View Full Version : Please Give Me Hope...

22-11-19, 16:11
All, I really need some encouragement... even some success stories relating to the below

I’m a 25 year old male from leicester, symptomatic for around 5/6 years now... What started as just head pressure and Derealization in 2013/2014 (which has never left) is now:

Head pressure
Jaw and sinus pressure
Major headaches during sex (blood flow issue?)
Visual difficulties
Dizziness and off balance as a result
Derealization - feeling disconnected
Tinnitus, ringing in head
Some tremors
Some neck ache
Burning feet sensation
Aching legs sensation
Vivid, intense dreams causing anxiety
Autistic like traits lack of eye contact
body overheating at night, sweats

The worst symptoms are the head pressure , the off balance and dizzy feelings, disconnected feeling and anxiety. I could handle the rest but these are the ones ruining my life.

All blood tests, CT’s, MRI’s CLEAR over a number of years. Doctors at a loss as am I. They say there is nothing wrong with me and clearly believe this to be Anxiety. It seems despite everything Anxiety CAN cause all of the above.

I just don't know how I can forget about it or accept it when the symptoms are so physical like head pressure that makes you off balance...

Please help me x