the fact that mornings are worse for anxiety....and its an expected outcome. Just as this has come and gone for you over the years, and went yesterday, it will go again.

25-11-19, 10:19
I just don’t get why it’s there when I didn’t feel anxious that’s what makes me doubt it’s anxiety?

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25-11-19, 10:20
I just don’t get why it’s there when I didn’t feel anxious that’s what makes me doubt it’s anxiety?

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Because the feeling sick IS you feeling anxious, it’s not all about the thoughts.

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25-11-19, 10:24
Ok that makes sense, I’m just hoping it fades soon as got a long day at work

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25-11-19, 10:25
Ok that makes sense, I’m just hoping it fades soon as got a long day at work

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Don’t dwell on it and just put one foot in front of another. It will fade just like yesterday.

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25-11-19, 10:26
Jonny everything is messed up already from yesterday, stomach and bowels wise, that takes more than one evening of calmness to return to normal. You would wake up, as mouse says, and think 'I hope I don't feel sick today' and before you know it you have a twinge, and then it becomes a spiral... do as she says, just accept its there, its part of your current state of mind and get on with the day. I've had to teach a class of little ones feeling like this, its not easy, but it can be done and before you know it - hopefully - you've forgotten it.

25-11-19, 10:34
Ok I’m trying not to dwell on it, I’m really trying to accept it for what it is...anxiety

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25-11-19, 10:36
Ok I’m trying not to dwell on it, I’m really trying to accept it for what it is...anxiety

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That’s great Jonny, it’s not easy, don’t expect it just to disappear because you are trying but it’s much better than yesterday, well done.

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25-11-19, 10:36
But I didn’t even feel anxious when I woke up but I instantly felt sick

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How many times have we explained the body-mind link of anxiety, Jonny? Just because you don't consciously feel anxious it doesn't mean the body isn't under stress. Stress hormones are higher in the morning, along with other stress factors like higher BP/heart rate. You're only becoming aware of the anxiety once you get symptoms like gut ache etc, which then ramps up your anxiety to even higher levels.

And we've explained how to break this cycle by first becoming actively aware of what's happening, then reprogramming your reactions to the symptoms of stress.

Yet you're still chasing your own tail and repeating the same questions :lac:

Do you understand all this?

25-11-19, 10:40
I think so yes it’s a hard concept to understand because to me I’m doing all I can to try and forget the anxiety but that won’t help me long term will it?

I need to learn why I’m feeling this anxiety and accept it for what it is

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25-11-19, 10:42
I think so yes it’s a hard concept to understand because to me I’m doing all I can to try and forget the anxiety but that won’t help me long term will it?

I need to learn why I’m feeling this anxiety and accept it for what it is

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Because of you. It's not external, you are choosing to think this way. That's the hurdle you need to leap over.

25-11-19, 10:46
So once I accept it for anxiety and learn strategies to overcome and a different thinking pattern the sickness will subside?

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25-11-19, 10:48
So once I accept it for anxiety and learn strategies to overcome and a different thinking pattern the sickness will subside?

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Yes, for the most part anyway, I’m doing well with it but still have times and days when it’s pretty bad. It’s most importantly the different thinking strategies, we have to retrain the disordered thought patterns.

Stress still brings it out on me very easily though, but I know how to remind myself of the right thoughts.

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25-11-19, 10:49
So once I accept it for anxiety and learn strategies to overcome and a different thinking pattern the sickness will subside?

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Quite right. But it will take time and effort because of the entrenched negative thought patterns.

25-11-19, 11:10
Yes, for the most part anyway, I’m doing well with it but still have times and days when it’s pretty bad. It’s most importantly the different thinking strategies, we have to retrain the disordered thought patterns.

Stress still brings it out on me very easily though, but I know how to remind myself of the right thoughts.

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It brings out what in you? Nausea?

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25-11-19, 11:10
Quite right. But it will take time and effort because of the entrenched negative thought patterns.

That’s the biggest thing with me I have no patience I’ll try something once if it don’t work I’ll stop

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25-11-19, 11:14
It brings out what in you? Nausea?

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Nausea, panic attacks, my OCD flares up something chronic, I struggle to eat or sleep, or really do anything. I’ll be running to and from the loo all the time, painful cramping and gas, the disordered thought returns with vengeance, I’ll struggle to leave the house or have the motivation to get out of bed. No interest in anything that I love, if it goes too far I break down into a derealisation episode.

