View Full Version : Neuropathy.....again

24-11-19, 09:04
I’m sorry I’m back again asking the same questions.

Has anyone has neuropathy type symptoms that turned out to be anxiety?

A couple of weeks ago I hurt my foot, jumped to conclusions and diagnosed myself with diabetic neuropathy. Thankfully that pain has passed but another issue has cropped up.

I’m now feeling a stretching/ burning pain in the top of both feet (yes I’ve read neuropathy usually occurs in both feet - before I noticed this) sometimes it feels like it’s in my lower legs too. My anxiety has been high lately I’ve been having ectopic beats also. The pain comes and goes which I thought was in my favour but I read that is a symptom. I notice it more in the evening when I’m trying to relax but it’s starting to be on my mind during the day and I need to nip this is the bud, if it is anxiety, before it gets any worse.
Im speaking to my dr about it tomorrow

24-11-19, 13:12
You had this before and it wasn't Neuropathy. I told you I have it from chemo treatment and what you describe is far from it. Besides, Neuropathy is a permanent nerve issue that doesn't come and go so :lac:.

Positive thoughts

24-11-19, 15:26
Thank you for replying. I’m sorry you suffer with neuropathy. It worries me that the nhs website says it may come and go do you think it’s possible for anxiety to mimic this?
I’m feeling very low about it today and trying to put on a brave face but I can feel it starting to slip

25-11-19, 00:17
We are not Docs,Anxiety as you know mimics it’s ugly head into tricking you.
Stop googling symptoms.x