View Full Version : Lung cancer at 19? Debilitatingly anxious. Please help me.

23-11-19, 01:37
I have made a previous thread but things have escalated since, and i really need any advice or assurance, please. its gotten to the point i havent slept in 3 days, and i want to cry. I previously have been coughing up dark grey particulate/resin which looks like it's from the remnants of smoking, pictures in my post history. im constantly coughing into a napkin to chekc for blood and now there are spots of blood which stain the tissue when i cough. i went to a gp and they said it was a chest infection, but now that im coughing up occasional tiny dots blood im not so sure. i smoked but only cannabis, and only for two years or so before stopping earlier this week. Im so scared im dying of lung cancer. Please, please help me. I have been to my therapist and he said to go to the gp, but the gp has not helped the anxiety as much as i hoped.

23-11-19, 02:42
Hi Joan,if you are that concerned maybe arrange for a referral to see a Pulmonologist
You must have smoked a lot of weed in that period of time.x

23-11-19, 02:49
That is definitely on my priority list. I just need any opinions or assurance in the meantime, i'm totally debilitated. life is a living hell for me right now.

23-11-19, 20:58
Im really trying.. I just can't shake my fear :( I'm sorry

23-11-19, 22:16
Lung cancer at 19?

With 2% occurring under age 45 and posting this on an anxiety forum, absolutely NOT!

Positive thoughts

24-11-19, 04:22
I don’t know if this will help you but I have had a little blood in my phlegm before while dealing with chest infection. The dr told me the blood likely came from my throat. He said all the coughing probably aggravated it.
A friend of mine passed away from small cell lung cancer earlier this year. Coughing up blood was what sent her to the hospital and I can tell you it wasn’t tiny specs of blood.

24-11-19, 20:21
Thank you Careful1 and Fishmanpa. I'm going to be going to a GP tomorrow for a second opinion just to make sure its nothing sinister. Im trying really hard to stay positive, and those posts helped a lot. Im sorry to hear of your loss, Careful1. Now I just need to try and not panic until then.

24-11-19, 21:03
You really have nothing to worry about, at 19 years old it’s seriously almost certain that you do not have lung cancer but I understand that anxiety can be all consuming. When your second opinion doctor tells you that you are okay and trust me he/she, try you very best to accept it and move on. Don’t waste time from your life worrying over an illness you don’t have cause you can never get that time back.

25-11-19, 15:46
I've been to a GP and gotten a second opinion this morning. The Dr. was very supportive and put my mind at ease. Now im home, im just waiting for my symptoms to ease off. Is it possible with all this forcing myself to cough that ive inflamed my airways? As i still feel a bit stuffy despite not coughing up much of anything. Hopefully I can put this whole fear to rest. I dont want to jinx myself, but thank you again to all the posters here who helped put my mind at ease while i was getting a second opinion

25-11-19, 19:05
Yes it is possible. My house is just getting over a terrible virus and I was so congested I was literally choking trying to cough all the stuff up and now at night I have a dry cough for the most part which is absolutely annoying because it keeps me up all night.

I’m sure you will start feeling better soon.