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25-11-19, 11:37
That’s the biggest thing with me I have no patience I’ll try something once if it don’t work I’ll stop

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Then practice being patient. You have got yourself stuck in a cycle of immediate need for reassurance, without sitting WITH the negative sensations.

What you need to practice is not only acceptance of anxiety, but also acceptance of sensation. If you wake up with a belly ache, don't whine about it like a child, just get up and get on with your day.

And yes, once you calm yourself down the symptoms will begin to subside, but this may take weeks or months. This is something else you need to accept. You have learned to get yourself to the place you are in now and it took years to get there right? You can't expect that to change overnight just because you try to think about something else for an hour or two. This is about a significant change in the way you think about your own life, and that takes time.

25-11-19, 11:40
Nausea, panic attacks, my OCD flares up something chronic, I struggle to eat or sleep, or really do anything. I’ll be running to and from the loo all the time, painful cramping and gas, the disordered thought returns with vengeance, I’ll struggle to leave the house or have the motivation to get out of bed. No interest in anything that I love, if it goes too far I break down into a derealisation episode.

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All this is from anxiety?

Do you get the runs too?

It’s awful isn’t it but it’s good to know it’s not just me

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25-11-19, 11:41
Then practice being patient. You have got yourself stuck in a cycle of immediate need for reassurance, without sitting WITH the negative sensations.

What you need to practice is not only acceptance of anxiety, but also acceptance of sensation. If you wake up with a belly ache, don't whine about it like a child, just get up and get on with your day.

And yes, once you calm yourself down the symptoms will begin to subside, but this may take weeks or months. This is something else you need to accept. You have learned to get yourself to the place you are in now and it took years to get there right? You can't expect that to change overnight just because you try to think about something else for an hour or two. This is about a significant change in the way you think about your own life, and that takes time.

Ok thank you, it is difficult but I have to make changes for the better I can’t keep going on like this

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25-11-19, 11:43
Yes it's difficult, as you have said a billion times.

Less difficult than crying yourself to sleep over a belly ache for the rest of your life though, surely?

25-11-19, 11:44
All this is from anxiety?

Do you get the runs too?

It’s awful isn’t it but it’s good to know it’s not just me

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Yep, yeah I do or constipation. But I’ve told you all this before.

I’ve been in some very dark places with anxiety at its worst.

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25-11-19, 11:48
NO Jonny, of course its not just you, many of us have told you we get it!

Take the very very good advice from mouse and Joe on this thread !

25-11-19, 12:05
Ok thanks everyone,

One minute I feel good and then next minute this wave of nausea hits me like a ton of bricks

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25-11-19, 12:08
So you feel queasy, take a breath or two and then get on with your day.

25-11-19, 12:15
But I didn’t even feel anxious when I woke up but I instantly felt sick

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

25-11-19, 12:31
Positive thoughts

Love that expression about the campfire!!

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25-11-19, 12:46
It’s just so frustrating because I’m genuinely not an anxious person I only worry about physical symptoms...like if I didn’t have the nausea or stomach issues I’d be fine

I don’t worry about work, money, relationships, so it’s like if i was worrying about work I’d get that I’d feel nauseous or dizzy because I’m anxious but I’m only anxious because I feel nauseous

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25-11-19, 13:54
It’s just so frustrating because I’m genuinely not an anxious person I only worry about physical symptoms...like if I didn’t have the nausea or stomach issues I’d be fine

I don’t worry about work, money, relationships, so it’s like if i was worrying about work I’d get that I’d feel nauseous or dizzy because I’m anxious but I’m only anxious because I feel nauseous

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Do you have a mortgage or kids?

25-11-19, 14:14
No I used to have a mortgage but I split up the girl I was with so back living with parents until feb when I’m moving out with new gf

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25-11-19, 14:41
Well then you have no reason to worry about it yet, there's plenty of time for all that :yesyes:

All the more reason to get your good mental practices in now.

