View Full Version : Really bloated and scared

27-11-19, 09:21
Another symptom and more panic and worry...for the last few days I've felt very very bloated like I am full of wind. My stomach feels full and uncomfortable. I've been going to the toilet normally and apart from things being a bit looser than normal, all has been okay. It's just these funny mild tummy cramps and the bloating.

I was woken up at 3am by my baby and when I got back into bed I started getting a sharp crampy/stabby pain in my left side near to where my overy is. I'm obviously freaking out about this coinciding with the bloating. I'm on day 14 of my cycle so I know ovulation is around this time and don't know if it's linked but I don't recall having had anything like this in previous months.

I'm obviously scared that something serious is going on. I just feel so bloated and uncomfortable. Every time I get something I think I'm going to end up in hospital and the thought terrified me. I'm having EMDR at the moment because of my anxiety involving hospitals and treatment.

I really want to see my dr but I'm scared because I was only there last week thinking the leg pain I was having was a DVT.

Any advice would be great as I'm at work and in a bit of state and panicking.

02-12-19, 20:41
I'm a male so I cannot speak about anything female related causing issues, but I have dealt with gas and bloating from anxiety. During a really stressful time several years ago I started getting really bad cramps kind of in the middle of my abdomen. Lots of gas and belching. Certain foods made it worse. Went on for several months then my doctor finally sent for a gallbladder US and barium swallow test. Only thing that showed up was a little reflux. Nothing really to explain the issue. Once I knew they didn't find anything, everything cleared up.

I've also dealt with things coming out a bit off-colored at times, or oily, etc. Recently I had a sharp pain right up under my left rib. It's mainly cleared up, but still a bit sore when laying down on my side.

Without a doubt, anxiety tears apart your digestive system.

On the female end, I can say my wife had changes after having a kid. Around ovulation she can sometimes have digestive issues which never occurred until after a child.