View Full Version : Feeling out of breath/shortness of breath, but no hyperventilation?

25-11-19, 16:43
Hey everyone.

Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced symptoms of feeling out of breath with anxiety? I don't mean gasping for breath or hyperventilation that you see with a panic attack (I've had that before), but I mean just a general feeling of being mildly out of breath and noticing slower or more labored breathing. I have been getting it sometimes when walking around or going up stairs etc and I've become very conscious of my breaths, like I'm always asking myself "did I breath enough here?" "Am I out of breath?" "My breathing feels slower and shallower...am I not getting enough oxygen?"

I know breathing issues are common with anxiety, but usually you read about hyperventilation. My issue seems to be that I'm not breathing enough or something.

Is this common? I'm anxious about this now, to the point where I'm worried to even do normal things like walk around etc.

25-11-19, 17:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


25-11-19, 17:09
Have you read the symptoms website page on here:


26-11-19, 11:49
Hi this is me right now!!! Just feeling like I've not got enough air or that I need to make more of an effort. I'm not breathing faster. It seems to come and go but has caused me to panic in the last few weeks. Interestingly when I was working with a therapist last week I managed to begin to induce the feeling just by trying to get myself to panic at 10%. Hope it goes soon