25-11-19, 19:23
It’s just so frustrating because I’m genuinely not an anxious person I only worry about physical symptoms...like if I didn’t have the nausea or stomach issues I’d be fine

I don’t worry about work, money, relationships, so it’s like if i was worrying about work I’d get that I’d feel nauseous or dizzy because I’m anxious but I’m only anxious because I feel nauseous

I see this differently. Anxiety manifests itself differently for different people but it's still anxiety nonetheless. What you said is like an Agoraphobic saying, "I'm only anxious because I hate leaving the house" or a someone with social anxiety saying, "I'm fine as long as I don't have to hang out with people". Your post history and verbiage pattern is classic HA and based on your history and the physical hyper-vigilance you exhibit, you'd find other physical issues/symptoms to fixate over. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Treat the real diagnosed issue and you treat the physical symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

26-11-19, 04:12
It’s just so frustrating because I’m genuinely not an anxious person I only worry about physical symptoms...like if I didn’t have the nausea or stomach issues I’d be fine

I don’t worry about work, money, relationships, so it’s like if i was worrying about work I’d get that I’d feel nauseous or dizzy because I’m anxious but I’m only anxious because I feel nauseous

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That's just how it can be, one person has GAD and another OCD. But what you need to remember is that under an umbrella you have the ability to have anything there. Some people struggle with more isolated themes and others hop about. Therefore it's reasonable to consider how those symptoms you mention may not be the only things to bother you. Weren't you bothered by the issues with your back not long ago?

So, look at the roots of the disorder and less at the theme of the week. If a bump bothers you next week you can guarantee it's because the fault thinking is there to latch onto it.

I think you need to look at your reaction in this. The more you dial down that reaction the easier things will be and your thinking will embed new coping methods in reversing your anxiety. Just like with the panic cycle if you react to symptoms you poor petrol on the fire. The more you apply positive/neutral reactions at that point the more your subconscious will see x issue isn't important and you will change. Acceptance is part of that, getting on with your day another, but changing your thinking is key in that reaction phase of the cycle and not going into compulsions as you are doing with reassurance/researching.

If you list your compulsions/rituals and work on reducing the number of them and how long you spend on them you will see your anxiety decrease after a time. But it's about repetition. It may take weeks, months, even years, but you will get there if you do this.

Another element is toughing up. We have to learn to tolerate what we hate in these symptoms rather than let them suck is into dominating us. I think you currently struggle with this element and are stuck in that "I wish this would go away, I hate it" stage. This is feeding the cycle though because rather than your subconscious seeing a "meh" response it sees "ooohhhh shiiittttt" and that is a stress response thus more stress chemicals pumped out.

By the way, I do worry about work, money, etc. I couldn't care less about health and anything on this board has no importance to my anxiety. That doesn't mean I don't struggle with symptoms though and you do have to get into a tolerance mindset with them rather than reacting to them. Sure, a physical symptom might bother me but being no HAer I accept it totally for what it is and couldn't care less what it is or seeing it is a symptom of some terrible disease. However, I could still turn my day into it being all about the symptoms and I did for a long time despite not being bothered about HA.

26-11-19, 10:32
Woke up today guys In a lot more positive mindset, TVs anxiety is still there a bit as is the nausea but I feel positive about it I know it’s anxiety!

And I will beat this

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26-11-19, 11:17
Excellent start to the day Jonny ! Remember though, those old feelings WILL come back you back in the bum, one good positive morning won't be enough to beat years of negative thought patterns - but this is a VERY good start !

26-11-19, 11:20
Woke up today guys In a lot more positive mindset, TVs anxiety is still there a bit as is the nausea but I feel positive about it I know it’s anxiety!

And I will beat this

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That’s brilliant Jonny! Well done. It’s important to keep this way of thinking up even when things aren’t so great. Like Carys said, recovery is not linier, there will be ups and downs. But honestly well done!

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26-11-19, 11:57
Woke up today guys In a lot more positive mindset, TVs anxiety is still there a bit as is the nausea but I feel positive about it I know it’s anxiety!

And I will beat this

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Keep it up, young man. You will have lows again but all you have to do is push on and maintain a sense of perspective and positive attitude :shades:

26-11-19, 12:02
Woke up today guys In a lot more positive mindset, TVs anxiety is still there a bit as is the nausea but I feel positive about it I know it’s anxiety!

And I will beat this

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27-11-19, 14:56
You were all right I felt amazing yesterday but today not so much, anxious tummy occasional nausea and tummy upset but I’m off today so trying to relax on the sofa and take it easy

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27-11-19, 14:57
Niiiice! Sounds as though you're getting the right attitude now.

27-11-19, 15:25
I’m trying to! I’m just trying to remember how good I felt last night and knowing I’ll feel like that again

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27-11-19, 15:32
I’m just trying to remember how good I felt last night and knowing I’ll feel like that again

Yep ! Good work, just accept this, a passing blip.....nothing serious and something that will go again.

