View Full Version : Advice please..no gallbladder, stomach noises and yellow stools

26-11-19, 12:48
Can anyone give me some advice or if they have ever had this please. 15 years ago i was diagnosed with h.pylori which was treated but left me with gastritis and ibs. A month ago i had a takeaway pizza with jalalenos and and the next day had a chinese takeaway. The night of the chinese take away in the middle of the night i had what was a tummy flip and ever since then ive had really loud stomach noises and constant gas. Nothing jve rried has given much relief and the past 3 days i have had yellow stools which is worrying me. I had my gallbladder taken out 9 years ago and ever since then ive had bile salt diarrhea at times. But i have also had undigested food in stools too for a few days. My diet lately has been just porridge with oat milk and plain chicken with potatoes and yesterday added carrots which really didnt digest at all looking at this mornings BM. Im really worried something is wrong. Im too afraid to go to the dr incase they tell me its serious and that im dying od some incureable disease. My stress and anxiety has been insane the past few months so im wondering if that would cause it too? I had 2 rice cakes with a banana this morning and more stomach noises again. Im at a loss on what to do :(