View Full Version : Sepsis??????

27-11-19, 14:10
Hi, my parents were over a few days and they had the flu, but not much fever. Yesterday i felt fine but today i have the flu and fever..

I have 102.2F fever (39C) now. Also feel cold and weak. I'm so worried it might be sepsis or something?

27-11-19, 14:40
my parents were over a few days and they had the flu

So there was the possibility that you caught their flu ?

today i have the flu and fever.

Ah, so you did catch it, oh dear....some people get a fever thats bad, some mild, some don't get much fever.

Also feel cold and weak

Yep, standard flu symptoms with a fever. Not nice at all.

worried it might be sepsis or something?

Why ? You have flu ? Take paracetamol, rest, have fluids and hope you feel better soon.

27-11-19, 16:12
Just because they didn't have a fever doesn't mean you would share in their symptoms and not have one. Viruses can affect people differently.
Seeing how you were sharing space with your parents and they had the flu, it would make sense that you are also now unwell from the flu and not sepsis. Your symptoms also line with the flu over sepsis.

Follow the advice above and take a fever reducer and get plenty of rest. Treat your symptoms as they come. Hope you are feeling better soon.

27-11-19, 16:19
Oh gosh, I almost never get a fever when I have the flu, and I've tested positive for it, and for pneumonia, without fever. A fever isn't necessary. Just rest and relax today! Fluids and acetaminophen. You got this :)

27-11-19, 19:31
I’ve had sepsis - you would feel utterly awful! Like unable to do a thing!

27-11-19, 19:40
I think you have a cold.

Flu is something entirely different.

27-11-19, 20:54
39 is quite a high temp, so you could have the flu. Keep your fluids up, get lots of rest and take paracetamol as directed on the packet. Get well soon

28-11-19, 00:12
Thanks for the replies and putting my mind at rest...

Going to try and sleep it off and take some paracetamol as suggested. I had 38.4C at midday but now 39C at night again.

Just get health anxiety from it so i did call the GP who said up to 40C is totally fine. hopefully tomorrow lil better..

@Gee i'm sorry you had sepsis but im glad you're okay now!

28-11-19, 09:40
My late wife had sepsis; it's what killed her. Her body temperature hit 44 degrees, even under a water-cooled blanket before her organs failed.

You don't have sepsis.