28-11-19, 09:17
Woke up feeling actually quite good but now I’m in a panic, stomach churning, sweating and feeling anxious :(

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28-11-19, 09:25
Breathe through it; these things don't last forever and you'll be feeling better again soon.

28-11-19, 09:37
It'll happen Jonny, these ups and downs are to be expected you have anxiety. Carry on moving, accept that this is just your body reacting to anxiety, just symptoms of adrenaline. Stop, stand still and talk to yourself and tell yourself that soon you'll be back to feeling good again.

28-11-19, 10:38
Thank you! I’m at work and earlier I just wanted to go home and get into bed but I’m battling through it and sticking it out! I know this knotted tummy is my anxiety and yes it’s uncomfortable but it’s not dangerous!

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28-11-19, 10:39
Thank you! I’m at work and earlier I just wanted to go home and get into bed but I’m battling through it and sticking it out! I know this knotted tummy is my anxiety and yes it’s uncomfortable but it’s not dangerous!

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Exactly that Jonny! It’s not nice but not worth any other reaction from you. Well done!

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28-11-19, 12:33
Thank you! I’m at work and earlier I just wanted to go home and get into bed but I’m battling through it and sticking it out! I know this knotted tummy is my anxiety and yes it’s uncomfortable but it’s not dangerous!

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Big step bro.

Remind yourself every day that during recovery you will still feel like crap for months, but over time it will get better. This different language you're using is far more important than you realise.

29-11-19, 09:12
Felt amazing last night! But made the mistake of eating 14 coconut snow bites late last night and woke up with a belly ache :( plus it’s Black Friday where I work today so a little anxious about that

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29-11-19, 09:31
Are coconut snow bites large things or little weeny bite /one mouthful things ? LOL

You've got into this pretty standard anxiety pattern at the moment, some brilliant times, some not so great - an up and down affair that happens on the way forward out of the worst times. Also, can you see that its generally the morning where you don't feel so good ?

29-11-19, 09:40
Turn it into a game at work. Aren't you like 6'3" and covered in tattoos?

When you inevitably have a weapons grade fart, walk up to somebody in the store and claim it was them. Get out a pad and start writing them a ticket for it.

29-11-19, 10:02
They are a decent size to be fair, I felt honestly so good last night I thought I was getting there :( just so frustrating

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29-11-19, 10:07
They are a decent size to be fair, I felt honestly so good last night I thought I was getting there :( just so frustrating

You are getting there ffs :doh:

Recovery is not linear, and doesn't work like a switch. You need to consolidate the step forward you have taken, and just learn how to be HERE for now. Learn how to enjoy feeling good for a change, knowing that not only will you still feel bad again, but having taken a step forward you can get even better still.

This is gonna take months, stop being negative about it.

29-11-19, 10:35
Its what Joe said, infact guru Claire Weeks called the good state you had last night 'glimpsing'. You've listened to us before, and have made progress, now listen again and realise that this is indeed not linear and takes time. You've been like this for years with your HA and so its going to take consistent effort and a continuation of your new approach for a long time.

29-11-19, 11:21
Ok, thanks I felt incredible last night I was playing xbox and eating well laughing and joking and even this morning I felt good but now I feel so sick and my tummy is in pain and I’ve got such a busy day ahead of me :( do you think Black Friday is making it worse?

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29-11-19, 11:26
do you think Black Friday is making it worse?

1) No, you are.

2) It doesn't matter, it is what it is.

3) Remember last night? What a laugh!

29-11-19, 12:29
I am getting anxious about today as I need a good day money wise, I feel so crap

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29-11-19, 13:20
I don’t get how I can go from feeling amazing last night to like this today, I didn’t feel anxious or sick it’s just come on suddenly

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30-11-19, 08:48
So another morning and another anxiety filled morning! Again felt fine last night so I’m really trying to keep telling myself this is a pattern I’ve gotten myself into by feeling crap in the mornings, and it’s not just going to get better overnight...accept this is anxiety not dangerous not a serious disease and overtime I will have more good mornings than bad

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30-11-19, 08:59
You're doing brilliantly - well done!

30-11-19, 09:51
Yep, thats the spirit !

