View Full Version : Fears about dog scratches

24-11-19, 14:44
I was out walking with a family member in the woods earlier and some dogs came up to us. The small one was scrabbling at our legs to say hello and I am worried it has put a scratch on my leg through my leggings which I can’t see. Now I’m worrying that I will get some sort of infection and die.
There’s been a story in the British papers about a man whose dog licked him and he died of a horrible infection so I think that has been in my head but this today has triggered me right off.
I have had a shower, checked for a wounds, slathered my legs in antiseptic cream and also spotted on some antibiotic cream I have here on any marks. I many be being ott but I’m really fretting about this.

24-11-19, 14:48
Yes, you're being completely OTT. Don't give it another thought.

24-11-19, 14:51
Yes, you're being completely OTT. Don't give it another thought.

Lol this made me smile! I am being a bit daft I think- going to put it down to a raging case of PMT which always makes me panic and prone to spikes of anxiety and worry.

24-11-19, 14:58
Don't worry, happens to me too.

I've been bitten and scratched by everything from dogs and cats to squirrels and a barn owl, but I've never had any trouble.

24-11-19, 15:32
I’ve been a glorified scratching post and chew toy for all of my animals over the years. I wouldn’t of even washed for anything that doesn’t obviously break the skin, even then I’m really lax with it.

Positive vibes,


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25-11-19, 00:24
Same with me mouse:)I used to look after injured wildlife,and had been scratched a lot never bothered me.

25-11-19, 02:16
I go through this all the time, and right now actually, with my cat. She always scratches me on the breast/chest area, and then when I see the reddened area I immediately start thinking breast cancer, even though I'm 95% sure it was the cat. FYI I've had cat scratches that have been visible 6-8 weeks before they finally go away, especially on parts of the body that have thinner or more delicate skin. So if there is a visible mark, it may be there a while.

25-11-19, 02:36
My dog licks me all the time. I'm always happy with a sloppy kiss off him :yesyes:

Think of it this way, you've heard of one recent case of a man dying. Now how many people get licked by dogs every day?

Would you worry about a car crashing through your front room (I know some of us on here would)? What are the odds? But it can't be ruled out and it does very occasionally happen and makes the news. That's the reason it makes the news.

Sadly, some people get dealyt a bad hand that no one could have prevented. Sometimes people just die. But they are the unusual cases.