View Full Version : Fluoxetine and spotting

25-11-19, 07:19
Hi all, I am in to week four of taking fluoxetine and my question is does it effect menstrual cycle, on my cycle day 22 I started to have some spotting I just thought my period came early but after a couple of hours it stopped and I have not bled since,this is very unlike me so I thought can the tablets cause this? Trying not to panic as half of the reason I’m ok these tablets is because of health anxiety.

25-11-19, 11:58
Hi all, I am in to week four of taking fluoxetine and my question is does it effect menstrual cycle, on my cycle day 22 I started to have some spotting I just thought my period came early but after a couple of hours it stopped and I have not bled since,this is very unlike me so I thought can the tablets cause this?

All the SSRIs may either lengthen, or shorten the cycle by several days, especially initially.

25-11-19, 13:36
Thank you, I just wondered as I’ve never has spotting like this before where it just stopped randomly and the only thing different I did this month was this medication

12-03-20, 17:30
Did you ever find out if the fluoxetine caused this? I’m having the same issue!

12-03-20, 22:04
Thank you, I just wondered as I’ve never has spotting like this before where it just stopped randomly and the only thing different I did this month was this medication

It is most probably the AD, but mention it to your GP at the next visit. They may also trigger heavier periods, too, as the serotonergic AD are mild anticoagulants.

13-03-20, 04:41
Ian, that's actually really set my mind at ease. My cycles have been bizarre since starting citalopram (my GP isn't worried about it so I'm trying not to be).

13-03-20, 22:24
Ian, that's actually really set my mind at ease. My cycles have been bizarre since starting citalopram (my GP isn't worried about it so I'm trying not to be).

I wouldn't read too much into this. Cycles usually settle down after a while. All part of the rich tapestry of life on ADs :wacko:

But if it doesn't then maybe consider switching to escitalopram (Lexapro). While they share the same active drug, escitalopram lacks the mainly inactive form of it also in citalopram and that difference can produce differences in the side-effects each produces.

20-05-20, 20:41
Hi sorry only just read your message, My GP said yes it’s possible it’s one of the rare side effects but I only had it that one time since then I’ve been fine x