30-11-19, 12:52
So another morning and another anxiety filled morning! Again felt fine last night so I’m really trying to keep telling myself this is a pattern I’ve gotten myself into by feeling crap in the mornings, and it’s not just going to get better overnight...accept this is anxiety not dangerous not a serious disease and overtime I will have more good mornings than bad

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Today you get all the gold stars.

Just keep saying this for weeks and weeks.

Also remember you may well start to feel less anxious about the symptoms you're feeling before the symptoms go away. The goal here is to live WITH the symptoms and not try and avoid or 'fix' them. They will go away when they're ready to.

03-12-19, 11:45
Bad day today guys :( I’ve been good for 5 days but today I’ve got a sore belly upset tummy and nausea :(

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03-12-19, 11:46
Ack, that has to be uncomfortable, I'm sorry to hear it.

03-12-19, 13:45
Bad day today guys :( I’ve been good for 5 days but today I’ve got a sore belly upset tummy and nausea :(

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Roll with it. 5 good days in a row is unheard of for you for the most part, focus on that and wait out the arse disasters.

03-12-19, 16:17
I’m struggling big time today :( my belly is so sore just want to be bloody normal

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03-12-19, 16:29
Normality is an illusion.

What are you going to be watching on TV tonight?

03-12-19, 16:36
Football probably, I just don’t get how I can go from 5 good solid days to feeling this crap

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03-12-19, 16:39
Blips happen; it's a nuisance, but you'll get back on track soon enough.

03-12-19, 16:58
But this isn’t a anxiety blip I genuinely do have a stomach ache and feel like crap

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03-12-19, 17:13
Anxiety causes stomach disturbances, though.

03-12-19, 17:28
I know it’s just I don’t feel anxious at all I’m just anxious because of the symptoms

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03-12-19, 17:39
But this isn’t a anxiety blip I genuinely do have a stomach ache and feel like crap

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Maybe, maybe not. But do you think you are overreacting to it therefore making yourself feel worse? It may be genuine, and so will many other illnesses you have through the course of your lifetime, but don't most people suffer them and just get on with stuff? That's a goal for you.

So, with progress you change how much you react and these things bother you less.

03-12-19, 17:42
I know it’s just I don’t feel anxious at all I’m just anxious because of the symptoms

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Therefore your reaction is the issue. Why be on here if you didn't have anxiety about something? Once you get further in recovery you won't be because you will get better at handling it.

You might fall over and break a leg. It's unpleasant but it's something so many put up with a range of normal feelings about it.

Otherwise you would end up expecting never to get ill or have an accident to spare yourself the anxiety it will cause.

It doesn't have to be some nasty disease, just a bad day just as anyone can have.

03-12-19, 18:29
You were told this would happen.

Just get on with it and stop whining about it.

My 5 year old has a belly ache by the way, and he's laughing on the sofa.

03-12-19, 19:01
I guess so, I was doing so well and I’m trying to remain positive I really am! I’ve all the tests for crohns and it’s not that but my mind keeps doubting myself

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04-12-19, 08:43
So went to bed positive and woke up feeling good, but now I’m up and at work I feel nauseous, anxious and got a belly ache but really trying to remain positive and think of how good I felt last night and this morning and that this is 100% anxiety

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04-12-19, 08:46
So went to bed positive and woke up feeling good, but now I’m up and at work I feel nauseous, anxious and got a belly ache but really trying to remain positive and think of how good I felt last night and this morning and that this is 100% anxiety

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Keep it up Jonny! I know that the belly aches suck, I’ve been having them myself the past few days. You know that you can feel great, 5 whole days is am amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever had a whole day where it’s not creeped in at all in all the time I’ve been dealing with this, so you’re doing just fine!

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04-12-19, 09:42
So went to bed positive and woke up feeling good, but now I’m up and at work I feel nauseous, anxious and got a belly ache but really trying to remain positive and think of how good I felt last night and this morning and that this is 100% anxiety

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Awesome mental attitude dude. That's what will eventually fix you. :bighug1:

07-12-19, 11:35
So another 4 good days and today is awful so anxious nauseous and tight chest! I have a busy day at work today so I think that’s why my anxiety levels are high

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07-12-19, 11:36
So another 4 good days and today is awful so anxious nauseous and tight chest! I have a busy day at work today so I think that’s why my anxiety levels are high

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I would say so too Jonny, just take the day a minute at a time if you need too.

