View Full Version : Impending Heart Attack?? Need to talk

26-11-19, 19:29
I really need someone to talk me off a ledge... just started getting extreme sharp pains from my left shoulder blade down the back of my left arm. I am terrified of an impending heart attack. I suffer with fast heart rate and high bp at times (under doctor's care for this). Have tried stretching it out and taking some pain relievers (and an anxiety pill), but nothing is helping. It very much came out of no where and not sure why. Have also been extremely fatigued the past week. Doesn't feel muscular at all... :weep:

bin tenn
26-11-19, 23:38
Could be muscular, could be related to nerves. Pain relievers don't always work, but since it didn't I guess that makes a nerve issue more likely than muscular? Not sure, but this happens to me sometimes as well. If you have more symptoms or it persists/get worse ask your doc. But it sounds much like what I get.