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07-12-19, 12:18
So another 4 good days and today is awful so anxious nauseous and tight chest! I have a busy day at work today so I think that’s why my anxiety levels are high

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Ok so stand back and look at this with a bit of perspective. Since a determined change of attitude you seem to be having more good days than bad, and are beginning to recognise that triggers sometimes have consequences.

I would imagine your historical fear of leg pain is a subconscious trigger for anxiety on a potentially busy day standing at work. A trigger and a response don't always have to sit right next to each other.

The language you're using to describe how you're feeling now is a significant step in the right direction, well done.

07-12-19, 12:42
I have a busy day at work today so I think that’s why my anxiety levels are high

I agree, the change in how you are describing your symptoms is really starting to show a lot of awareness. The pattern seems to be that a bad work day triggers things for you, or even the thought of a bad work day, as you said similar before Black Friday !

07-12-19, 15:07
Ok so stand back and look at this with a bit of perspective. Since a determined change of attitude you seem to be having more good days than bad, and are beginning to recognise that triggers sometimes have consequences.

I would imagine your historical fear of leg pain is a subconscious trigger for anxiety on a potentially busy day standing at work. A trigger and a response don't always have to sit right next to each other.

The language you're using to describe how you're feeling now is a significant step in the right direction, well done.

Exactly. Potentially a core belief that needs mothballing. Trigger>negative response>cycle reinforcement = core belief is valid. The more you are not reacting and getting on with things the more that subconscious is being starved of the expected feedback and the old core belief that this is scary and you can't cope becomes one where it's just xyz and nothing to be concerned about. Then the triggers likely go too.

09-12-19, 10:05
I feel awful today the worst I’ve felt in a long long time, I feel so sick and anxious I’m just so tired of it all I really can’t do this anymore

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09-12-19, 10:06
I feel awful today the worst I’ve felt in a long long time, I feel so sick and anxious I’m just so tired of it all I really can’t do this anymore

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You’ve been doing it though Jonny! Just like the other times this will pass.

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09-12-19, 10:30
You're doing great! This is just a blip, and it'll pass.

09-12-19, 10:32
I know that’s what I keep trying to tell myself, it’s just the nausea is so bad and I’m struggling to accept it’s an anxiety symptom

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09-12-19, 17:48
I really can’t do this anymore

Well, you ain't got a choice so you might as well roll with it.

10-12-19, 09:09
Spoke to doc yest who said it is anxiety 1000% he said I’ve had bloods and stool sample done which has come back normal so the nervous belly and nausea is just related to anxiety

I just need to believe it

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10-12-19, 10:14
Spoke to doc yest who said it is anxiety 1000% he said I’ve had bloods and stool sample done which has come back normal so the nervous belly and nausea is just related to anxiety

I just need to believe it

Yup, same answer you've been getting from doctors and us for many many weeks Jonny. Come on you've made good progress with 'believing it' work hard on it now, don't slip back.

10-12-19, 11:02
I know it’s just days when it’s particular bad it’s hard to just accept it’s anxiety and nothing more sinister,

Why can’t I be like most people and accept what the doc has told me

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10-12-19, 11:08
Because you have a condition that causes you to have faulty thinking patterns (also because nausea sucks)

10-12-19, 11:19
Will it take a while to fix itself?

Like I expected because my doc said it’s anxiety the nausea to instantly fade and get better :(

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10-12-19, 11:57
Will it take a while to fix itself?

Like I expected because my doc said it’s anxiety the nausea to instantly fade and get better :(

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Yes, it takes a lot of time and work to fix faulty thought patterns, and therefore the feelings and sensations we get along side it don’t just disappear.

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10-12-19, 11:59
When I’m home in the evening I feel good and relaxed it’s when I’m at work like now I feel anxious sick and my tummy hurts

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10-12-19, 12:01
When I’m home in the evening I feel good and relaxed it’s when I’m at work like now I feel anxious sick and my tummy hurts

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Yep, that’s because your more anxious at work clearly. I definitely get worse in certain situations, one of the reasons I haven’t held a normal job in years - don’t let it get as bad as I did.

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10-12-19, 12:33
It’s just awful, I’m trying to relax and get on with things at work but it’s almost impossible when I feel this sick and anxious

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10-12-19, 12:53
Maybe try faking feeling okay? It can be a really effective tactic.

10-12-19, 13:13
'Faking it till you make it' is sometimes the only way to get through it. Keep repeating to yourself that you will be OK and this will pass. Also that this is NOT anything other than IBS.

10-12-19, 13:18
"Faking it till you make it better" is the reason I generally cope better with my anxiety at work - I can't let it show, and the fact of behaving as though there's nothing wrong usually (not always; meltdowns happen occasionally) convinces me things are okay.

10-12-19, 14:02
Ok thank you I will try that, that’s the thing I just need to accept this is anxiety and ibs and my thoughts and actions are making things worse

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10-12-19, 15:02
Just went the to toilet and I’ve got an upset tummy :( is that expected with such high level of anxiety last few days?

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10-12-19, 15:06
I think you know it is. Seeking reassurance like this isn't healthy.

10-12-19, 15:13
I just wanted to make sure because I’ve felt so rubbish today with the nausea and the runs have come out of nowhere like I do think it’s because of my anxiety but that niggling doubt is trying to tell me otherwise

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10-12-19, 16:13
You have to learn to tell the doubts they're wrong.

10-12-19, 17:06
Will it take a while to fix itself?

Like I expected because my doc said it’s anxiety the nausea to instantly fade and get better :(

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You've had this conversation here too. It will takes months to fix, but it never fixes itself. That is a significant word.

You are the only one that can fix it by NOT saying phrases like 'I can't take this any more' and 'I can't accept this is just anxiety'. What you are doing there is reminding your subconscious (the part of the brain that dishes out the panic) that there is really something worse going on.

In essence, it's your own fault you are suffering, but you're in good company because we've all been there.

And to confirm....this will not fix itself, it's on you.

10-12-19, 17:32
Ok thank you joe,

I am having some good days so I like to think I’m getting there!

I know I need to believe my doctor, he cannot lie to me and I have been to him so many times about it and he keeps saying it’s 10000% anxiety

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11-12-19, 08:30
I feel like I’m constantly tensing my stomach without realising I’m doing it :(

Could this be making me feel sick?

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11-12-19, 09:19
I feel like I’m constantly tensing my stomach without realising I’m doing it :(

Could this be making me feel sick?

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Think about it more holistically. If you're tensing you're stomach all the time, why are you doing it? The fact that you can observe it now is a good sign, but ultimately yes this could directly or indirectly cause nausea. As we've mentioned before, your mind and digestion are completely linked.

If you are stressed or anxious, your digestion will be affected. Pain, bloating, nausea.....whatever.

Calm your mind and you'll calm everything else.

11-12-19, 09:57
Ok it’s just so bad today and I have such a busy two days at work as putting the sale on it’s really stressing me out

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11-12-19, 12:42
Ok it’s just so bad today and I have such a busy two days at work as putting the sale on it’s really stressing me out

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And once again there's your direct causal evidence.

Look at what you keep saying over and over again -

"I'm stressed because I know it'll be busy".

Your mind is providing you with a problem, you are becoming stressed about the problem, your central nervous system is going into overdrive, you experience symptoms. It's the same pattern every time.

Stand back again, observe the pattern, rationalise your repeated experience, remind yourself of the overwhelming evidence it's just anxiety and focus on the good days.

That is all you can do, repeatedly, for months. It's already getting better, so keep doing what you're doing.

13-12-19, 18:33
Had a couple of ok days, the anxiety in my chest and stomach have still been there but I’ve managed to power through it

I managed to put the sale on in my store and stayed till midnight doing it, then worked the next day 9-7

I’m so tired now and keep getting waves of nausea and burning feeling in my belly but I really am just focusing on the positives

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13-12-19, 19:25
Well done matey.

One subtle but important thing to note here, you're keeping all this in one thread. It means your mind is focussed on recovery instead of reassurance.

15-12-19, 14:19
Feel awful today, I have my works Xmas meal and night out tonight and I feel so sick and I’m sweating loads :( I’m so anxious

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16-12-19, 16:49
So I’ve felt very rough today, very nauseated it’s annoying as in bed last night I felt so normal and relaxed, I went sick from work today and I feel so guilty.

I’m accepting it’s not crohns now as my bowel movements are pretty normal it’s just the nausea that’s getting to me now

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17-12-19, 12:00
Bookmark this page and read it when you get worried about nausea.

Don't delve deeper, don't google any more. Just bookmark and read this page.

It's common.


21-12-19, 11:04
Really struggling today it’s the last Saturday before Xmas and I know work is going to be manic, I hardly slept and I’ve woke up feeling so sick and exhausted is this 100% anxiety?

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21-12-19, 12:33
Really struggling today it’s the last Saturday before Xmas and I know work is going to be manic, I hardly slept and I’ve woke up feeling so sick and exhausted is this 100% anxiety?

Based on your post history, pages of replies from others, scientific medical proof etc., what is the answer to your question?

Positive thoughts

21-12-19, 12:50
It should be clear as day to you now that it is.....also are you sure your job suits you? If you look back you will see your bad days always tie in with work fears.

27-12-19, 10:16
im so scared of my burning tummy

27-12-19, 17:32
Please dont worry I always find if I have had a few stressful days or my anxiety is poking around the mornings are usually worse and can improve as the day goes on, feeling the symptoms is different for all of us but chest and stomach are scary ones too, I always try and think well I have had these symptoms for a few days and I tell myself I would not have been stressing if I did'nt have health anxiety..I try and tell myself I do not have a physical illness.. I have anxiety that causes me to focus on my health maybe a little too much..but this is easier said than done, sometimes we just have to let it pass not buy into it..there are some good books on health anxiety definitely worth a read..:read:

27-12-19, 18:53
Jonny, just so you know the stress of Christmas put me on my ass on Boxing day. I always do the cooking and we had 8 over on Christmas day and by the evening I felt absolutely exhausted. I crashed about 9pm and didn't really get up until 4pm the next day, with a massive migraine. I stayed up for about an hour and went back to bed again for another 3-4 hours. Got up later on, watched some WSM and went back to bed again about 11pm still with a migraine and physically exhausted. I also had nausea and bloating the whole time.

So even me, the forum's a55hole know it all (:whistles:) can be hit by stress.

Just roll with it bruh.

31-12-19, 09:37
I’ve tried to be positive last few days hence the inactivity on here and some days have been some days have been hell! But I am really struggling today, I had lots of chocolate before bed last night woke up today and my belly is so sore and I felt so sick when I woke up, I’m just so tired of it all

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Gary A
31-12-19, 09:48
I’ve tried to be positive last few days hence the inactivity on here and some days have been some days have been hell! But I am really struggling today, I had lots of chocolate before bed last night woke up today and my belly is so sore and I felt so sick when I woke up, I’m just so tired of it all

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Tired of what? Having an upset stomach after gorging yourself on chocolate before you went to bed? Seriously?

31-12-19, 13:30
There is a repeated pattern here of you eating crap food late at night and then moaning about having stomach pain or nausea the next day.

Maybe take control of your eating habits, the ones directly responsible for the thing you claim you are tired of experiencing? You're not 12.

31-12-19, 18:02
Yup, thats the pattern I am seeing too - eating lots of sugary food late at night, on an laready anxious stomach, and then expecting that it won't affect you !?

14-01-20, 01:59
Trust me if you had crohns youd know I have crohns disease and IBS , muscle spasm multiple toilet trips constant pain fatigue sleep problems joint pain the lost goes on, if you had crohns youd know and from the tests youve had something would have shown up either in stool test ie calprotecting blood tests to show inflammation etc etc, but like you I also suffer anxiety and know fair well just how this effects you, if this was crohns it dient fet better by itself at night crohns is a 24/7 illness with no cure, at the minute I'm in remission due to meds but I still get pain I still get cramps I still get diaharrea depending on what i eat ,

Alot of foods I used to eat i can't now because it effects the crohns, and trust me if you had it you would know about it as all people with crohns have foods that severely effect the disease to the extent of severe chronic pain vomiting bloating constipation, yes you cam be constipated aswell with crohns to the extent sine people can be hospitalised by it..

Your suffering from anxious stomach how do I know that becaue for the last 3 months I've had the same thing in wake up stomach is horrible then last thing st night it settles down, only with me avin crohns it effects me even more, I know what it is but then anxious side of me keeps going, I know it's hard to get it into your head thays this is all it is trust me I know from previous spells just like you been there got the t shirt, I've lost 2 stone because of it even though I know why I'm still struggling because of it as its something I cant do as it's out my hands...

For me the worse part us weight loss as with crohns for some people find it really hard to gain weight like me but I loose weight very easily and my biggest things that effects me is weight loss which in turn feeds the anxiety, the more I loose the more u get anxious the more it effect my appetite to the extent I don't even feel hunger now so I eat what I can ...